Do I embarrass you?

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"Yeah, we've been together for a few months now. I love everything about him! His hair, his eyes, the way he always gets so nervous when I talk about him to other people. Oh look! He's looking over here! Hey, Tommy!!"

Tord gave his boyfriend a big wave from the other side of the room before walking over to him, grabbing his wrist, and pulling him back to his friends.

"Tooord! Why do you always have to do that?"

The smaller man's face was dusted pink while he hid it under his blue scarf. The taller man wrapped him in a huge bear hug, almost suffocating the other while kissing the top of his head repeatedly.

"Here he is! My one true love, the milk to my cereal, the flowers to my garden, Thomas Ridge! Or as I like to call him, Tommy!"

He gave another series of kisses to the man caught in his arms before letting them fall to his side and twisting their fingers together.

By now, Tom's face was completely buried in his scarf, only having his hair stick out from the top. Tord and his friends laughed at his adorable antics while he stayed under his scarf, his face getting redder by the second. (*cough* i guess u could say he was as red as a TOMato*cough*)

"He really is such a great boyfriend though. He's so sweet! You know, he once bought me flowers after work, just because he missed me all day. Isn't that adorable?"

Pau and Pat laughed with Tord, while the flushed Brit was desperately trying to hide every part of his head from the world around him. To his demise, he could still clearly hear every word spoken around him.

"Is he always this shy though? He's got a little hiding place in his scarf."

Pat looked at Tom curiously, while Tord simply laughed.

"Oh yeah! He's always shy around new people. But not around me! Just another thing I find adorable about him. That, and the sweetest little sounds he makes in the bedroom, if you know what I mean."


In a flash, Tom poked his head out from under the scarf and tore his hand away from Tord's, turning his heel and stomping out the front door, eyes from other party members glued to him as he left.

As soon as the door closed, all eyes eventually lead back to Tord, who was in a shocked state after what had happened. He froze when he saw Pat and Pau's worried expressions, their eyes burning into his skull like lasers.

"Uh... I- uhm..."

He struggled to find the right words to say as whispers started flowing around the room, murmurs heard from the other party guests.

"I have to go."

And with that, Tord speedily took off through the door, in search of his blue lover. Walking down the desolate street, the only light around was from a nearby street lamp. Quickly picking up his pace, he began down the path in front of him, no pineapple hair in sight.

Tord was thankful he and Tom didn't live too far away. They shared an apartment together down the road from the party, and as Tord came to the end of the street, the light in his apartment building was on.

As soon as he pushed open the front door, he could hear the faint sounds of someone crying. A feeling of guilt in his heart, Tord made his way into the shared bedroom of him and Tom. There, he saw his beloved boyfriend, wrapped in blankets while crying pearly-white tears from his beautiful void eyes. As soon as he saw Tord, Tom turned away from him, sniffling.

"Tommy? What's wrong?"

The taller man crawled onto the bed, kicking his shoes off before doing so. The blue man still keeping his back turned to him.

"W-why do you always have to do th-that, Tord?"

His voice sounded rough and broken, not like the sweet melody Tord would always hear when his boyfriend spoke.

"Do what?"

Tord had now moved to be right beside Tom, the blue man still not facing him. He huffed, his cheeks puffing a little with tears still rolling along them.

"Embarrass me."

Tom's expression seemed hurt as Tord moved his body in front of him, a hand raised, ready to hold his dear lover's cheek. Though his hand wavered. He wasn't entirely sure if it was the right thing to do. At this time, at least.

"What do you mean by embarrass?"

"I mean... you're always telling other people about our relationship. And about how much you love me, and how shy I am. And how you think it's the most adorable thing in the world. But you also talk about our... really private life, and it just gets too much for me, Tord! I love you, you know that. And you love me. You tell me that every night before we go to bed, and every day when you get home from work. And I really love that! It makes me feel special and happy.

But.. with others? I just feel weird. Out of place. But you don't. You think it's a great conversation starter and you keep going on and on about things that no one apart from me and you should know! I'm just... a little overwhelmed by it all."

Tom sighed at the end of his outburst and looked down, closing his eyes. But when he felt a hand cupping his cheek lovingly, he opened them again and looked directly into the beautiful silvery eyes of the man he fell in love with.

"I just want others to know how special you are to me, Tom. But if you don't want anyone else to know about it, I won't talk about us in public anymore. I'm sorry, Tommy."

Tord felt warmth on top of his hand, as he saw Tom holding the one he was cupping his lover's cheek with. The smaller gave a heartfelt smile as he gazed into his eyes, their faces inching closer until the gap was filled between them with a sweet, tender kiss.

Tord felt Tom smiling against his lips, his arms snaking out from under the covers and around his neck, pulling his partner closer. This lead Tord to tumble forwards, trapping Tom underneath him. The kiss broke, and both men lay there, arms wrapped around each other.

"You have to admit though, you are really adorable, Tommy."

Tord gave his boyfriend a sneaky grin, to which the smaller man blushed intensely.

"Sh-shut up and keep kissing me, you big dummy."

Tord chuckled slightly, Tom's hands still around his neck, pulling him in for another deep kiss.

"Wouldn't dream of letting go of you."

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