25. Worth it

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This story is adapted from the original story 'Don't Go' by emjaywrites. This is just an adaptation! All rights belong to the original owner.

Enjoy and thank you for reading :)


Lisa stalked into the room. She'd put Jennie back to sleep. No one knew this precious treasure existed but her and Jennie and the nanny.

Not even her brothers.

She stood per the small boy, who looked up at her in fear.

"Are you afraid of me, boy?"

He nodded slowly.

"I am not here to hurt you. Do you know why you are here?"

"Because you hate me" He said quietly.

"No. I do not hate you, boy. You are piece of me and one I cherish most. There is someone who wants to harm you. Until you can fend for yourself, you stay here."

The boy shivered. He didn't understand why the big scary woman was talking to him. She never came to see him.

"You're my... Mommy?"

Lisa stared at him. Mommy. She supposed she was.

"I am your Mom. You hold my DNA."

"DNA? What's that?"

"It's what makes you, you. It comes from your parents. Their parents. And their parents and so forth."

"Oh," The boy said quietly, sitting closer to the large woman.

"Can I see my Mommy?"

Lisa sighed, staring at the young child. She looked so much like her, Jennie.

"What do you call feeling that makes you sick in your belly? It feels hot, and wrong."

The boy shrugged. "I dunno. Why did you feel it?"

"I saw something. Two people talking. They looked... close. I didn't like it."

"I think that's... jealousy. Like when Ms. Irene plays with her kids. My belly feels hot, and I want my Mommy."

"I think that's envy," Lisa stated. "Envy means you want what others have."

"Well what does jealous mean?" The boy scooted closer, unbeknownst to Lisa.

"It means... It's when... You wouldn't understand."

"I think it means you love someone and you want them to yourself. Mommy says she's jealous of Ms. Irene cause she spends time with me."

The boy yawned loudly, his head falling on Lisa's shoulder. Lisa jumped slightly, looking at the boy awkwardly.

"What... what are you doing?"

"I'm sleepy. Can you stay here?"

Lisa looked away. "You are too trusting. I could hurt you."

"You're part of my Denna, right?"

"DNA. And... that doesn't mean much in this world."

"Can I see my Mommy, Ms. DNA?"

"My name isn't... " Lisa sighed. "Tomorrow I will bring your mother here. And she will see you whenever she pleases."

She sighed. "I think you may be right, child. I think jealous is what I'm feeling."

She looked down at the child, who had fallen asleep.

So trusting. Was she like that once? Lisa carefully touched his nose. They had the same nose.

She touched her own nose. It felt the same. But the boy's was smaller.

Did she sleep that peacefully once? What did the boy dream about, she wondered. Did he dream about cars.

Look, Lisa! One day I want a car like that, in red.

Why red?

Because red is my favoritest color. It's bright. And brave.

I think you're bright and brave, Lisa. 

"Red... red is my favorite color." Lisa said softly.

She'd forgotten that. Red was Lisa's favorite color.

She stared at the boy. He slept so soundly. The boy wasn't afraid? Of her. Of anything He was so fearless. He slept without a care in world.


Lisa reached out his hand, carefully, setting her hand against the boys head.

The boy turned toward her. His face against Lisa's hand as he shivered. Lisa looked down. He was cold.

Carefully, she put the comforter over the boys small body.

He smiled. Was it that easy? To make him smile?

Suddenly, Lisa wished she could be that small again. She hated that weakness, always had. Being small, and helpless.

But with helplessness, it seemed, perhaps, came... trust? A naivety? It was easier to exist then, even with the pain, and feel.

Maybe adulthood had taken away her emotions. Maybe it was a self-preservation tactic. Store away the things that made her weak.

But... if she could smile like this child, just once more- well... it would be worth it.

She thought it'd be worth it.

Don't Go (Jenlisa Adaptation)Where stories live. Discover now