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Ok im just gonna say one thing... Idfk what au this is or if it's angst or something ... It's not fluff or smut, it's not rly uh... Happy...? Idk whatever :p
Btw this is like... The worst one I've written so far, so... You have been warned.

Tord's pov

I kept my fingers pressed over my mouth as he looked at me, waiting for me to retort. His smug face turned to one of confusion as I slowly backed away. I felt a wall meet my back, my mouth opening slightly at the touch. The black liquid dripped down my lower lip, my other hand wiping it away as quickly as I could.

"Tord? Is everything ok?"

Edd joined Tom's side, both of them creeping closer to me. I backed away quickly, my eyes widened with fear. My breathing quickened, forcing me to open my mouth to get more air in. As soon as I did that, the liquid poured out of my mouth again, and I turned away from my friends, running into my room and locking the door once I closed it.

Edd and Tom were quick to follow me, their loud knocks filling my room as I moved my dresser in front of the door. I was panting now, the ink-like substance falling onto my carpet.

I coughed violently, more and more of the black splotches making puddles on the floor. I placed my hand over my mouth, some sticking to my skin as I pulled it away.

I turned to the mirror, hardly recognizing the person in the reflection. My skin was pale, pitch black ink running down my chin and hand. My hair was completely out of place due to me running so quickly.

The knocking on the door stopped, and I heard footsteps leading away from my room. I let out a small sigh of relief, more liquid leaving my lips. I quickly closed my mouth again, my eyes watering from the fear of not knowing what was going on. I was scared.

I didn't even know how it even started. I looked in the mirror again, noticing faint black dots grouping up in my eyes. I blinked, sending the black liquid running out of my eyes and down my face.

Tearing my gaze away from my reflection, I fell onto my bed, laying down while hugging my knees close to my chest. I just wanted whatever was going on to stop. My eyes felt heavy, the ink starting to make them stick together.

***time skip***

I woke up next to a puddle of black ink. My mouth must've been open all night. It was difficult to open my eyes. The substance probably made my eyelids stick together. When I did get them open, I looked around my room.

My carpet hardly had a spot that wasn't covered in ink. I made my way to my closet, stepping on the now hardened liquid. It broke under the weight of my body, pieces of it turning to powder.I grabbed new clothing from my closet, as well as a cloth to wipe my face with.

Once I got changed and cleaned my face, I turned to the mirror again. I hadn't opened my mouth at all that morning. So I tried it. Maybe it was gone.

Nope. More ink poured out of my mouth before being wiped away by the cloth. I turned back to my closet and got out a bandana. I wrapped it around my mouth, covering the bottom half of my face.

I pushed the dresser out of the way of my door before walking out, my hands stuffed into my hoodie pockets. I found my roommates in the kitchen, eating breakfast. Their heads turned in my direction, their eyes widening at the sight of me.

"Tord!? What happened? Are you ok?"

Edd came rushing up to me, but I kept my mouth shut for obvious reasons. I didn't say a word to him as I pushed past, grabbing my plate from the table before turning to leave again. Though someone stood in the way of the exit. I looked up, my glazed over eyes meeting two pitch black ones.

Tomtord oneshot thingies i guessWhere stories live. Discover now