A party I didn't want to attend

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Henry had asked me plenty to attend a party that someone he knew was hosting. I told him I didn't want to.

When the day of the party came he dragged me kicking and screaming at that party.

I sat beside him and watched as this lady who looked like a young teen was dancing and moving all upon him and he just sat there not doing a thing. Which pissed me the fck off.

I watched as he got drunk and then the girl thought that that was the opportunity to take his hand and try to lead him away. Which is where I step in.

I stood up with a full mug of beer in my hand.

"He isn't going anywhere with you, so I suggest you take your crummy hands on my husband and buzz off," I said to the girl

She looked at me while Henry stood up about to intervene but the girl had him wrap his arm around her.

"Remove your hands, Henry, I will deal with you at home," I tell him

"Baby, what is wrong?" he asked as if he was clueless.

"Last time Cavill remove your arm from this child and move."

He did like I said and staggered a bit before he rested back against a wall and watched.

"Hey that is my man" the girl exclaimed

"I laughed and threw the beer in her face.

"The hell he is. that is my husband and the next time I see you around him trust me it will be more than beer in your face" I said then walked passed her grabbed Henry put his arm over my shoulder and walked out of the club where the party was being held.

I put Henry in his car then I walked around and got in and took us home.

"Listen, baby...... I am so sorry" he said then hiccuped

" I don't want to hear your lies Henry," I tell him as I pull into the driveway cut the engine, and climbed out before I walked over and opened the door and moved back right before he emptied his stomach on me.

He managed to climb out and avoid stepping in his vomit.

I got in the house and stripped him down and put him in the shower and turned the cold water on sober him up fast. 

I walked off after placing a towel on the counter.

I could hear him cursing and yelling as he tried to turn the water off. 

"BABY" he called for me

I turned went back into the bathroom and looked at him.


"Why would you put cold water on me and leave?"

"You need to sober up." 

He stepped out and grabbed the towel and dried off before he came after me into the bedroom. Where I was stripping down to get ready for bed. 

"What is wrong?" he asked

"Don't play stupid with me Dalgliesh."

I stopped once I was bare and looked at him.

"What did I do?"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"where shall I start since someone caught a case of short term memory loss. You sat beside me allow some chick who looks like a young teenager to get touchy with you, not to mention dance on you like a paid stripper in a strip club. you didn't push her off at all or move away. You allowed her to wrap your arm around her waist when I was getting into it with her."

I sank on the bed and teared up I was so mad and frustrated with what happened.

"I never wanted to go and I told you, but it's a good thing I did cause had I not then you would have taken advantage of your drunken state and who knows what she would have tried or accused you of."

I looked up at him as he dropped to his knees before me and looked at me and wiped my angry tears from my eyes.

"I am so sorry that I dragged you to that party knowing you never wanted to go, I am sorry that I got drunk and allowed that girl to touch me and dance on me, I am sorry I allowed her to wrap my arm around her waist."

"I have nothing against you getting drunk, I know how to take care of you. that isn't the issue." 

He wrapped his arms around my waist and nudged me till I fell back on to the bed and he crawled out of the towel and laid on me and held me while I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Thank you for saying sorry for everything, and realizing what you allowed to happen to take place. I forgive you. Just never do it again. I am very territorial with you, and you know I don't like when girls do that, hell I get like that with some of your coworkers that are ladies. Hell, even the guys."

He lifted his head and looked at me and smiled before he nudged my legs apart and slipped right home and kissed me as my body welcome him and I wrapped my arms around him and gripped his ass and shoulders as we both battled in our tongue war as he made love to me.

Henry Cavill Imagine book 2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now