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A bitter chill ran up his spine, making him shudder and sit upright.

Looking towards the opened window and making his way towards it, the frost on his fingertips felt too cold for comfort. As the window was shut, the man let out a soft sigh, going back to his seat to continue writing.

"It's been eight months, Tom. He isn't coming back, and you know that."

Edd set a mug down on his friend's desk, steam rising and dissipating into the cool air. Ink continuing to flood onto the page, Tom snuggled in his blanket, continuing to write.

"I have hope. Please stop trying to break it."

A shake of the head, the door closing behind the kind hearted man. Tom was left alone again, his writing interrupted by the chirping of a bird. Outside of the window, Tom looking up towards the small creature, seeing it hop on the windowsill. Slow steps made towards it, the critter flew off as Tom creaked the window open.

A light sigh, Tom's gaze flickering from the windowsill out onto the land, blankets of snow covering the area. More fell from the sky, the man wondered how on Earth the bird could survive such cold conditions.

Fingers stretched out, the snow fell onto them, melting almost instantly. It made the man shiver at the touch, his sensitive skin covered with goosebumps, pulling his hand in again. Though, he stayed by the window, elbows propped onto it while he rested his head on his hands, watching the snow coat the leafless trees.

Stillness around him, a light breeze pushed his hair out of his face. No movements other than the soft flakes descending from the grey clouds looming above Tom. It made a light smile creep on his lips, something that hadn't happened for months.

A mix of colours moved out of the corner of Tom's eye, breaking the setting for his mind to wander, thoughts having taken him to a quiet place. Black, brown, a hint of red, a figure walking down the long street towards their house.

Not thinking much of it at first, as many people walk down this street. A large duffel bag carried on their back? Uncommon, yet nothing to get his hopes up.

Black eyes flickering their gaze, set on a tree being covered in a cold blanket of frost. Another shiver ran down Tom's spine, he decided to grab his sheet from the stool, wanting to continue watching the soft snowflakes falling.

He cuddled with his baby blue blanket; a gift from his lost lover. As he made his way to the plates of glass, Tom couldn't help but notice the figure having walked out of sight, now nowhere to be seen. A soft sigh left the man's lips, hopes dropping more and more.

The sound of the front door closing almost went unheard by Tom, assuming his roommates had simply left for the store to stock up on food for the winter. Tom froze when he heard his door opening, a small pause taking place before the most beautiful voice rang in from behind him.

"I've missed you so much, min kjaere."

A tear slipping down his cheek, hands brought up to his mouth as soon as he faced the figure standing in front of him.

No words exchanged between them, Tom ran up to his lover, embracing him in a tight hug, soft sobs leaving his lips. He felt water drip onto his hair, having been released from Tord's shimmering eyes.

"I-I thought you we-re d-ead-! I th-ought y-ou were.. I-I thought-"

Tord let his left hand card through Tom's hair, his right arm hanging in front of his body, wrapped in a sling.

"Shh, Tommy. It's ok. I'm here..."

He kissed the smaller's hair, noticing how long it had grown since he last saw him. Many things had changed about Tom's appearance, the most noticeable being how pale the man had become, leaving Tord to wonder when he had last seen the beautiful rays of sun.

Minutes passed, no sounds coming from either man, as they embraced in the middle of the room, a hand still carding through Tom's hair.

"I got your letters."

Tord was the first to break the silence, his lover's head tilting up to look him in the eyes, tears still stained to his cheeks.

"I got them all today."

Voice soft and quiet, it comforted the other, making him feel warm once more. Warm in the other's arms, for the first time in too long.

"I read them while I was sitting in the train. Every single one of them. I wish I could've answered them."

Confused, Tom tilted his head to the side, still holding the other closely.

"What do you mean?"

Another breeze swept in through the window, noticeably stronger than the others. A few loose pages lying around flew backwards, landing on the floor by the lover's feet. A light groan of reluctance leaving his lips, the embrace broken for Tom to close the glass sheets, Tord's left hand picking every page up from the ground and setting them down on the coffee table.

As Tom made his way back to the other, the two found themselves sitting on the couch, sharing the beautiful blanket they both cherished.

"I've been stationed on the battlefield for months. There wasn't any way to get or send letters. I couldn't leave my post. I couldn't even call you, tell you how much I missed you, that I love you..."

Tord let out a sharp sigh, closing his eyes for a moment before opening his duffel bag and pulling out a pile of worn out envelopes, tied together with a piece of wool.

"I still wrote to you anyway."

Eyes scanned across the paper, Tom took the letters into his hands, the weight making it hard to hold with one hand. Some envelopes were covered in inky hearts, others dirty and torn, presumably from being written in a ditch. Tom remembered as his lover packed to leave for the army, taking as many envelopes and sheets of paper as he could. He had promised to write to him every week. It seemed Tord kept his promise.

Tom set the letters aside. Reading could wait, he'd rather bask in the comforting warmth he hadn't felt in months. He moved closer to the other, snuggling into his left side, Tord's arm wrapping around his shoulder while nuzzling his face into the other's hair.

"What was the war like?"

Silence surrounded the two, Tord's face slightly darkening at the thought of what he'd gone through.

"Day after day, I begged whatever God there was out there to let me go home. It took me taking people's lives, sleeping in trenches, and ducking from bullets for my prayers to be answered. Every night I thought of you, holding you in my arms again. I wished I could kiss you again. Instead, I was surrounded by screams of men I barely knew. People fell like dominoes during the day. I can still hear the shots ringing in my ears."

Staring at nothing in particular, envisioning the scenes played out in front of him. Memories of the past few months flooded back like a wave, Tord's grip on Tom subconscious tightening. It was only when he felt water run down his cheeks again, that he broke from his thoughts.

Small shaking came from the man cuddled up in his chest, Tord's cloudy mind clearing up to comfort his love, rubbing soft circles into his back. Tom's eyes were open, glossed over with tears. The blanket was wrapped in his fingers, he fiddled with the sheets lightly.

"I-s your arm broken?"

He looked up at Tord, the gentle smile he'd longed to see for so long making him melt.

"It's healing. I just need to keep the sling on for another couple of months."

A nod of understanding, light tears dripping from his eyes, though Tom kept on a smile nonetheless. Tord's hand moving over to wipe the tears from Tom's face, he let a sad smile take over his lips.

"No need to cry, min kjaere. I'm home."

Light sobs left the smaller's lips, though a warm smile stayed on his face, arms lacing carefully around the other's neck.

"We-lcome home."

A kiss was shared between them, an action the two had wished for since Tord left. Their lips melted against each other, tears slipping down their faces, though their hearts fluttered in sync, time slowing around them for this single moment of pure love.

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