Hey, pretty boy

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Two men stood at a bus stop, light rain drizzling on them. The boy in blue stood with a frown, earbuds in and hood up to conceal his dim face. Grey clouds covered the sky, the sun having long since left the small town, plunging the world around into darkness. Tom's music played over the soft pattering of droplets on the concrete ground, his eyes fixed on the forming puddles on the road.

Looking down the street every few seconds, Tord sighed and looked up at the sky, groaning lightly as water landed in his eye. A soft boom of thunder sounded in the distance, the man in red checking his watch once again. The bus was already 12 minutes late, giving him enough time to grow impatient and irritated. He had yet to notice the man beside him, too caught up in his annoyance with the public transport services to really care about the soft music tuning a few meters away from him.

A soft grumble brought Tord's attention to the other man, finally seeing Tom standing next to him, a stranger who made his heart stop for a mere second. The boy in blue didn't notice the other looking at him, simply busying himself by scratching his face while staring at the street in front. Tord, on the other hand, couldn't look away from the boy. His eyes traveled over the other man, seeing every detail the boy displayed. His hands placed in his hoodie pockets, wires running from his ears to those pockets, too. Black pants, checkered shoes, hood draped over his head. Black eyes that looked out to the water that had fallen from the sky, skin slightly pale, cold looking.

His expression. Dull and lifeless, not even the beat of the music earning a movement from him.

Normal, standing as every person waiting on the bus does. Yet, in Tord's eyes, the other man wasn't standing like any other person would. Words came to him as he looked over at the other man, thoughts and colours mixing in his mind, trying to describe the beauty of the other beside him.

His thoughts traveled quickly, too many to be contained. Too many to go unheard.

"Hey, pretty boy. Why so sad?"

Of course, Tom couldn't hear Tord's voice over the music. Either way, that didn't stop Tord from continuing.

"Your eyes seem so void, yet are the gateway to your soul. Half closed or half opened? Ink glazing over your eyes doesn't stop you from seeing, but looks empty. Blankly staring out at the rain falling down, descending from the heavens from which you must've come. For I don't see a man, tired and gloomy. I see an angel fallen from the sky, his wings lost so he resorts to living life on this cruel, uncaring world."

Tord had always expressed his thoughts with twisted words, which for some turned them away from him. He didn't want to scare the stranger with his praise, though in his eyes, such a beauty should live with praise every day.

"Why do you wait on Earth, letting water hit your face as the bus once again leaves you hanging? Why wait on a prayer when you know the heavens have forsaken you? You expression leaves me breathless, such emotion shown in them, though never seen on the outside. Is your mind clear? Music taking you away to another realm? Or do you hide your smile from others, seeing it as nothing but a weakness."

In all honesty, Tord would've given anything to see Tom smile right then and there. Instead, the boy in blue didn't pay any mind to him, leaving Tord to sigh with a heavy heart. He latched onto the pole for the bus stop, leaning against it while smiling at Tom with a dopey expression.

"What is your name, sweet angel? I'd love to know, call it out with love laced into my voice, a smile so wide, you would only make it bigger. You seem as if you need someone to know it, the soft echoes of the heavens serving as the sounds you must speak over. I've never heard your voice before, yet I long for you to sing something - anything to me! Be it a poem of love and longing, or a simple greeting through the wretched weather of the day, nothing could be stronger than my want to hear your voice.

Please, pretty boy, notice how I am reaching my heart to you, beating faster than the ticking of a clock. Of course, time has no meaning between us. For one simple glance in your direction, and you have me on my knees. Three minutes or three years, no matter how long you've been in my life, it's impossible for you to leave it."

His arm raised, Tom checked his watch, looking back down the street for any sign of the bus. He was met with a bleak view of the puddle-ridden road, a few drops of rain falling onto his face, earning an annoyed groan.

Tord gasped, still out of the other's sight, yet he could perfectly see Tom wiping his face with his damp hoodie, wearing a look of annoyance.

