Miss u

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'hey Tordy! just woke up ;>' - 9:12am

'thinking about u uwu' - 9:12am

'ik u'll be busy today, but i just wanted to say hey' - 9:14am

'so uh.. text me when u can!
luv u babe!' - 9:15am

A sigh, followed by a grumble. Tom checked his messages, seeing as they'd all gone through on Tord's phone. Pouting a bit, the boy in blue decided to let his boyfriend see the messages on his own time. He'll see them eventually.

Pulling himself out of bed, Tom went to the bathroom, freshening himself up and washing his face. He didn't really have anything planned all day. Tord was mainly the one to go to work and make money for the two of them to live off of. Tom sold a few songs he produced, though it wasn't really a set job. More like a hobby he made money with.

Brushing his teeth and getting dressed into some comfy house clothes, Tom came out of the bathroom and sat on the couch, going back to his phone. He scrolled onto Tord's contact, wanting to see if he'd written back yet.

Sometimes his phone doesn't notify him. Faulty technology, maybe Tord had already written a reply.

Tom was let down when he saw his messages were still unread. Maybe Tord wasn't notified that his boyfriend had texted him.

'oh uh.. r we still on for tonight? u told me u were gonna be busy in the afternoon, but u didnt rly say until when, soooooooo..' -9:45am

Delivered, yet still unread.

'i could make us something nice for tonight..' - 9:46am

'maybe rent a movie and watch it in our boxers after or smth' - 9:46am

Tom always loved doing that with his boyfriend. He'd usually lay on top of his bare chest, hearing his heartbeat over the screams from the cheesy horror movies they'd watch together.

'but.. yeah idk when ull be home so idk when to make smth' - 9:47am

'when u come back, plz let me know <3' - 9:48am

Eventually putting his phone down, Tom let out another light breath. If it was delivered, that meant that Tord would be able to see them at some point. Even if it took a while.

The day had just started, yet Tom wanted it to be over already. He was bored, waiting for his lover to text him back, no plans for how to spend his seemingly endless amount of time.

He got off of the couch, fixing himself a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast, before coming back to the furniture with it and a glass of milk. Placing the two items down, he went back on his phone, checking to see if he got any new messages.

He was in the kitchen for a bit. Maybe Tord had texted him while he was gone.

But, no. Still unseen, nothing written back.

"Maybe he's really busy right now. Maybe he doesn't even have his phone on. Maybe the battery's dead. Maybe he's in a meeting.."

Speaking out loud to himself, Tom tried answering his unspoken questions, filling the quiet space around him with some kind of noise. To pass the time, Tom settled on watching a movie he'd been meaning to see.

Movies take a long time to watch. Enough time for Tord to get done with whatever he was busy with.

As the film played and Tom watched it, the boy couldn't help but check his phone every so often for a new message. His heart almost skipped a beat when he saw a new notification, though it sunk again once he realized it was from an annoying group chat.

An hour passed, time barely crawling forward, the movie coming to a finish with no answer from Tom's lover.

'ive been meaning to ask, wut r we gonna do for our dating anniversary?' - 11:23am

'ik its still a bit away but i was thinking we could go eat somewhere nice' - 11:23am

'or do u wanna keep it simple? stay in and eat pizza or smth? im down for whatever' - 11:23am

Tom's heart feeling beaten when he realized his messages weren't being delivered to Tord anymore.

"Must've gone somewhere without a signal..."

'yeah actually.. we should prolly talk about this some other time' - 11:24am

Throwing his phone softly onto the couch, the Brit decided to work a bit on a song he'd been writing for a while. He brought his bass to the living room, fiddling with the strings and playing a few notes. Music usually kept his entertained for a bit, proven by the full two minutes that Tom had spent playing Susan before he thought about Tord again.

A bit of time had passed. Maybe Tord just so happened to text Tom back when he was busy. Tom's messages not yet delivered, a frustrated sigh leaving the boy's lips.

