6. Contract

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This story is adapted from the original story 'Don't Go' by emjaywrites. This is just an adaptation! All rights belong to the original owner.

Enjoy and thank you for reading :)



I've figured it all out. I'm a rich woman's bed slave, and possibly her womb. To top it off, I'm practically at her mercy.

I'm sorry, did I say practically? I meant completely. She's detailed every aspect of my new life, and she has my parents.

I'm empty inside. If I were braver, maybe I'd kill myself.

But I'm not. I don't want to live, not this way. I don't want to live I'm too damn scared to die to do anything about it.

So that's where I'm at in life.

Not that bad, I guess. I'm sure someone is going through worst. That's also as helpful as it sounds.

I'm sitting in the bedroom I was given. It's blank but luxurious.

"Miss, Sir wants you. I'm here to take you to her,"

Its the same woman, with dark hair.

"What's your name?"

She looks around. "I-I─"

A shiver slithers down my spine, making me look up. There she is. Standing there, like stone, all six something of her.

"Tell her," She orders. Her voice is low and deep, reaching the ends of the room. The shadows seem to shiver at her voice. The light seems to cower behind the curtains.

"S-sir," The woman shakes.

(A/N: Slanted words are Russian)

"She asked you a question. Answer it."

"Yes, Pranpriya." She turns to me

"I am Sasha Miss. I am your personal maid."

"At ease," I say dubiously.

She sighs as if my words actually did put her at ease.

"Do not make a mistake Sasha and say something you should not to your Mistress. Or I will wipe you and your family out."

"Yes, Sir"

"Take her to the meeting room. You know which one."

"Yes, Sir"

Then, without another word, Pranpriya left.

As the only one in world who didn't speak Russian, I was a little confused as to what just happened.

The exchanged felt... personal.

But I don't have long to ponder it. I'm being escorted by Sasha to... somewhere.

It's a room. Looks like a meeting for me.

She's already there when I got there, waiting. There are three small stacks of papers in front of her. Her Lawyer, the one she doesn't like much.

"Come, sit. Kiska."

"Sign this." I pull the paper towards me, letting the pen she has in her hand stay stagnant.

"Don't look too close. You might not like what you see."

"Then why are you making me sign it. It's not like I have any say so."

She stares at me blankly. I've come to find out that that's how she ends conversations. She just stares. A blank look in her face, cold silence enveloping the room.

That means, no, don't ask. It means this conversation is over. It means to do what you are told

I do as I'm told. I scribble my signature on the paper, feeling like I've sold my soul.

"Can you just tell me, what I'm signing?"

She says nothing. I sigh, but I don't give up.

"Can you tell me what you want from me at least?"

She stares. Slowly her mouth opens. I've learned something new about my captor. She thinks everything through. She's very meticulous.

She thinks before she speaks. At that, she doesn't speak much at all. There won't be many careless ramblings on her part.

"What I want from you? Jennie?"

The name shocks me. The only people who call me that are my parents and I haven't seen them in...

"I want many things from you. I will take many things from you."

"Can you tell me who you are?"

She pauses. "I'm the Lisa, Pranpriya. But you, you will call me Sir."

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