Kanave kanave kalaindhadheno........

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This part completely contains only Mullai's POV and everything from Mullai's side. This is painful chapter. I have tried to give my best. This part may seem to have repeated dialogues but much needed to explain Mullai's feelings.

           Mullai who after running to the room and closing the door sat near the door itself with shock. She felt as if a fake bubble which she thought true love and trust of her husband broke into pieces. She never had thought thing to happen even in wildest dreams of her. So what Dhanam said was true. He's with her only for the family. He has developed certain bond only because the family wants that. He may feel for her absence, even miss her during her absence but she is not his priority. His family is his only priority. She has only a trivial space in his life.

          She who argued back to her like a stupid, got thrashed brutally by her very own husband whom she thought will be her armour. It means even after whatever happened between them and whatever he spoke to her yesterday was a lie. She can't think anymore.......But...........



He can't lie.

Not to her of course............


That magical eyes...........

It spoke the truth............

Is she missing something............

A tiny ray of hope, a very feeble voice inside her emerged..............

She waited for him to enter the room. She believed he will come back to her before going to the pandian stores to have a word with her.

She somehow tried to hear the commotions outside..........

But in the course of her thoughts she failed to hear whatever Dhanam said but heard only Moorthy's call and Kathir's reply Ahn......seri nae..........

This means only one thing. She's nothing to him. Her feelings never matter. What she felt reciprocation of her feelings were mere........ mere..... She can't think further.

She slowly got up latched the door and sat on the bed to cry her heart out. She failed to hear the conversation between Kathir and Meena. If she had heard that she might have connected the dots. But.......

Destiny is so stronger than what you think..............

Mullai cried her heart out facing rejection for the third time in her life....

The first time when she faced rejection she felt insulted and betrayed by the persons whom she trusted her life. 

The second time she felt a tiny ray of hope even in the darkness of her mind...

She felt that was the painful moment she can undergo in her life........



Her heart is bleeding........

It aches like it is going to burst..........

This pain is something more than what she thought........


She was high in altitudes..........

Everest of happiness...........

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