He went back to playing his song, working on the tune a little more and simply fucking around with his bass for a while.

It got boring pretty quickly, though.

A nagging thought crept into the back of his mind. One that he tried to push aside, but kept coming back.

'What if he's hurt? What if something happened? Maybe that's why he isn't texting you back.'

Eyes leading to the phone, fingers scrolling through to Tord's profile again. Tom's messages had been delivered around ten minutes ago, yet nothing had been seen by the man himself.

'hey babe, everything ok?' - 12: 02pm

'ud usually text me back by now..' - 12:02pm

"He's.. probably fine. It's not even time for his lunch break."

Texts undelivered once again. A bored expression on his face, the boy in blue puffed out his cheeks, wanting to find something to pass the time again.

He decided to put on some music while he washed his dishes after eating, though that hardly took long, as it was just a plate and a glass. He danced around a little, as there was no one to see him. For a while, he was distracted. The song soon coming to an end brought him right back to reality.

Sitting down on the couch, Tom's hand started drifting towards the phone again, before he stopped himself.

"No, I'd hear it if he texted back. He'll text back eventually. I just.. have to wait."

So, he waited. He sat on the couch, simply waiting for the familiar ding from his phone to sound. After about half a minute, Tom snatched his phone off of the couch and went to Tord's profile once again.

Delivered, yet unread.

'heh.. cant stop thinking about u Tordy~' - 12:07pm

'ik we just saw each other yesterday, but i cant get u off my mind' - 12:07pm

'miss u' - 12:07pm

A soft blush resting on his cheeks, he was reminded of the wonderful night he had spent with his lover. Tord had pushed aside a few hours of paperwork just to cuddle with Tom in bed. It made the Brit's heart flutter, though the joy he'd felt last night seemed bleak in comparison to the loneliness he was feeling in that moment.

'if u get these messages, ill be back in around an hour, so just text me back and ill see them soon!' - 12:10pm

After plugging his phone in to charge, Tom left to go to the bathroom, deciding to take a relaxing bath to pass some more time. The steam and warm water around him got his mind off of Tord, finally letting the boy settle down and enjoy his time to himself.

Time seemed to fly by a little faster, as when Tom had finished drying himself off and getting dressed again, an hour had passed.

That's quite a bit of time. Tord had plenty of it to send one message.

Excited to see his lover's response, Tom began to quickly scurry over to his phone, clicking on his boyfriend's contact. No new messages, none of his own being read yet. Disappointed again, Tom let out a soft sigh, laying on his bed with his phone.

'Tooooooooooooord' - 1:23pm

'im boooooooooooooored' - 1:23pm

'heh that kinda rhymes' - 1:23pm

Letting out a whine, Tom hated seeing how his messages weren't even being delivered.

'k.. u know what? im just gonna go do smth for a few hours.
maybe watch a movie or smth idk'
- 1:26pm 

'..i cant wait to see u tonight..' - 1:26pm

A blank expression on his face, Tom plugged his phone in again, leaving it in his bedroom while he walked into the living room and flopped onto the couch. Browsing through Netflix, the Brit decided to start watching a mind-numbing series to keep himself entertained.

Five episodes in, Tom's legs started hurting from the position he was sitting in. He got off the couch, pausing the episode he was watching, before walking to the bedroom to check his phone.

He wasn't even surprised to see his texts delivered, yet unseen. Quite a boring sight, to be honest.

Though, the boy got an idea. A very mean, annoying idea.

Going through his closet, Tom got out one of Tord's hoodies, as well as a skirt and some thigh high socks Tord had bought for him a while back. Tom slipped them on, taking his boxers off, before sitting on the bed sheets. The skirt covered his lower half, though the hoodie revealed one of his shoulders, as it was pretty big on him.

Tom took his phone, making a dopey face as he took a picture of his outfit before sending it to Tord.

