Part 32 (The End)

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"Hi sayang can you come to my house by 8.45pm?"
"Okay. Will come to you tonight."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Orked menekan loceng rumah Joshua tepat 8.45 malam. Joshua membuka pintu dan menarik tangan Orked. Mata Orked membulat melihat rumah Joshua yang gelap dan hanya diterangi berpuluh cahaya lilin.

"What is it?" soal Orked. Joshua tidak menjawap. Dia menarik Orked mengikutinya sehingga kedalam bilik. Orked hanya menurut.

"Come. Remember this?" Joshua menunjukkan note yang dilekat di dinding biliknya.

'Makan ubat selepas makan sandwich. Jangan risau, sandwich I tak sedap tapi tak beracun. Get well soon - Orked'

Orked ketawa. "You still keep this?" Joshua mengangguk. Joshua menarik laci dan mengeluarkan satu botol pil. Dia menggoncang botol itu. Orked mengangkat kening.
"I never take it again after I meet you." terang Joshua.
"Good boy." Orked menggosok kepala Joshua. Joshua menarik tangan Orked perlahan keluar dari bilik dan menuju ke dapur.

"This one is your burn cookies, Raffael bring and this one Alice bring to me. Why you never give to me your cookies?" soal Joshua.
Orked mencapai balang berisi cookiesnya yang hanya ada tiga keping tu. Dia pernah nampak beberapa kali tetapi tidak mahu bertanya, juga di instagram Joshua. Orked memegang kedua belah pipi Joshua.

"Sebab I tak nak you tahu I tak pandai bake cookies. I practise tau sebab ada satu hari tu I tengok rancangan kat tv Melissa baked cookies." jawapan Orked membuatkan Joshua ketawa kuat.

"I didn't know that."
"I sakit hati tau setiap kali ternampak cookies tak jadi ni. But you keep it macam ejek I tau. " muncung Orked.
Joshua ketawa lagi.
"I save everything come from you." Joshua mencuit hidung Orked.

"Come." Joshua menarik Orked keruang tamu. Mereka duduk. Joshua  menekan remote control tv dan mencari sesuatu. Running Man episod 175.

"What is it?" soal Orked lagi.
"Ingat tak masa I wake up from my sleep after my anxiety. I bangun sebab terdengar you ketawa. I never told you this, tapi masa tu macam something awake me. I see you watching this and laughing brightly. I wonder what you watch sampai you ketawa happy sangat. And I found out this episod. I tengok setiap kali I tak happy. " jawap Joshua perlahan. Dia kemudian menarik laci meja sofa.

"There's you fav macadamia. I eat it whenever I miss you tapi masa tu you're not mine." Joshua mengelus tangan Orked. Orked tiada kata. Matanya berkaca kaca memandang wajah Joshua.

"Is it just me love you that much Ked? I'm still afraid you'll leave me someday." Joshua menunduk.

Orked membawa jemari Joshua kepipinya.
"Josh, you ingat tak masa first I ajak you main osom then I ask for piggyback as a punishment?" soal Orked. Joshua mengangguk.
"I feel so sad at that time. I need a hug actually. I see your back then I come out with an idea. I dont know, it's feel so warm and I cried at your back. Then I feel okay." Orked mengucup jemari Joshua kemudian menyambung. ".. and then we become close. I starting to lost myself. I dont know when and why, I just slowly fall in love with you. So please, don't doubt me. Hmm? "

Joshua senyum." I have one more thing. " Joshua menarik Orked kearah balkoni. Orked menurut.

Mereka melihat kearah langit. Bulan hari ini begitu terang. Joshua memeluk bahu Orked rapat kedadanya.

"Do you, really love me?"
"Of course I do."

Joshua mengeluarkan sesuatu dipoket seluarnya.

"So.. Will you marry me?" kotak cincin dibuka. Mata Orked bersinar. Senyumnya melebar. Tiada kata dari Orked. Orked memeluk Joshua.

"Sayang, answer me."
"Of course I will!"

Joshua senyum. Dia membalas pelukan. Kemas.

Joshua menjarakkan badannya. Dia mengesat air mata Orked.
"I feel so happy. I feel so happy everytime I see you." Orked membalas.

Joshua merapatkan bibirnya ke bibir Orked. Bibir mereka menyatu. Beberapa ketika ciuman berbalas hangat.

"Marry me, stay with me, let's warm each other, let's heal each other." bisik Joshua.

"I love you."
"I love you more."

Terima kasih semua yang membaca kisah ini sehingga tamat. I really, really appreciate every nice comments from all of you. Buat I rasa nak tulis lagi dan lagi. You guys really encourage me. Maaf sebarang kekurangan dari penulisan ini. I akan cuba improve lagi dilain penulisan. Thank you very much everyone. 😘😘

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2020 ⏰

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