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Its now our dismissal time, I managed to pass through the fans that are asking for pictures and I am not that rude to say no right? Besides we aren't that famous yet so if I say no they would talk shit about us.

I just don't want that to happen, anyways I am walking through the gate when I saw Yoongi hyung he was wearing disguise but I can still differentiate him from others.

He waved his hand and I did too I ran as fast as I could "Hyung! Why are you here?" I asked "I want to buy some of my snacks and Jin hyung said to fetch you as well"

But my intention was to really fetch you Yoongi thought

"Aww I thought you came here because you want to fetch me I'm hurt" I said while holding unto my chest and pouting "Aish don't be such a baby let's go I'll treat you I saw a new store near here"

We started to walk but before I can really step out of school I saw a glimpse of a very familiar girl she was talking to some teacher and I love how her smile never left her face. "Jungkook are you just gonna stand there!?" I was brought out of my trance when hyung shouted I did not realize that he was far from me

"Ahh sorry hyung I thought I saw someone I know" I scratched my nape we continued walking

What was the girl's name again? Losa? Lira? Lalima? Lisa?! Right its Lisa! The cousin of Hobi hyung, "Yah!" Hyung called me "Neh?"

"I asked what do you like"

"I'll have banana milk hyung" I said and find a seat the ambiance was nice the store had yellow and white designs. I watched hyung when he was ordering and how the girl was smiling widely

I just played with my phone, until hyung putted my drink "So sajangnim said you don't have to go later" that's a relief

"Thats good, homewroks and quizzes are stressing me off and add up the late night recordings!" I whined like a little baby "Don't worry you'll graduate sooner" hyung patted my head


It was night time, and we just finished dinner I am at my room doing my homework because I don't have a thing to do.

"Wow I can't believe this guys look Jungkook is studying!" Jimin hyung said when he opened my door well they were really right I hate studying just the fact of reading books terrifies me.

I also did some advance study I just felt like it but I can't seem to concentrate because I always see her smiling face, and her doe eyes and cute cheeks. "Jungkook!" I heard Namjoon hyung "Hyung?"

"We are going at Bighit are you coming?" He asked "No thanks I have to finish my homework and study for our quiz I can't just graduate with a low grades right?" I raised an eyebrow

"Ok good luck maknae we will be home around 1 to 3 am but I think we can go him at midnight knowing Jin hyung he wouldn't want to let you go at school with an empty stomach" I just chuckled

We went of my room I will send them out of the house "Bye maknae!" They all waved their hands before closing the van

I came back to doing my own thing

After an hour I finished it finally so I decided to get some milk so I can sleep already but before I can open the milk carton someone banged our door and screaming "OPPA HELP ME!" I was sure I heard the voice but I was a bit hesitant I mean what if its a fan

But the banging didn't stop and I can hear sobs so I decided to open it right after I open it. A girl fell down I immediately got her and I saw a man running, to us but stopped when he saw me holding her.

A carried the girl not yet aware of her identity when she laid down on our sofa I brushed of her hair that was covering her face and what I saw shocked me so bad

"LISA" I whispered

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