'this'll be waiting for u when u get home~' - 3:56pm

He smirked, knowing Tord always responded to those messages with a series of hearts as soon as he saw them. Tom waited for a bit, his smile eventually withering away once his messages still weren't seen.

Looking at the clock, Tom sighed when he saw Tord would usually come home in around 4 hours. He hated how his lover would always have to work so late, not to mention that it always took an extra 45 minutes just to get home.

A slanted frown on his face, the boy got off of the bed, getting dressed back into his comfortable clothing. He brought his phone with him, setting it on the coffee table while he continued watching the show.

Every so often he'd pick up the phone, sending another message in hopes of gaining Tord's attention.

'maybe we should just have pizza tonight..' - 4:37pm

'ive been thinking, should we get a cat?' - 5:12pm

'forgot to tell u that Edd and Matt asked me to hang out on Wednesday.' - 5:36pm

'should i? i kinda just wanna chill out with u' - 5:36pm

'plus dont u have a day off or smth on Wednesday? or was that tomorrow?' - 5:37pm

'eh idc.. as long as we get to snuggle in the morning' - 5:37pm

Once 6pm rolled around, Tom's thoughts turned dark again.

'It's been hours. All day, and you haven't heard from him. He's never done that before. Something must've happened. Maybe he got into an accident. Maybe he's angry at you. Maybe he's dead.'

"That's really unlikely.. But.. not impossible."

Time slowing down, every second seeming like an eternity. The thought began bugging him, reasons for Tord not answering seeming to get more unrealistic, though Tom only thought of them as the explanations making the most sense.

It makes sense.

Tord wasn't answering because he'd gotten into an accident. He was hurt. He was dying. He wasn't able to pick up the phone and see his boyfriend's texts because he's in the hospital.

'Tord.. is everything ok?' - 6:09pm

'im getting worried..' - 6:09pm

'you havent been online all day..' - 6:09pm

'did.. something happen?' - 6:10pm

'are you hurt?' - 6:10pm

'Tord..?' - 6:10pm

Tom couldn't do much more than wait, though that seemed almost impossible. He was getting impatient, the thought of Tord being hurt never leaving his mind. The show continuing in the background, yet Tom had trouble focusing on it.

'babe.. rly im getting worried..' - 6:24pm

Another scene over, still no response from his lover.

'i swear if something happened to you-..' - 6:35pm

Another line spoken, no messages seen from the other.

'Tord please..' - 6:38pm

'im worried..' - 6:39pm

'please..' - 6:39pm

'please answer..' - 6:40pm

Worry shoved into the front of his mind, Tom couldn't focus on anything else. Tord was hurt. Tord was dead. He was never coming back.

That single thought got Tom's heart to stop, his mind foggy and clouded. He couldn't think about anything else.

"Another 19 minutes and he's off from work. Then I can call him."

Tom hung on that concept as if his life depended on it. Tord had asked him earlier to refrain from calling him during work hours, as the Brit had done so a few times in the past.

Legs unable to be kept still while Tom kept watching the show, the moment 7pm rolled around, Tom was on his phone. He immediately pressed the call button on Tord's contact, hearing a dull ring in his ear.

A second of silence, another ring. And another. And another.

Each ring made Tom closer to the edge of insanity, water dripping down his cheeks as the dull sound continued.

An automated voice spoke, asking him to leave a message, as the caller on the other line had not answered. Tom ended the call, sitting in silence, spare for the soft sobs he let out occasionally.

Minutes passed until Tom finally calmed down, his eyes slightly blurry from tears, yet he could make out the icons on his screen. He'd heard a quiet ding from his phone. Imagination or reality, Tom couldn't tell. Though, in all honesty, he would've checked either way.

Eyes slightly going wide as he saw a new message.

One from Tord.

A new message from Tord.

In a heartbeat, Tom clicked on it, smiling like a goof at the message.

7:06pm - 'O-O'


7:06pm - 'holy shit.. tom im so sorry i worried you!'

