Hot chocolate

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Knocking rang through the apartment, Tom's voice sounding through the walls. Tord ran to the door, opening it quickly with a worried expression.

"Yes, Tom?! Is everything ok? Do you need anything?!"

Tom froze for a second, not expecting the other to get so worked up over seeing him at 2am. Though, after shaking his head, he sighed.

"N-no, I'm fine. I just... had another nightmare."

The Norwegian softened his gaze, letting out a small 'Oh'. The Brit looked down slightly, rubbing his arm.

"Would you like to talk about it? Come in? I can make some hot chocolate for us."

Black eyes met silver, a mutual smile painted on their faces and Tom nodded and walked inside. A few minutes later, the two were sitting on the couch, sipping hot chocolate and snuggling under the blanket, as it was a cold evening.

"Would you like to talk about the dream, Tom?"

The boy in question looked up sheepishly, taking a small sip of his drink and snuggling up more before nodding slightly.

"I-t was about Jordan again."

The name made Tord's grip on his mug tighten, eyes narrowing as he looked at the liquid in his cup, humming for Tom to continue.

"The th-ings he said to me... a-and did to me.. It all c-ame back in my nightmare."

Tom's voice was shaky and quiet, though Tord listened perfectly focused, wanting to support his friend in such a vulnerable state.

"H-he called me a b-itch... and h-e hurt m-me.. a-nd.."

His words were cut off, Tom's eyes leaking tear after tear, soft sobs filling the room. Tord placed his mug down, immediately going over to Tom and hugging him softly. The smaller hugged back, face pressed into the other's chest while tears stained his shirt.

Soothing circles were rubbed into the Brit's back, shushing accompanying the soft sobs leaving his lips. Minutes were spent hugging each other, Tord calming the other down by telling him everything was ok, and that no one would hurt him again.

"Jordan is gone, Tommy. He'll never come back."

The sobbing quietened down to light breaths, the smaller pulling away, revealing a rather large wet spot on Tord's shirt.


Tord softly chuckled, wiping Tom's wet face with his thumbs.

"Don't be sorry, Tom. You've never done anything wrong. And the fact that Jordan always told you otherwise is just bullshit. You're absolutely perfect, Tommy."

Those words made the eyeless boy blush softly, looking away at the hot chocolate sitting on top of the coffee table. He smiled lightly, feeling his heart flutter. Slowly and hesitantly, Tom slipped himself onto Tord's lap, much to the Norwegian's confusion. Tom still didn't look at him, instead keeping his gaze on the water stains on his shirt.

"You've a-lways been there for m-e, Tord."

He let out a soft chuckle, finally meeting his eyes, making both of their hearts race slightly faster.

"If I di-dn't know better, I'd say you liked me m-ore than a friend..."

Still nervous and quiet, Tom's voice rang through the room, making Tord's eyes widen softly as he sighed, eventually just closing his eyes, relaxing his body.

"I do, Thomas. I think you're the most sweet, kind, overall perfect man I've ever met. But af-ter everything that happened with Jordan, I.. don't know if being in a relationship with you is right."

A moment of silence, followed by their lips being connected in a kiss. Initiated by Tom, the kiss was soft and gentle, almost hesitant, as if he was afraid of being punished. Both men were stuck in a moment of bliss, neither of them wanting it to end, and both slightly upset when it was over.
Tom looked at the other, holding a smile with light tears building in his eyes. He placed Tord's hands on his thighs, the Norwegian confused as to why he did so.

"I-I need t-o f-feel lo-ved, To-rd. I've w-anted yo-u to love m-e for so lo-ng..."

His hands gripped Tord's shirt, another light tear dripping down his cheeks. Tord's thumb wiped it away again, rubbing his thigh slowly and softly, shushing the poor boy once again.

"Tom, look at me."

The boy did as he was told, meeting the silver eyes that always seemed to mesmerize him. Their faces inched closer, both men accepting the other's lips with a warm heart, arms lacing around each other softly. Not making any sound other than light whispers of love to each other, Tom was laid on his back, Tord making him experience every wonderful feeling he'd never felt before.

Hands never leaving their skin, the two kept their bodies close, all the while neglecting their cooling hot chocolate.

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