11. Training

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This story is adapted from the original story 'Don't Go' by emjaywrites. This is just an adaptation! All rights belong to the original owner.

Enjoy and thank you for reading :)



When I wake up, she's gone. I sit up, my back against the headboard, burying my hands in my hair.

I hiss, removing one of my hands. There it is, glaring back at me.

Her symbol. Her mark.

I clenched my jaw, setting my head on my knees.

Shit. What did I get into?

My body aches, but it's a good ache. Something tells me her soft touch is going to disappear soon.

We consummated the contract, whatever the hell that means.

I look out the window. It's double-paned, bulletproof. I checked. Nothing's getting, and nothing's getting out.

I should have fought her harder. I should have fought until she killed me. But I was... weak.

The sun is coming up. Mindlessly, I shower, and dress, getting back in bed. I've only been here for about a week, but I have a routine already.

She'll be here soon, to watch me sleep.

I wait for her. Sure enough, my door creaks open. But it's not Lisa. It's the man who had the skull on his face.

"What are you doing in here?" I screech.

He stares at me blankly. "It is time, little one."

"Time for what?"

"To train."

So, training sucks.

I'm forced to run. He told me my current skill level is running for my pathetic life.

"Once you can do that, we'll work on fighting for it."

Running is torture. I don't even look like the type of person who runs.

When I mentioned this, he looked at me sideways and said:

"That is what we're working on."

I groan, panting on the floor, while skull face stands over me looking unamused, and unimpressed.

"Up," He bars like a drill sergeant. "Five more laps for sitting."

(A/N: I'd fake a faint )

"This is it," I pant. "This is the end."

I feel my life force draining. My whole life seems to have led up to this moment.

Skull face stares at me blankly. "Shut up. You picked up a fork."

"Yes," I say, shoveling food into my mouth. "But my arms feel like noodles."

He shakes his head. "You are hopeless."

"I'm not hopeless," I correct him, slurping down some more soup. "I'm uninterested. There's a difference."

He squints at me. I think. Deciphering his facial expressions can be hard with all the ink.

Maybe that's why he did it.

"Well, get interested," He states. "In this world, it's kill or be killed. Fight or die."

I swallow roughly. "Can't it just be mediocre or average? Kinda stupid or sorta dumb? That type of thing?"

Again, he's unamused.

"No, it cannot. You are lazy, and I will not train you until you get guts."

I raise a brow. "Skull face, I don't think you have any more choice than I do."

He grits his teeth. Again, I think.

"Do not call me Skull face."

I shrug. "I don't know your name."

He shifts. "You may call me brat."

I frown. That's not exactly something you want someone to call you.

"It means brother," He explains

I nod slowly, looking up at him. He looks away

"Come now, little one. You must run one more lap before-"

"That will be all for her training," Lisa says lowly

My body shakes at her presence.

Skull face looks to me quickly, before nodding. Spouting something in Russian, and then tussling my hair.

I glare at him, but he's already moving toward the door.

Once again, it's just me and Lisa.

"How was your training?" Lisa asks me, advancing on my still figure.

"Good?" I answer skeptically.

"Show me what you learned," She says, her hand ghosting against my shoulder.

So I do. I run in the opposite direction. Only, I don't go far, because she's already gripped my hair, yanking me back.

I winced but fought not to make a sound.

She stands behind me, her hardness pressed against my ass, her lips against my neck.

I'm practically drenched in sweat but she doesn't seem to mind at all.

"I'm going to go take a shower," I prompt to her. Hoping she'll let go.

No such luck, she wraps her arms around my torso, and my breast spilling over her arms. Tenderly, she kisses my neck. 

"When you see me," She whispered softly in my ear. "You greet me with a kiss. Do you understand?"

I nod slowly. I feel her smirk against my skin.

"Greet me, Kiska."

I turn around, robotically, staring into her dark eyes.

I kiss her cheek, but she grabs my chin before I can pull away, pressing her firm lips to mine without hesitation. Her lips pry mine apart as her tongue sweeps through my mouth, hot and wet.

She pulls away, keeping my chin in her grasp.

"That's the kiss, hm?"

I nod.

"Good girl," She praises me. "Come. I have a surprise for you."

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