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"Sir, I dont m-mean to be rude, but I can't! I just can't! Please find someone else to do it!"

"Tom, you are the only employee here other than Joan and Andy, and they're busy making the pizzas. You need to deliver them."

"B-But I can make them, too! W-Why can't Andy deliver them? He's so much better at talking to other people than me!"

Tom's boss shook his head and sighed, the Brit being a sweating, nervous wreck. He always found himself wondering why he'd taken this job, though he remembered thinking it only required a basic understanding of how to cook. Plus, it was the only job he could get at the time. 

"Listen, Tom. I understand you have issues with.. anxiety or whatever. But I need this pizza delivered to this address, pronto. Or you can say goodbye to your night shifts."

Tom hesitantly nodded and took the pizza, not saying another word to his boss as he left. He didn't want to work during the daytime where there were so many people, so he always chose to work at night. The amount of customers was minimal during his shifts, apart from weekends, though it was still better than having to face a large mob of hungry people all day, every day.

Checking the address once more, Tom got into the car and drove off in search of the customer's house. He was thankful it wasn't too far away. 

The Brit spent a few minutes searching for the right address, soon finding it to be a cozy house with red walls and a dark grey roof. He pulled up by the side of the road, stopping the car, yet he didn't leave it.

Tom focused on calming down his nervous body, first. His hands were slightly trembling, heart beating out of his chest, breath slightly quickening. This wasn't anything new to him, though. He always got nervous when dealing with a new situation involving people he didn't know. It'd always been a problem with him. Not to mention, he barely had any emotional support to help him. His friends, Edd and Matt, were the only ones who knew how to calm him down, and even they couldn't be there most of the time.

Taking a deep breath, Tom opened the car door and walked to the person's house. After debating on whether or not he should ring the bell, his mature mind took over and he pressed the button, a short, cheery tune ringing through the house. 

Tom hadn't noticed his body trembling as he waited, the door soon opening to reveal a man with caramel hair styled into two horns. His eyes were a nice, silvery colour, which gazed softly into the black voids belonging to Tom.

"Can I help you..?"

Immediately, Tom recognized the man's accent as Norwegian. It somehow made his heart beat faster, if that were even possible.

"Uhm, I-I'm here to peliver your dizza?"

Tom's face flushed bright red after he spoke, facepalming as the other man seemed confused. 

"I m-mean.. deliver your pizza."

The taller man chuckled slightly at the person before him, finding the nervous delivery boy to be quite an interesting character. 

"Ok, well... where is it?"

Tom's head shot up as he turned to face the car. 

"Shoot! I forgot it! I'm so sorry, I'll be right back!"

He took off from the first step, running to the car to pull out the pizza box. The other man watched calmly, a small smile playing on his lips. Seeing the delivery boy desperately try to unlock the car was an amusing sight to witness. 

"S-orry about that.."

Words whimpered out slightly, the Brit made his way back to the steps, the other waiting patiently by the door. Tom started breathing normally again, his nerves finally beginning to settle. 

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