38. Poison

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This story is adapted from the original story 'Don't Go' by emjaywrites. This is just an adaptation! All rights belong to the original owner.

Enjoy and thank you for reading :)


Jisoo frowned at the X-ray.

"Titanium plates. It seem she's had titanium plates that have fused to her skill and provided some type of unnatural protection. I thought titanium, but it's stronger. Platinum I think. Basically, she has a second skull."

So that's why shooting her in the head didn't work.

"So then, how do I kill her?"

Jisoo swallows, looking at her out the corner of her eyes.

"This is technology that hasn't even been... invented yet. The brain is the center of the body. All the nerves are located there. I don't know... you can try shooting her in random places?"

Ruby Jane sighed. "What about her memory? It resets. Will she regain her memory?"

"I don't know. I don't know anything about this. Except she can bleed, she can feel pain and she's alive. That means, her nerve endings work correctly. And she's perfectly healthy otherwise.

She scoffs. "Of course the Demon has the foresight to re-enforce her skull."

"Then what can I do?" They looked at the woman who had begun to stir.

She never stayed asleep for long.

Jisoo swallowed. "Keep weakening her. Though her brain is reinforced is systems or not. She trust you more than anything. You're Jennie to her. Keep poisoning her until she dies."

Ruby Jane swallows roughly. It was one thing to shoot her point blank. It was another to look her in the eye and pretend to care while killing her slowly.

But then, isn't that what'd she'd done to her?

"Fine, hurry and leave she's coming to."

Jisoo packed up. "Remember you are Jennie. Her Jennie. The more you believe that, the more she will."

Jisoo left, looking back at the woman who sat the woman's bedside as she woke up.

This could go one of two ways.

"Hey there, Lisa." She smiled softly.

Lisa blinked away, looking at her. "J-Jennie is that you?"

She brushed her hair back. "Yes it's me. You gave me quite a scare. How do you feel?"

She smiled softly. "Better. Now that you''re here."

She rubbed her cheek. "Good. Now, drink up."

She nods wrinkled. "This doesn't smell right, Jennie. It means like0"

She cocked her head smiling. "Are you saying I'm trying to hurt you? Don't you trust me? I know you don't remember but-"

"No!" She looked cautiously at the drink. "No. I trust you Jennie."

She smiled in relief. "I'm glad. After all, I am your wife."

"You are?" She asked slowly, as she put the cup in her hand.

She watched her drink it back. "That's right Dear. I am. And I promised to take.... very good care of you, okay?"

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