19. Your favorites

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This story is adapted from the original story 'Don't Go' by emjaywrites. This is just an adaptation! All rights belong to the original owner.

Enjoy and thank you for reading :)


Lisa had been spending time with her more often. Observing her. She'd done that for days until finally, she decided, she would take her out.

"It's a beautiful day," She mused aloud.

Jennie scratched her arm, saying nothing.

"Do you want to go outside?"

She registered nothing, the invitation lost on her. Since when did she have a choice?

"Jennie, look at me,"

She slowly trained her dull eyes on her, as she was told.

"Do you want to go outside?"

"No Sir."

She frowned. No? There was a time when she begged to go outside. Even for a moment.

Please. You can't keep me hostage here! I just want to feel the sun on my skin. That's all.

"Don't you miss the sun on your skin? You always loved that?"

She kept her eyes trained on her, unseeing."

"No Sir."

Frustration mounted. "Why not? Surely you're tired of this room?"

Sensing her frustration, she nodded. "Yes Sir. I want to go outside."

She eyed her, lingering. "Go get ready. We'll take a walk around the grounds."

She did as she was told, choosing from the clothes Lisa put there for her to wear. Lisa chose her favorites.

It was skimpy and tight, and she hated it.

Or she used to.

She showered, using the body wash she told her. She used a pouf instead of a washcloth, even though she used to argue how unsanitary it was.

She noticed all of this- how different she was now.

After she got dressed, she took her hand, feeling her tense at her touch.

"We're just going on a walk," She said softly. "No need to be so scared."

"Yes Sir," She replied instantly, not relaxing one bit.

She sighed, walking her out the room, into the Hall.

People stared in amazement. Lisa's pet was out and about. It was so unusual.

People snickered. It was thought that this woman would rule over them, but it turns out she was nothing but a toy.

Lisa concentrated on the woman who had her hand in hers. Her eyes on the ground.

She walked her through the front door, observing her reaction carefully with a slight smile.

Only, Jennie didn't have one. There wasn't a smile, a hint of recognition a trace of happiness.

It was a gorgeous summer day, butut she just stared at the grass silently.

Lisa's smile died on her face.

"Do you feel that? Isn't it so warm?"

"Yes sir," She replied flatly.

"Then why aren't you happy?"

She realized she should be. Lisa wanted her to be. "I am Sir. Thank you, Sir."

"No, no," She complained. "You're not happy. You're just saying that. What will make you happy?"

"Blue sleepy pills," She murmured. "Need sleepy pills."

She sighed. "What about... if I take you to see him today?"

"Just want blue sleepy pills."


"Sleep. Want sleep."

Her speech was so clipped. Why was that? When did that start happening? Ah, yes. Three years ago. Then it was in anger. But slowly... it just become her speech.

"Why do you want to sleep? Look, look," She admonished her.

She looked up. "It's the sun. It's warm. You love the sun. You should be happy. Tell me why you're not."

Jennie hugged herself. "Empty inside. No sun helps. Just sleep. Numb. Don't feel anything. Can't feel sun."

Lisa's eyes widened. She couldn't feel the sun? She took the sun from her?

Clenching her jaw, she took her hand, taking her back inside. This time, she took her to the kitchen.

She ordered the maid to give her favorite thing to eat in this world. Milk flavored ice cream.

She put it in front of her. She didn't look at it.

"Jennie, look. Look at this." She slowly looked up at the ice cream.

"Do you know what this is?"

She read the ice cream. "Milk flavored," She stated verbatim.

"That's right. Your favorite, here, have some."

She opened the ice cream, turning it toward her. At her demand, she took one, putting it in her mouth. She chewed it. Swallowed it.

She looked back down.

No response. She didn't give up. "Have some more. They're your favorites. You love these. Remember?"

So, she ate. She kept eating until the bag was gone. She smiled slightly. She knew the food would get to her.

Soon the ice cream was done. She held her stomach, turning over the side of the chair, throwing up.


"Sorry, sir. I'll clean it up."

She pulled her hair back. "Why did you throw up?"

"Sorry, sir."

The maid came in, with some chemicals, drying the vomit, sweeping it up.

She didn't understand. Why didn't she feel happy? She ate the whole gallon. Those were her favorites.

"Kiska, don't you feel happy eating your favorite things?"

"Yes sir," She said dully.

But no, she didn't. The amount was probably too much for her fragile stomach and she ate it anyway.

Because she told her to.

"Come on, are you still tired?"

"Yes sir."

She took her back upstairs, having her brush her teeth, and get into bed.

"Blue sleepy pill?"

She handed her one. She smiled. So far, this was the only thing, that made her smile. The blue pills.

She put it in her mouth swallowing. Her lids felt heavy, making them close them.

She was asleep for about five minutes when she started to cry. Tears streamed down her face, her features with agony. 

Be happy Lisa! Everything will be alright!

I don't know why you have to hurt me, but I hope it makes you feel better.

The sun is one of my favorite things.

You will never kill my light. Or my love for Milk flavored ice cream.

She laid beside her, watching her silently sob in her sleep. How broken she was now.

How utterly broken.

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