Season of love

397 18 10

Quick A/N, sorry!

This oneshot is based on the Seasons au by grapefixh on Instagram.
(I'll add a link to their profile in the comments cuz Wattpad doesn't like links in stories -3-)
((Please check them out, tho. Their art is absolutely beautiful! QuQ))
Short description about Tom and Tord in the au:
-Tord's super duper in love with Tom
-Tom's a winter, unable to feel overwhelming joy, warmth, or love
-Tord has some adorable grapes in his hair connected to a leaf -u-
-Tom has cool icicles on either side of his head which is also cute =u=

Sorry if I get a bunch of stuff wrong in this q-q

"I've been in love with you for years."

It started off with a simple sentence, one he could easily get out.

"I've always looked up to you, whenever you play your bass, or help me with English.."

He sighed, knowing that statement sounded stupid, but it didn't matter. The words were said without a second thought, raw emotion being expressed without worrying about repercussions.

"The very thought of you keeps me up at night. I can't go anywhere without thinking of you! It's gotten to the point where I can't stand it when I'm not near you!"

Eyes clenched, he brought his arms up to hug himself, knowing this would be the only form of comfort he'd receive.

"And I know this isn't right, I know I shouldn't be in love with my best friend. But I just can't help it! You're so.. perfect. You try acting like you're as tough as ice, but I know there's more to you! I know, deep down, you're a gentle, caring guy who just wants to be happy.."

His heart hurt, he felt cold at the thought of the other rolling his eyes at the emotional display before him. Nevertheless, he wasn't going to stop until everything had been said.

"You turn my entire world upside down. You make my head spin and my heart swell. All of my senses are completely fucked up just by seeing your smile. It's stupid, it's pathetic, I know. But I.. love you. I love you more than I could ever express in words. I-is that crazy?"

Tord opened his eyes, looking forward at the picture of Tom on his nightstand. Nothing but Tord had moved as he spoke, no one listening as he poured his heart out to a photograph.

A sigh filled the room, the arms around him slowly falling. He'd forgotten who he was talking to, believing, for a moment, that Tom was really listening. Smiling at what he was saying.

"It really is crazy.."

Practice makes perfect. The words Tord held back from singing to the world had been uttered to himself, time and time again. Tom's picture knew before the real Tom did; it's known about Tord's feelings for years, thanks to the Norwegian's complete lack of ability to confess in person, resorting to spilling all of his feelings out in the confines of his bedroom.

Shaking his head, the boy got up, checking the time. He had another half hour until he had to go, opting to get dressed while continuing to deny the fact that telling a winter he's in love with them is a bad idea.

His fingers brushed against the glass of Tom's framed picture, the sight of his determined smirk making Tord heat up and smile himself.

"Today. I'm telling him today, no matter what."

If the picture could move, it surely would've rolled its eyes as a reminder of how often Tord had said that.

Though, the reminder didn't bother the Norwegian. Instead, he skipped over to his closet, picking out his usual red shirt and black jacket to slip on, before wasting twenty minutes on his phone.

Tomtord oneshot thingies i guessWhere stories live. Discover now