New shoes

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"Tom... Why do we fight? I don't even remember how our rivalry started..Do you?"

Edd and Matt had gone out for the evening, leaving Tom and Tord to suffer in silence with the knowledge that if they fought while Edd was gone, they'd get an earful from him.

"Yeah, I remember."

Tord looked at Tom as he sat on the sofa, a book in hand as his half lidded eyes scanned the page. Tord sat up on the couch, curiously staring at the other.

"Really? How'd this all start? I don't remember a thing..."

Sighing, Tom placed his book down, glaring at Tord with an expression he hadn't used in a long time.

"It was in high school. 10th grade. I'd just bought new shoes with some money I'd been saving up for a few months.They were nice. Blue on the outside, white on the inside. Black laces. I don't know why, but I loved them.Back then, you already hated me for whatever reason. I always guessed you had a messed up life at home and just took it out on me.

You saw me as an easy target, I guess. Pushing and shoving me every time you walked by. Teasing me about how my dad left...Not cool, by the way."

Tord looked down in shame, muttering a small apology which Tom ignored. He continued his story.

"One day, I wore my new shoes to school. I felt great. Getting a few compliments about my footwear here and there. Such a nice feeling...

Then you came along. You didn't like my shoes. You made fun of me for them, called them worthless and ugly. I ignored the comments you made, just like I did with the other times.You were always public when it came to humiliating me. There were always at least three other people around when you played a sick prank of yours.

But when I left the house one morning to slip on mud covering my driveway, it looked like our entire school was standing in front of me with their phones out. Filming me as I slipped on the mud that you spread onto my driveway.

I was completely covered in mud in the back. My clothes so dirty my mom washed them for three days.

But do you know what hurt me the most?

I couldn't wear my new shoes. "

Tord sat still, looking away with his head hung. Tom sighed, putting his book down and getting out of the chair.

Without another word, he left the room, going to his bedroom to avoid looking his enemy in the eyes.

Tord was left alone, the memories and guilt all coming back to him. He eventually looked in the direction of Tom's room, a determined expression painted on his face.

"Blue on the outside, white on the inside, black laces.

I'll make it up to you, Tom."

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