21. A smile?

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This story is adapted from the original story 'Don't Go' by emjaywrites. This is just an adaptation! All rights belong to the original owner.

Enjoy and thank you for reading :)


She woke up to brown eyes

"Morning," She rasps. She hugged herself, but Lisa pried her arms from around herself.

Instead, she put them around her.

Frozen, Jennie let her do what she wanted.

"How do you feel?" She asked

"Nothing," Was her flat answer

She nodded. "Get up. Get dressed."

She did as she was told. When she got out of the shower, Lisa was waiting for her, dressed.

She stepped toward her, to press her lips against her like she'd been conditioned to do.

She stopped her gently. "You don't have to do that anymore."

She didn't question it. Stepping back, looking down. Her nails dug into her arms, as she awaited commands.

She gave none. She just watched her, silently. Wondering if she could do this. She could try. She had to.

She cleared her throat, taking out her phone. She opened an app. Slowly, the room filled with music.

She didn't move. She changed the genre. A slow jazzy beat flooded the room. She didn't move. But she did twitch ever so slightly.

Her lips queried. She opened the notes on her phone.

Going into her pocket, she took out a pair of headphones, plugging them into the phone.

Lisa placed the device in her hand, putting an earphone in her ear

She looked up at her dully. She just looked back at her.

Music is joy, Lisa. Dance. Dance with me!

"Dance with me, Kiska,"

She took her hand, moving them about the room awkwardly.

Just move how the music tells you. There's no wrong way to dance as long as you're doing it.

She moved with her, not even wondering why Lisa was acting this way.

After the song ended, she took her hand, leading her downstairs.

There was food spread over the cabinets. A buffet.

She let go of her hand, letting her keep the earbud.

"Eat," She told her.

She took out a second phone, watching her.

She went to the buffet. She had no idea what any of these things were. She'd never seen it. So she just... picked what looked best.

Lisa started typing as Jennie pointed to things, the sever, placing it on her plate.

Food is life, Lisa. Do you eat to live, or live to eat?

Lisa's face felt weird. She put a hand to her face, feeling the abnormality. She traced it. It was something like... a smile?

Almost. Not quite. But almost. She wondered why it was there? Her body knew it was reacting to something. But her mind, her heart was lost.

It feels good to help other people Lisa, doesn't it? It makes your heartbeat loud in your ears. And your stomach feels al fuzzy.

Maybe she was right. She was her compass. Her compass was broken now, but she still remembered. Everything she told Lisa.

Turns out, she still remembered the direction she always pointed to- North. She was in her mind.

She wasn't as lost as she thought.

Don't Go (Jenlisa Adaptation)Where stories live. Discover now