2. Sold

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This story is adapted from the original story 'Don't Go' by emjaywrites. This is just an adaptation! All rights belong to the original owner.

Enjoy and thank you for reading :)



I TRIED TO SHY away from her.

"Ma'am," my accent popped out with my fear.

"Please," she smiled like the cat who caught like a canary. "Call me Sir."

Gooseflesh appeared on my skin, making shivers dance down my spine.


"Mm," she purred sensually, curling a strand of hair around her fingers. "I like it."

"Si...sir, I... it's times for me to go-"

"Don't go," She licked my neck. "Stay."

"Sir, please," I begged

"Begging only makes me want to fuck you more, Kiska."


"Give me one night. Let me have you, one night, and then..."

She trailed off. I don't even know why I'm considering this. Why is my belly aching?

"I'm sorry. But I don't know you well enough."

She examined me in pensive silence for a moment before grinning.

"Very well Kiska. Until next time."

She got up and walked out of the room.

For what seemed like the first time tonight, I could breathe.

My relief was short-lived.

"Ruby Jane!" It's Namjoon. The sleazy grin on his face tells me he's made a shit load of money- most likely at my expense.

"I have great news- You get to go home with the richest woman in Korea"

I frown. "I'm not going home with anyone but some McDonalds' fries."

"Actually Kiska, he sold you"

Fear crawls up my throat. I face the tall, large woman who stares down at me with mischievous eyes.

"I'm not his to sell. So whatever you gave him, get it back"

I try to push past her, but she stands still as a statue, unrelenting as the night. She is in darkness. just like that, I place her.

She's not an animal. Not a monster. She is all-consuming darkness.

And I don't have enough light to fight her.

"I'm afraid that simply cannot be done," Namjoon cuts in, a sneaky smirk on his face. My hand twitches to smack it off.

"Quiet rat," The mystery woman orders calmy.

Addressing me, she eyes my body. Feeling naked and exposed, I fight not to cover my most private parts.

"You have no choice. You have an eviction notice on your door, no money, no food, and two parents to take care of."

How did she...

Well, the dark sees all.

So I don't bother with that question.

I don't bother running. I don't bother trying to find a way out of the night. I just... have to wait till the sun shows it's smiling face.

That's war my mom always said

But somehow, as I quake under her gaze, I wonder if even the sun can drive away this night. I wonder if she's strangled the light in other women.

I think she has. And I think she enjoys it.

"Will you... let me take care of my parents? Take good care of them if I go with you?"

She nods silently.

"And you won't... pimp me out?"

She grins at the thought. A soft, maniacal grin chock full of menace. Of promise.

"What is mine, stays mines."

It's my turn to nod.

"Contract," I demand. "I want a contract."

Her grin turns down into a giggle. "Ah, Kiska. For what I have planned, we will need that anyway."

That's not ominous at all.

I clear my throat, swallowing my misgivings. A woman like her won't take no for an answer, as she's clearly demonstrated.

The more I can control them better.

"Are we leaving now?"

She offers me her arm, and reluctantly, I take it.

"You will regret this," she murmurs in my ear.

That's the first thing she's said that I truly agree with.

Don't Go (Jenlisa Adaptation)Where stories live. Discover now