"How dare the heavens spit on such a flawless creature's being, do they not see how majestic you truly are. Unforgivable, the sky must not understand the meaning of beauty, for if it did, it would surely bow before, as I do. Take my heart, love and mind, every part of myself is in your hands to do as you so please. All I ask is for a glance, your eyes laid on mine, void and black yet sparkling in the reflection of the falling rain. A chance to show you I am the one who truly understands you, who loves you, sees through that scowl and glare of frustration. I can see, as clearly as I see through the rain falling on my tingling skin, how your heart only longs for someone to care for it, wishing for a reason to smile as brightly as a star."

Leaning against the pole, his head tilting back as Tord slightly slid down in a lovesick fashion. Hands grabbing the front of his shirt where his heart was placed, he looked up at the sky, ignoring the drops covering his face. Eyes clenched, he let out a desperate, heart wrenching groan, emotional pain underlying in his voice as he called out to the world.

"Why must the world be so unforgiving?! My heart longs for you, dear stranger, yet I know my love shall never be accepted. I can't bear the sight of you, standing alone, no hand around your waist and back to shelter you from such cruel, such vile weather. My heart is enough to warm you, though I know you would only throw it away if I granted it. As hidden as your smile is, I know you'd never show it to a stranger, a man you've never seen before today, who you continue to leave invisible and out of your life. Can't you see, pretty boy? It pains me so, my lungs feel trapped like my heart, air barely crawling inside, words buried deep in my soul never to escape! For as soon as the rain clears up, you'll be gone once again, from my sights but never from my mind.

Accept my heart! It beats for you, and you only! My love is true and pure, tears stinging my skin as the droplets falling feel like acid burning me. What sinful act to be done, to speak my heart out, thoughts that should never be revealed! You're here, before me, yet you continue to ignore! The torture, the despair, why must my love be forever hidden, my words spoken yet never loud enough to let you hear! I love you! I've loved you since I first laid my sinful, deviant eyes on you! Accept my love, my feelings, understand them is all that I ask! All that I can bear to need for my life to be lived to its fulle-"

"Excuse me, Sir?!?"

Heart frozen, Tord ripped his eyes open, only now noticing he had been sitting on the wet and dirty sidewalk, still leaning against the bus stop pole. He looked behind him, blood running cold as he saw his bus waiting in the stop. The blue wearing man stood inside, staring at Tord curiously, as every other passenger on the bus did, too.

"Are.. you getting on the bus? It's the only one that goes to this stop."

It was clear to anyone and everyone that the boy was uncomfortable. No doubt he must've heard the stranger in a red hoodie speaking to himself, voice laced with pain yet his words spoken in an almost orgasmic way.

Tord hopped up from the ground, eyes wide and fixated on the boy in front. Only now was the situation clear to him; he was talking to someone he didn't know, probably making him utterly uncomfortable. No words could describe the embarrassment he felt, the stares every passenger gave him making it clear each and every one had an off-put opinion about him.

"Sir! Are you getting on the bus or not?"

Tom's voice calling out to him, he just watched Tord get rained on, basically frozen as he stared him down.

The busdriver leaned in more to Tord, speaking with a gravelly voice.

"I gotta get going, kid. It's now or never."

Tord's attention directed to the bus driver, he stuttered and mumbled, no words able to be formed. Another glance at the Tom, seeing the repelled expression as he slightly backed away when Tord took a step closer to the bus, the red wearing man made up his mind. An embarrassed, awkward smile on his lips, he tried laughing, shaking his head.

"N-no, thanks. I'll.. walk."

A shrug of the shoulders was the only response he received, the doors closing on the bus before Tord watched it drive away. His smiled slowly falling, he watched the vehicle disappear down the road and turning a corner at the end.

Rain dripping down his face, Tord was left alone at the bus stop, a soft boom of thunder calling out in the distance. His heart heavy, feet slowly dragged along the ground, through puddles of water as he walked. Passing shops and cars, everyone was inside as he made his way back home.

Glass mirroring his appearance as he walked, Tord caught his reflection in a car window.

Disheveled, hair patted down by the amount of water that had fallen on his head. A sad, lonely smile making its way onto his lips, he reached a hand out, holding it against the glass as he stared at his reflection.

"Hey, lonely boy. Why so sad?"

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