9. My Mark

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This story is adapted from the original story 'Don't Go' by emjaywrites. This is just an adaptation! All rights belong to the original owner.

Enjoy and thank you for reading :)



I'm escorted to a room somewhere in the mansion. I smell the heat, but I don't know where it's coming from, as I'm led up winding stairs.

"Where are we-"

We stop in front of a room. Here. Here just be where we're going. I look at Sasha who stares at the doors longingly.

"What's behind these doors?"

"I'll take it from here," Lisa sounds behind me.

I jump in the spot a bit. She studies my outfit, but I don't know what conclusion she came to, with her face of stone.

"Come, it's time."

"For what?"

Of course, she stays silent.

Inside the room is a furnace. It's small, but enough that I can taste the heat from the edge of the door.


There's a man in front of the furnace, he had a long stick in his hand, holding it into the fire.

"Give me your hand," Sir demands lowly.

I hesitate. "Why?"

She doesn't answer, staring at me until I place my hand in her awaiting one.

She nods at the man, who takes the metal shaft from the fire. On the end of the pole is a red hot symbol.

I instantly understand.

I struggle away from her, but it's no use. I scream at the top of my lungs but I grow horse. The man inches in front of me, aiming her his brand at my ring finger.

"No! Please no!"

"Don't move. If he misses the mark, we will do this again."

I go rigid. I close my eyes waiting. Air flows by. I think maybe she changed her mi-


Singing my skin, burning my flesh. The scent of my flesh melting against the hot iron makes gag. She holds me in place, silent screams of pain escaping me.

Is this why I'm here?

"Shhh, it's over now. Get cold water, bandage."

I sob silently, my shoulders shaking. She pinches my chin, bringing her lips down mine, cooling, soothing my burnt flesh.

She pulls away, victorious. I look down. There, on my finger is burnt a symbol, intricate. A D in old English letting, with a dragon, wrapped around the base of the letter.

I come to terms with what's happened. I've been branded.

I'm officially her property now. And everyone who looks at my finger will know it.

"It's beautiful," She whispers. "You're beautiful."

"You're a monster," I whimper. "How could you do this?"

"How could I not? You are mine. And nothing- nothing will ever change that. Ever again."


I look up at her. "Where do I know you from?"

She grabs my chin, pulling me close. Closer. She licks my bottom lip, involuntary, my mouth opens. She explored the cavern of my mouth.

I don't want to like it. I don't want to be intoxicated by her. But... I am.

My mind is blank. Self-hatred rips through my body like lightening.

She pulled away, a string of saliva connecting us.

Then she smiled. Really smiled. Her smile seemed poisonous but sweet.

(A/N: Slanted words are Russian)

"I found you, and I will never let you go."

"Please. Just... tell me why you're doing this to me?" I beg her.

"Because Kiska. Unfortunately for you, you are mine."

I clench my teeth, narrowing my eyes at the woman who holds me captive.

"There's a special place in hell for you," I spit,

She smirks, so unlike her. It's flickering, but I saw it. "Yes. It's called a throne, and you'll be right beside me. So get used to the flames, Darling."

She turns and leaves me, alone, staring at the emblem that is forever on my skin.

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