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readingismypurpose requested fluff, so i hope this is gud enough uwu
(I started a different one, but me thinks it'll be angst or smth instead so sry q-q)

Tom sighed as he looked in the mirror, his shirt and pants placed on top of his bed to expose his upper half. He grimaced at the sight of his belly, poking out over his boxers and completely ruining any chance of being thin in the eyes of society. He lightly poked at it, watching how his stomach wobbled once he took it away.

He hated his body. He hated how his belly stuck out, how his thighs rubbed together when he walked, how he always had to wear loose clothing to seem thinner in comparison. He'd tried getting rid of it, though for every lap of exercise, there were three bars of chocolate to counter the effect.

Comfort eating for the discomfort of being in his body. Tom couldn't find a way to break the cycle.

With a sharp breath, Tom pulled in his stomach, trying to appear thinner. He pushed it back with his hand, placed the hem of his boxers on his fat, eventually simply looking away from the mirror once he couldn't stand it anymore.

"Tommy! I made dinner, you coming?"

His loving boyfriend called out to him with a voice as sweet as candy. Though, the thought of eating with such a weight didn't seem appealing to Tom one bit. He felt undeserving of having such a wonderful partner, truth be told. Tord had a perfect body. His face was perfectly symmetrical, a six pack complimenting his look. Stormy eyes and soft, caramel hair.

Tom looked back at his slightly puffy cheeks, messy hair and black eyes seeming a step down from Tord's handsome appearance. As he stood in front of the mirror wearing nothing but boxers, every mistake on his body seemed to jump out at him. Tom couldn't see anything but fat, disgust washing over him. Tord's call seemed to have left his mind completely, fixated on the reflection in the mirror.

"Tommy? Is everything ok?"

Finally hearing his boyfriend's voice again, Tom whipped his head to see Tord look at him through the door, neither of them moving for a few seconds. Eventually, Tord walked inside, seeing Tom hug his waist with a disappointed expression on his face. The older knew exactly what was going through Tom's head, having seen how Tom reacted every time he looked at his stomach.

Immediately, Tord wrapped his arms around his lover, pulling him close and patting his hair softly. The smaller looked away from the mirror, stuffing his face into the other's shirt while lightly sniffling. After a few minutes of Tord shushing his lover, holding him closely while letting the other sob into his shirt, Tom spoke up with a soft voice.

"I-I'm so fa-t.. and ug-ly."

Tord shook his head, pulling Tom back slightly to look him in the eye, lifting his chin up slightly.

"No.. no, no, Tom! You're not fat. Maybe a little chubby, but it's not like that's bad!"

The smaller looked away once more, whimpering a bit. Even though his lover always tried giving him more confidence about his appearance, Tom always went back to looking at his reflection and crying. Once realising Tom didn't believe him, Tord frowned lightly and pulled away. In one swift motion, Tord picked his boyfriend up by the waist, holding him closely as Tom instinctively wrapped his legs around the other's waist.

"TOOORD! Put me down!"

The older only giggled at how adorable his pouting boyfriend was, awwing at the small male in his hold.

"See? I can still pick you up! You're not overweight, kjaere."

Crossing his arms, Tom looked away from the other, though couldn't help but let a smile crawl onto his lips. His boyfriend always distracted him from his troubles, lightening the mood with his sweet antics.

"Still. I don't wanna break your back." 

Ruffling Tord's hair, Tom giggled as his lover let out a soft sigh, eventually laying Tom down on the bed. Rather than let his partner get up, Tord crawled on top of Tom before he could escape, his arms on either side of Tom's chest. Before even getting a word of complaint out, Tom's lips were occupied by those of his lover, mouths moving together in a soft and loving rhythm. Once pulling away, Tord's lips didn't leave his lover's skin, traveling down his neck and to his chest.


A sharp gasp cut Tom off as he felt the other lightly nibble and lick his nipples, playing with them for a bit before continuing down. An uncomfortable whine left the smaller's lips once he felt Tom kiss his stomach. He couldn't get rid of the thought of Tord having to kiss every part of his belly, knowing it would take minutes before he got to every piece of flab.

Tord kissed every part of Tom's belly in mere seconds, moving down, over Tom's lower half, to his thighs. Tom was squirming the entire time, feeling uncomfortable, yet loved. Letting his lips dance over Tom's soft skin, the Norski made sure to love every sensitive spot on Tom's body. In return, his lover gave shuddered breaths, tangling his fingers in Tord's hair as the other ran his hands over Tom's sides. After sharing his love with every part of Tom's body, Tord went back up to his boyfriend's face, staring into his eyes with a lovesick expression.

"Your body is so beautiful, Thomas. Even if you're not slim, that just means there's more of you to love."

In a way Tom couldn't explain for the life of him, Tord always knew exactly how to make him believe what he was saying. His smooth voice laced with love and care, his soft touch that had Tom melting at the feeling, everything Tord did to him had his mind filled with thoughts of pure love. Nothing and no one could compare to his boyfriend, the man who picked him up when he fell down.

"I love you so much, Tord."

Hearing those words were enough for Tord to feel absolutely complete, giggling with his lover as he wrapped his arms around Tom and snuggled him tightly. Despite the playful threats Tom sent his way, Tord didn't move at all from holding his lover, Tom eventually breaking down and doing the same back.

"You wanna know why I love your body, Tom?"

The small male hummed in question, his eyes closed with a smile of bliss on his lips.

"You're so cuddly and soft. I love hugging you."

The rest of the morning was spent in bed, cuddling together while eating breakfast. Tom in Tord's lap, the smaller felt no need to guilt himself into exercising or cutting down on food. Instead, he happily snuggled into the hold of his boyfriend, feeling blissful and comfortable in his arms.


(I feel like I messed it up -n-
I'm bad at requests, even smth as easy as this q-q)

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