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"Come on, we're already late!"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm hurrying!"

Zipping his pants up, Tord struggled to get his shirt on, hopping on one foot while pulling his sock up, too. Tom was his hair, clothes already messily thrown on, while his neck was littered with bite marks.

"Ugh, how am I supposed to hide these?"

He looked over to Tord for advice, seeing the Norski's head stuck in an arm sleeve. Taking a moment to snap a picture, Tom smirked as he helped the other get dressed properly, receiving a thank you before going back to worrying about his own problems.

"Well.. you can probably hide them with a scarf. It's getting cold, people won't be suspicious."

Humming, Tom took the other's advice. Five minutes later, both men were ready to leave, completely dressed while trying their best not to look like they had a sex marathon the night before.

Rushing out of the house, the two men got into a limousine, the driver already knowing the details of where they need to be.

"Heh.. what a morning, am I right?"

Tord ruffled his hair as he laid back, finally relaxing for the first time all day. The Brit chuckled lightly, scooting over to him and leaning against his chest.

"More like what a night. It's been too long since we've.. done that."

An affirmative hum erupting from Tord's throat, the two men stayed close together, preparing for what was to come. A phone going off, Tom scrambled to pick his up, answering it without checking the caller ID.


Edd angrily yelled at his friend through the other line, making the eyeless Brit hold the device back a bit. He chuckled, answering his friend's question.

"I'm on my way there! Just a few more minutes!"

An annoyed sigh ringing in, Tom could hear Edd's disappointment.

"Alright, fine. Have you heard from Tord yet? He hasn't answered his phone and he's not here."

Looking over at the Norski, Tord slightly panicked, going over to the phone to speak to his friend.

"Uh, I'm here with Tom! He picked me up. Sorry, I must've left my phone at home."

A grumble, followed by a slight pause.

"Ok, just hurry up and get here. The interview starts in fifteen minutes, and I'm not covering your asses for being late."

Both men in the limo awkwardly agreed, the call ending without another word from their friend.

"Do you think he'd cut us some slack if he knew why we were late?"

Thinking for a moment, Tord chuckled softly.

"Edd will always be Edd, doesn't matter if we're together or not. Plus, sex isn't the best excuse when it comes to him."

The driver pulling up to its designated spot, fans huddling around the car to catch a glimpse of the famous band members. Tom and Tord stepped out of the limo, almost immediately being blinded by flashing lights, screams from their fans filling their ears. Tom slightly hid more in his scarf, following the Norski into the building while trying to ignore the papers and pens shoved into his face.

"There you guys are! Just in time, too! The show's about to start, so get seated."

The two men followed Edd into the studio, seeing their other friend, Matt, sitting on a couch. He perked up once he saw his friends, waving at them, who returned the gesture. The host of the show was still getting ready, having another four minutes to spare.

"Finally! I'm glad you two made it. The interview would've been nerve wracking if you didn't show up."

Chuckling a bit, Tord settled his friend's worry down.

"It's all good, Matt. We weren't going to leave you and Edd to deal with this alone."

Edd joined his friend on the couch, both Tom and Tord sitting on the second couch, though staying well away from each other.

They hated each other, after all.

All four men watched as a young, blonde woman came out onto the set, smiling at them as she spoke.

"Hello, you guys! My name's Jenna. I'm the host for tonight."

The band members all greeted the woman with comfortable smiles, chatting with her about the program for the night before a man began yelling directions.

"Alright, everyone! The show goes live in ten seconds!"

The man counting down to one, spotlights shone on the set. Jenna smiled at the camera, beginning her introduction for the viewers.

"Welcome back to Shooting stars! I'm Jenna Wilson, and I'm joined by the four members of the band 'Rejects'. For those who don't know, there's Edd as the lead singer, Tord as the drummist, Tom playing the bass, and Matt rocking the keyboard."

She turned to Edd looking at him with a smile.

"Edd, as the lead singer and songwriter, would you say you are the 'voice' of the band?"

The brown haired Brit puffing his chest slightly, Edd answered with pride in his tone.

"I'd say I am, yes. Of course, that doesn't mean my friends here are any less important to the band. We're all a group. There isn't just me, and it isn't just my music. But as for being in charge, I'm the one that fits into that category."

Smiling with a nod, Jenna agreed with his answer before turning to face Matt.

"Matt, who would you say is your biggest inspiration for making music?"

The ginger didn't need a minute to answer, as he already knew what to say.

"Well, of course, no one inspires me more than myself! Seeing pictures of myself up on that stage, knowing I'm looking dashing and fabulous as always, it really pushes me to be better every time we perform!"

Questions went back and forth between the group, most basic and generic. Asking about clothing styles, inspirations, questions about their history as a band. Time was passing quickly, all five people relaxed on the set. Until, of course, Jenna began tackling fan questions.

"Tom and Tord, it's been common knowledge for a while that the two of you aren't very fond of each other. What's the background behind that?"

Unsure of who should answer, Tom began speaking before Tord could.

"Well, all of us go way back. We were friends in high school, which is also where I got to meet Tord. I'd say it was just a mutual hatred we both felt towards each other. I hated how annoying his voice was, and is, just like how he was always hanging around us. His presence alone made me annoyed."

Nodding stiffly, Jenna turned to face Tord.

"And how do you feel about this? What's your reasoning behind this? Why do you feel a negative way about Tom?"

Tord looked over at Tom before speaking, choosing his words carefully.

"Just like he said, Tom and I hated each other from the beginning. I think it might have to do with how we always felt like the other was stealing Edd and Matt away from them. Sometimes I'd invite Edd and Matt to hang out, but leave Tom out. He just always hated me, so I grew to feel the same way."

The host humming lightly, she let those words sink in, looking between the two men with a blank gaze. Though, as she looked over at Tom, something caught her eye.

"Uh, Tom? What's that on your neck?"

Tom raised a brow, though as soon as he realized what she was talking about, he panicked. Everyone looked at his neck, Edd catching a glimpse of the mark before Tom covered it with his scarf.

"N-nothing! Probably just a bruise or something!"

Tord himself felt like he was on the hotseat, knowing he was as much of a part of this as Tom was. Of course, no one but him knew that, but he wasn't thinking logically.

"No, no. It's definitely bigger than a bruise. It's on a weird place on your neck, too.."

Edd stood up while he spoke, going over to Tom, who had begun cowering with nervousness. Jenna and Matt watched as Edd got closer to Tom, reaching out to pull down his scarf, Tord's hand instantly grabbing his arm to stop him. Though, it was too late. Edd had already pulled Tom's scarf down, revealing a rather large, purple mark with lingering bites.

All three men froze, Edd's face paling at the sight of Tom's mark.

"I-is that.. a hicke-"


Tom shouting would've been more convincing, but Tord couldn't help but deny Edd's question, too. A moment filled with silence, Edd broke his stare at Tom's neck to look at Tord, raising a brow at him.

"Why did you say no..?"

As soon as those words left his mouth, the green wearing man widened his eyes. Jenna and Matt caught on, as well as many of the viewers who had tuned in for the night.

"Tom.. Tord.."

Edd paused for a moment, looking both of his paralyzed friends in the eyes. Tone low, a shadow cast over his face.

"Did you two have sex last night?"

Tord shot up from the seat, pulling Tom along by the hand as they scurried off the set in embarrassment. Jenna and Matt burst out laughing, teenage girls squealing as they watched the interview. Edd sat down on the couch again, laid down, and stared at the ceiling, rethinking his life.

All while Tom and Tord pushed through the hoards of fans, going to Tord's house to fuck and forget their exposed secret.

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