Camping trip

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"Pff, Tord. You suck at four in a row."

"Oh yeah? Well you suck at living. You should stop doing it."

"Ooh what a burn! I'm gonna feel that one for a few days. Ouch."

"Ha ha. Your sarcasm never ceases to amaze me. Neither does your lack of brain activity."

"At least mine brain isn't filled to the brim with hentai and anime girls."

"Yeah, yours is filled with alcohol."


A cranky Edd interrupted the two men as they were just about to get things a lot more heated.

"He started it!"

Tord pointed a finger at Tom like a child, dooming his opponent to face Edd's wrath. But instead, all he got was a long groan coming from both his green hoodied friend, as well as his hated nemesis.

"Commie, I didn't come on this trip to be blamed for telling the truth."

"It's not even the truth! We weren't done playing. I could've beaten you."


Edd exited the tent, leaving Tom and Tord alone again. Tom sighed.

"Who's idea was it to play games at 3am again?"

Tom's voice made it clear he was back to his regular self, no longer yelling at his red counterpart.

"Yours. You couldn't sleep, remember?"

Tord's lips curled up mockingly, remembering how Tom shook him up out of fear. He claimed to have heard a noise outside and insisted on staying up until the coast was clear.
That was 4 hours ago.
"Right... why'd we play four in a row?"

Tom yawned after asking, clearly lacking the rest he and his opponent desired.
"Eh, something about 'I need to take my mind off the noise outside so we should play a stupid game to distract me.' I don't know why we kept playing though. You were obviously losing every round."

Even though that wasn't true, Tom simply nodded and laid back down in his sleeping bag. He was too tired to argue with the Norski any longer.

"Let's just go to sleep, ok? I don't want to face Edd like that again."

Tord nodded in response, laying down as well before turning off the lamp next to him.

"G'night, Jehovah."

Tord wrapped himself in the sleeping bag, shutting his eyes and resting his face.

"Mhmm whatever, Commie."

Tom did the same, eventually preparing himself to sleep.

Though when Tom heard soft snores coming from Tord, he sat up, walking over to the Norski's sleeping bag. He lightly shook Tord, enough to get him to wake up.

"Wha-t do you w-ant?"

Tord slurred his words together, trying his best to stay awake and find out what the annoying Brit wanted.

"I heard the noise again... Can I sleep beside you tonight?"

Tord groaned, turning away from Tom. He was secretly smirking under his blanket, enjoying the moment he'll probably ever get again.

Tom asking to sleep in his bed. With him. He was definitely going to use this against him one day.

Tord settled his face to a glare before apathetically scooting to the side. Tom snuggled into the sleeping bag beside Tord, turning his body away from him.

The two laid in silence for a bit, Tord's rhythmic breaths being the only thing Tom could focus on. Thinking the other was asleep, Tom turned around and moved closer to Tord, snaking his arm around Tord's body. He enjoyed the warmth he gave off before closing his eyes, ready to fall asleep.

"There was no noise outside, was there?"


Both men fell asleep with smirks on their faces and arms laced around each other.

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