Red vs Blue

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A quiet evening together, watching a movie and snuggling with each other. Of course, the two were naked in bed, holding each other close and peppering soft kisses on the other's neck. Tom pulled away, half lidded eyes staring into his lovers' while a soft smile played on their lips.

"I missed you."

Shuffling closer so their foreheads were touching, Tord nodded with a soft frown.

"I missed you too, elskede. I'm sorry work takes up so much time."

Humming in agreement, Tom gave the other a gentle kiss before snuggling up closer to his chest.

"Yeah. For both of us..."

There was a comfortable silence between the two as they held each other closely, legs tangled together and bodies pressed against each other softly. Though every moment has to come to an end. A heavy atmosphere fell upon Tom as he hesitated to speak up. He didn't want to make things tense when he and his lover has such a great evening. But he had to bring this up at some point.

"I... went by your office today with lunch. Where were you? I was calling you all morning. And... everyone else there didn't know who I was asking about."

Not looking up at his lover, Tom could hear Tord's heart rate increase. His head placed on his boyfriend's chest, he frowned slightly, afraid of whatever answer he would get. Though all he got was a sigh and the arms around his waist pulling him closer to the other's body.

"Perhaps you went to the wrong building, dear? I had a few meetings, so I had to turn my phone off and forgot about turning it back on. Sorry, min kjaere. I would've loved to have eaten lunch with you..."

Tord stayed still, hoping his lover believed what he was saying. A small shuffle to signify a nod, Tord relaxed at Tom's understanding. Though, the same question came to his mind, remembering when he wanted to spend some time with his lover.

"That reminds me, last week, I went by to ask your boss about giving you today free. He said you hadn't gone to work in months. I... hope he was joking. I find that very hard to believe."

He forced out a chuckle, Tom trying to keep his panic down secretly. He instead shrugged, giving his lover a fake laugh as well to the best of his ability.

"Y-eah, Darrel loves making those kinds of jokes."

The heavy atmosphere didn't clear up, both of them thinking the same thing.

"He sounded pretty serious, to be honest. Maybe he just has a weird sense of humor."

Sitting up abruptly, Tom gave his lover a crooked smile, wanting to change the subject as quickly as possible.

"Sweetheart, why are we talking about work and bosses on such a wonderful evening? You know we've been waiting for tonight for ages. We should instead enjoy our time together, wouldn't you agree?"

Leaning down, the eyeless man slid onto his boyfriend's lap, giving him soft kisses and nips along his neck. The Norwegian man smiled lightly, his hands placed on either side of the other's waist, his eyes closing as he enjoyed the gentle actions his lover was doing.

"You're right, elskede. We've been waiting for this night for too long. Let's enjoy it together."

Their lips connected in a sweet kiss, one neither of them ever wanted to break. It crushed them, having to keep such a secret from the other, but it was the only way they could survive. Their love was all that got them through living another day, after all.

Their endless love for each other. Taking the other in, as if it was the last time they'd love again.



The grenade was launched at the group of men, dressed in blue jackets and bandannas covering their faces. They dodged the impact, aiming their guns at the opposing team member who had attacked them.


As soon as the order was given, the blue blues shot every bullet they owned at the red, watching him fall to the ground with red liquid leaving his body. A satisfied smirk crept on their faces, all but from the leader himself, who continued onward, leading his team to the next checkpoint.
On the other side of the field, hiding behind the many walls surrounding the playing field, a group of reds stood, waiting with their many weapons in hand, ready to attack their devilish enemies. A few signals to tell the troop to move forward were given, the leader going first to show the clearest path to continue on.

They had all heard the shouts from the opposite team, having no doubt killed their red that had left the group, despite having rejected the leader's orders. He was a fool to leave the group, though it allowed the reds to get an idea of where their opposites were.

As the two teams stalked through the maze of walls, a clearing opened up in front of the troops. A convenient clearing, both teams facing each other in plain sight.

Immediately, the fighters raised their guns, both team leaders wearing a bandanna of their signature colour and a hoodie, hiding their faces in the shadow of the hood. Both leaders raised their hands, signalling their groups to stand ground, not making any fiendish movement against the opposing team.

