Giggles pt 2

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Requested by a bunch of ppl uwu
Sry if it sucks q-q

Sitting on a hill in silence, overlooking their small town with fingers barely tangled together. Tord swinging his legs gently back and forth, barely any effort put into the action. He kept his head slightly lowered, looking at his blue friend with a frown.

"Maybe it won't be so bad, Tom. I'm sure your mom won't take any of this out on you."

An annoyed groan leaving his mouth, Tord pulled his hand away from underneath Tord's, using it to pull at his hair in anger.

"YES! YES SHE WILL, TORD. My mom's blaming me for everything since dad found out about the affair. I didn't even know about it before he did! And, instead of letting me live with my dad every day, I have to put up with my mom blaming me for things I had no control over! She doesn't love me! She doesn't care about me! Hell, she'd probably disown me if I wasn't such a great trash can for her to throw shit at!"

Tom panted heavily after his outburst, breaking down into tears while hiding his face. Tord was quick to pull him in for a hug, petting his hair while shushing him. Minutes passed, Tom's cries turning to sobs before eventually leaving as sniffles. Trees swayed around them, the wind kissing Tom's cheeks, tears feeling colder because of it.

"I-I just wish we could go back, Tordy. To when we were little kids."

The Norski listened carefully, running his hands through Tom's hair smoothly while keeping quiet.

"I didn't know what was happening when I was little. I thought being yelled at by my mother was normal. I kinda just wish I had that blissful ignorance back."

Frowning more at the other's words, Tord pulled Tom's head back to cup his cheeks, letting the younger boy look up into his friend's eyes. Soft tears clouded his vision, though he could still see the gentle pout Tord was giving him.

"If you were still a kid, we wouldn't have been the friends we are now. Hell, back then it was all about jokes and giggles. Now it's about growing together and having fun. We used to think a kiss on the cheek meant we would get married or something!"

Cheeks dusted a light red, both boys went quiet after the mention of Tom's small action all those years ago came up. A short laugh left the blue boy's lips, lightening up a bit at the memory.

"We thought that meant the whole world."

A soft rub on Tom's cheek got his attention back to the boy in front, surprised to see a soft smile pulling at his lips.

"It didn't mean as much as this, though."

Tom was taken by surprise as he felt Tord's lips kissing his own, cheeks flaming red by the time his friend pulled away. The eyeless boy stammered, shocked and confused, unable to process what had just happened. Tord simply smiled sheepishly, hoping he hadn't just ruined his friendship with Tom.


A buzz from Tom's phone sounded, the caller ID being shown as his mom. A message displayed on the screen, Tom's eyes locked onto it with a heavy heart.

'I'm waiting for you. Come to the car.'

Tom looked down at the ground, biting his inner cheek while feeling Tord's warm hands still kept on them.

"I have to go."

Tord seemed hurt at that, tearing up when he watched Tom leave the embrace. He saw as Tom picked up his phone and bags, getting ready to head off by turning his back to him. Tord was quick to stand up, looking at the other and desperately calling out to him.

"Tom, wait! I-I'm sorry for kissing you."

The blue boy didn't walk away, keeping his back turned to the other while they both stood mere feet apart. A light sigh leaving his mouth, Tom walked up to his friend, giving him a small kiss on the lips, letting the touch linger for longer than a simple peck.

"I'll.. be going to my mom's every two weeks. I'll see you soon, Tordy."

He walked away, leaving Tord standing in a field of grass, a dopey smile behind his hand that covered his lips.


"Should we invite your mom?"

Tord walked up behind his lover who was working on their guest list for their wedding. The Norski wrapped his arms around Tom' waist, nuzzling his face into the crook of the other's neck with a smile. Tom hummed, thinking about what his fiance asked.

"Well, when I moved out, she kept telling me how she hated having a son who got his asshole ripped open by someone's dick."

Tom visibly tensed up, despite his nonchalant expression. Tord snuggled his lover tighter, gaining a soft sigh as well as a hum.

"It's been five years, Tommy. You're still her son who's getting married. Maybe enough time's passed for her to realize what she did. Maybe convince her to change things."

Staying quiet, Tom thought about what his lover had said, letting a few moments of silent hugging pass. Tord covered Tom's neck in kisses, gaining a few giggles from his lover, before he eventually let go and went off to work on something.

That left Tom alone in the room, thinking back to his mom's name on the list.

Grabbing his phone from the table, Tom tapped the phone icon and scrolled to his mother's contact. He hesitated, finger hovering over the call button for longer than required.

Until he pressed it and held the phone up to his ear.

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