22. Playing Hero

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This story is adapted from the original story 'Don't Go' by emjaywrites. This is just an adaptation! All rights belong to the original owner.

Enjoy and thank you for reading :)


Kai stared past the woman in his bed.

"Kai," She purred. "Are you still thinking about that girl?

"Apologies, Jisoo," He sighed. "I know it's rude, especially after you've gifted me with your..." He waved his hands, over her body, "Special parts. I'm just worried about her."

She rolled her eyes. "You're such a goofball, Kai."

He shrugged. "Eh. She probably went back to her, y'know. Wonder if she killed her."

"So what? It's not your fault."

"Isn't it? Jisoo, I'm not grey. I'm lazy. I'd rather do nothing, than something. I'm a fencer."

"I straddle the fence. What will come of this is nothing good. Either way, she gets hurt. Someone gets hurt, Jisoo when people like me, do nothing."

Jisoo frowned. She looked up at the internal struggle. She'd known Kai for years. He was laid back. He didn't get into people's affairs.

He minded his business, stayed out of trouble reasonably. She agreed with that philosophy. Look out for you. Pay attention to you.

"Isn't it selfish, Jisoo? I mean, how many people have I abandoned to their deaths, because I didn't want to do anything. I didn't want to be caught up in a mess that had nothing to do with e. But as soon as I saw it... wasn't I involved?"

Jisoo sighed. "Are you sure you didn't screw her? She seems to have gotten too deep in her mind for you not to be deep in her."

Kai put his head down.

"It's not so much about her. It's about me. About how it's always been about me, Jisoo," He turned to her. "If I don't help anyone, no one would help me. If that were my daughter or my sister I would want someone to help her. So why didn't I?'

"Because that woman is a monster? That's no normal girl, Kai. And you've helped people before. You helped me-"

"Not without a price! Or don't you remember?"

She bit her lip, looking down. "No matter. Help is help."

"Is it? I've been thinking about this for a long time Jisoo-"

"Listen, it's great you wanna help, and hurrah for self-improvement, but...I'm sorry. That girl is not the project you should choose. I feel sorry for her. I do. I hope and pray she'll be alright. But if you try to help her? You're gonna die. And she's going to drag her back."

He smiled at her softly. "I have to try don't I?"

She scowled. "You idiot! Listen to me! She'll kill you! Do you hear me? She's going to kill you! She would do anything to keep that girl. Leave it alone!"

"I can't," He chuckled. "I can't sleep. I can't eat. Jisoo, if I don't try, I might as well die. I'll always regret it. And if it's one thing I hate, it is regrets."

She could feel her eyes burning. His fate was sealed. He was determined to help her.

"Kim Jong-in! What the hell are you thinking!"

He got dressed. "I'm thinking I can do something right for once. So why the hell shouldn't I?"

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