I hate being sick

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For two whole weeks, I have done nothing but couched, gagged, blow my nose, sniffle, cramp, and have migraines. 

I went to the doctor and the gave me medication without telling me what was wrong. Which aggravated me.


Now here I lay with a  thermometer in my mouth, covered up like I am in a snowstorm while HEnry is bustling about downstairs. 

When he got back home form the last shooting of Enola he saw I was very much under the weather. and asked if I had been to the doctors which I told him I was and what all was said and done. 

Which he said he will take care of me and deal with whatever sickness I had.

I took weak to fight him and tell him I didn't want him to get whatever I had. Even if I wasn't to weak I knew he would take care of me anyways if I had told him not to.

He would have told me that he made a vow to me that whenever he is home with me and I get sick then he will do all he can to help me get better and he won't care if he gets sick. 


"ALright lovebug sit up for me and lets try to get some grub in your belly" he says

I just groan in reply.

"I know it sucks baby but I need you to be hydrated and full so you dont get worse" he replies as he places the tray down and helps me sit up. making sure he props the pillows befor siting me back and placed the tray over my lay.

"Can you feed me?" I requested

"Of course I can" He assures me

I weakly smile and open my mouth as he lifts the first spoon full.

"I had asked my mom for some tips and she gave me this recipe saying she gave it to my brothers and I when we were sick and couldnt get outta bed" Henry explains as he feeds me

I winch from the migraine and whine.

"I hate being sick."

"I know baby, trust me I do. and I promise when you eat I will take you into the bathroom and let you soak in a nice hot bath. maybe that will help with the pain and relax your weak muscles."

I slowly nodded then took another bite.

Laying in bed curled up with my very beautiful man I felt as if my body was ever so slowly getting stronger. 

I still sniffled and ached and all the other things I had before but he was helping me get better and I truly love him for it.


A/N: was requested Hope you enjoyed it.

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