7:06pm - 'oh wow thats a lot.. damn i hope you didnt worry too much!'

7:07pm - 'you ok???'

Relief swept through Tom's body, a smile unable to be wiped from his face.

'yeah! im fine..' - 7:07pm

'are you?! i didnt hear from you at all today! ;-;' - 7:07pm

His heart rate finally settling down, the boy felt absolutely overjoyed to be talking to his boyfriend again. Knowing he was alive and safe was all he cared about, finally being able to relax when he knew Tord was alright.

7:09pm - 'yeah, tom. im fine'

7:09pm - 'listen, i really really want to read what you wrote me, and i will!'

7:09pm - 'but i dont really have time right now'

Smile slightly fading, Tom was really hoping he'd be able to spend some time talking to his lover.

7:10pm - 'but ill be home in less than an hour, ok?'

7:10pm - 'then i can read everything you sent me'

Despite being slightly let down, Tom smiled again, pushing his negative thoughts aside.

'ok.. also.. sorry for spamming you' - 7:10pm

Tord spending a bit of time to type, nervousness grew in the Brit as he waited for the message telling him to stop worrying. He'd heard it so many times, yet found it near impossible to do.

7:11pm - 'tom, you know i love reading everything you write for me. it honestly makes me feel special to have you worry about me sometimes. im sorry for worrying you. i was really, really busy today..'

'im sorry for freaking out..' - 7:12pm

7:12pm - 'dont be, tommy. i cant wait to see you at home'

7:12pm - 'ok i really gtg. be home soon! <3'

A lovesick giggle leaving his lips, Tom answered his lover.

'see you soon! ;u; <3' - 7:12pm

While waiting for his boyfriend to arrive, Tom had cooked the two of them some spaghetti for dinner. He cleaned up a little bit, setting the food on the coffee table. He poured two glasses of wine for them, dimmed down the lighting, did everything he could to make the living room look relaxing and romantic. Tom didn't even check his phone once while he did that.

As soon as he heard the familiar sound of the front door opening, Tom walked out to see his lover coming home from work. He seemed very tired, exhausted even.

"Hey, Tommy. I'm home!"

He gave Tom a soft smile, the Brit walking up to him and wrapping his lover in a warm hug.

"Welcome home, Tordy."

The hug returned, Tord set his bag on the ground, giving his boyfriend his full attention. The two embraced for a few moments, before eventually pulling apart, the two of them walking into the living room and getting comfy on the couch. Tord sighed once he took his jacket off, placing it over the armrest.

"Sorry I was gone all day, min kjaere. I had meeting after meeting, and this and that. I hardly had any time to breathe. Just.. so much stress that kept me busy."

Tom nodded, his hand trailing over to hold Tord's.

"That.. sounds exhausting. I'm so sorry for expecting you to push that all aside for me.."

Looking down in shame, Tom didn't feel it was appropriate to meet Tord's gaze. He did something wrong, Tord should be angry at him.

Though, to Tom's surprise, Tord simply chuckled. He wrapped his arms around Tom's waist lightly, pulling the smaller boy in for a sweet kiss.

"I'm here now, and I'm going to give you every bit of love in my heart."

He peppered countless kisses over Tom's face and neck, the blue boy giggling like a child at the loving gesture. The kisses eventually melted into a soft embrace, both men simply enjoying each others company and snuggling on the couch.



I know my constant spamming is annoying, even if you deny it.
And I'm sorry for always worrying that something happened, just because you didn't text me or smth.
But I really can't tell you how grateful I am that you don't hold it against me. That you don't judge me for being obsessive and annoying. qwq
Thank you for being my best friend. 
Thank you for being there for me through thick and thin.
Thank you for every stupid joke we share, every night we stay up, every Saturday we spend being idiots.
I love you, broski.
You're absolutely amazing. QuQ
And even though we both have flaws and make mistakes, I'm so thankful that we get through them. No one's perfect, after all. 
But you're perfect to me <3 

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