"You won't win, red. We'll have a grand prize in the end. At least you'll be covered in your signature colour when we slaughter you like the pigs you are."

Blue leader was fierce with his words, venom leaking off every syllable, though it didn't intimidate the other male.

"You speak with determination, so sure of yourself and your sheep following your every step. Though, it's clear to us all that you're unprepared for this war. We've claimed most of the land, all that stand in our way is your herd of uncivilized animals. The competition is over for you, blue. All other colours have been eliminated."

A smirk tugged at the blue leader's lips, a challenging glare being reflected by the eyes of his enemy.

"Then I suppose we'll just have to see which team is superior in this final showdown."

Blue leader raised his arm, signalling for attack, the red leader doing the same as both teams immediately ran at each other, guns and knives ready for use. Screams and cries rang through the battlefield, red against blue, the troops covering their jackets in bright red blood, bodies falling to the floor every second.

The two leaders had gone against each other, both initiating and dodging attacks, fighting with knives rather than words of any kind. Growls left the blue leader's throat as his skin was torn apart, a deep gash spread over his cheek while red leader's knife dripped with blood.

The blue male brought a hand up, the knife taken with it, cutting the red leader's chest, ripping his hoodie, dooming it to be stained with blood.

With both leaders inches apart from each other, both filled with rage and determination, their knives swung in the air, attacking their opposition with fatal movements. The leaders stuck in their own smaller battle, they had blocked out the war around them, neither seeing the blue troop member sneak behind the blue leader, pulling him away from their leader with a forceful yank.

The movement cause the hood to fall down, revealing the top half of red leader's face, stopping the blue leader from making another move.


Upon hearing his name, the red leader stopped his struggling, time seeming to slow down as he stared at the leader of the blue team. He watched the leader pull his hood down, staring into the familiar, void eyes of his lover, the man he'd taken to his bed just one night ago. A flurry of questions crawled into their minds, neither fully grasping the situation they were stuck in until it was too late to do so.

A knife stuck into the red leader's back, Tord's eyes widened at the touch, a dark chuckle left from a blue member's lips. Tom's face went pale, eyes wide and white as his lover was dropped to the ground, many troop members stopping to see the red leader beaten.


Every troop member stopped upon hearing the blue leader's cries, turning to see the man drop to his knees, cradling the red leader's body in his arms. Tears spilled from his lifeless eyes, hearing the jagged breaths enter and leave the man underneath him.


His voice was strained, it was clear he wasn't going to be able to speak for much longer. Tom placed his forehead against that of his lover, holding Tord's hand in his own as their tears mixed together, being added to the pool of blood seeping out underneath the red leader.

"I-I'm he-re, To-rd! I'm h-ere..."

Hiccup-like sobs left his lips, Tord fighting to keep his eyes open long enough to speak to his boyfriend once more.

"I l-ove yo-u, el-skede..."

Tom wasn't able to answer, not having enough time to do so before Tord brought their lips together into a kiss, struggling to press his mouth against Tom's enough to show him his love.

His dying action was a kiss shared with his lover, Tom unable to pull away, even after Tord's muscles has gone completely limp. He couldn't pull away from Tord. His lover was everything to him, his reason for staying alive. His only flame in a reality of ash and dust.

"Blue leader, you've won the battle. Red team surrenders the war."

Tom let go of his lover's lips, a blank expression as he shakily raised his head to meet the gaze of the red fighter. He trembled slightly, tears streaming down his cheeks as he gave the boy a look of horror.

"I f-ought fo-r us..."

He looked down at Tord again, the lifeless body of his lover now laying heavily in his lap, Tord's face pale and expressionless. Out of the corner of his eye, Tom spotted a gun, once owned by a former soldier who's life had been taken only minutes ago. He picked it up, holding the weapon in one hand, while the other stayed firmly held in Tord's.

Leaning down once more, he placed a soft kiss on his lover's skin, just as he did only one night ago. Despite the screams of fear and horror ringing in his ears, Tom pulled the trigger, a bullet lodged in his head as he himself died with his lover. The one reason to live being the reason he took his life, giving one last, loving action as the last one he'd ever give.

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