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"No its time to tell you this Kook, I only loved you because your the great Jeon Jungkook who wouldn't like such man I never loved you and never will so please stop making it hard for me and leave and never comeback again" she pointed at there door

She never loved me

She slapped

She will never love me

No she is not telling the truth

She just wanted to get rid of me that day

First, she was tired of all the shit

Second, that's the only thing she thought that can get rid of me

It took me a good 2 minutes before everything sank in, all of my hyungs were carrying me to our car. But she spoke, is she taking it back?

"Hobi oppa please stay" she whispered "No Lali I'd rather be his hyung than your oppa" hyung said

I have never felt this betrayed before, but I know my hyungs will help me

"No Lis! You told me!" I don't know what they were talking about and all I want to do right now is cry until I don't have any tears in my eyes left.

We all walked out but then I heard her scream  "Stop it! This is what you wanted right!? For me to be miserable-" I didn't hear the next things she said because I got pulled in the van

All of them were silent I just stared at the busy streets of Seoul, I saw couples how I remember our first day


"Kook where on earth are we going?" She asked for the nth time

"Doll you will know soon ok" I looked at her and she just pouted

"Were here actually" I said and chuckled "The amusement park?!" She exclaimed

"Don't you like it I mean we can go back and go somewhere you want let's g-" she cut me off by smiling widely

"This is perfect I love you" she said and hugged me tightly

"Promise me you won't leave me" I said

"Kook I promise that I won't leave and never will"  it sent butterflies on my stomach and made me all feel giddy

End Flashback

"She never meant it" I said to myself but it was heard by everyone "Kook! Don't think of her look at you!" Yoongi hyung said

"She never meant it" I said and looked away, all of them just looked at me with pity

These days Lisa has been constantly sending me letters I'll read one

Hi there bunny boy :)

Lol, it was kinda cringey especially the smiley. Anyways today we filmed our Boombayah MV, SHIT I just told you the title I am so dead!

I don't mind as long as its you though, tomorrow we will film a dance and I will wear our couple timbs ;)

That's all my love! I love you! Always remember I'll explain everything once were ok

As the days goes by, little by little
So many things have happened
But when I think about what they meant
Why are they the moments I spent with you
I think I might be in love

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