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I was a crying mess once they left my room, Sejeong woke up and she wasn't even startled by our situation.

"What fuckery is this Sejeong!?" I said

"Bunny I-I-I am s-so-sorry" she said but I can't help but to rant at her

"Sejeong! You know I love her so much and why did we end up like this!? She thinks of me as a monster, dickhead, asshole and dumb shit person! Tell me! How can I go get her back!" I said while shaking her shoulders and she just continued to cry

"Jungkook-ah we didn't do anything! We were at the bar because you were frustrated about why you guys broke up. You got wasted so I sent you home, you vomitted on your clothes but I wad too dizzy to get you a new one so I took of your shirt. For the record I am wearing a tube not naked!"

Shit shit shit everything is a misunderstanding

"Now go get your girl before she ends up going to someone's arms" she pushed me to door and I ran downstairs but I was stopped by my hyungs

"Where are you going young man?" Hoseok hyung asked and his eyes were filled with anger I can see it "To Lisa" I answered

Then someone punched me, it was Jimin hyung "You will go to her! For what!? So you can hurt her again and she will cry again!"

I know they were saying the truth but it hurts so bad, that I am the reason why she cries and why she gets sick.

Yes I know she got sent to the hospital two days after our break up because of the old hag and exhaustion lack of sleep and she doesn't eat. I also saw that she fainted when she delivered the cookie's I know all of her hardship.

I beated the shit out of that man and gave him to the police and I said to them not ot tell a single soul about what I did.

Except for her reason why she broke up with me

Then I heard footsteps coming down and we all looked at Sejeong "H-hi?" She said or more like she asked "You little piece of shit wh-" Tae hyung was cut off by her

"Listen guys nothing happened I will never ever kiss that guy." she explained everything and they reconciled

"So what now?" Jimin hyung asked "I don't know hyung, I think she doesn't need me now"

"Hold up! Is the great maknae giving up?" Hoseok hyung asked "Because all we know is a competitive one" Jin hyung said "Don't givs up kid" Yoongi hyung said and ruffled my hair


"Are you sure about this?" Hoseok hyung asked for nth time today we will visit the girls at there dorm

But Jennie noona had a threat to us that she will kill us if ever she see us but being at a music show and award show is an exception. Obviously were all scared to death of what's about to happen, I had the idea of going but got discouraged by the threat.

But luckily Yoongi hyung said this "Its fine I'll handle Jennie if ever and Tae can help me just go get your girl back"

Our plan was to go next week but it got rushed because Jisoo noona called Namjoon hyung telling him Lisa has been locking herself up in her room. Barely eats and they always here things crashing in her room, only Jisoo noona knows were coming.

"Goddammit just press it!" Jin hyung said but he was also scared for what's about to happen

"Oh for fucks sake I'll press it" Yoongi hyung said and pressed the doorbell we heard a faint footsteps and it opened revealing Rosè in her casual oversized shirt and short.

"Omo what are you doing here Jen unnie is so mad at you guys that she even curses you during her sleep" she whispered "Chae what's that is it the food?" We heard Jennie noona

"Uh unnie" Rosè looked so anxious then Jisoo noona went at the door "Oh great you're here did you bring the food?" Noona asked and we all nodded

"Guys what's taking so long the movie will end and we haven't eat- WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU DOING HERE DIDN'T I TELL YOU NOT TO GO HERE I SWEAR JEON FUCKING JUNGKOOK I AM GONNA-" she was cut off because Jisoo noona put her hands on her mouth

"Jen let's settle this inside they brought the food we need" we all went in and sat down at there sofa but Jisoo noona went to me and said "Her room is at the last left side it has name's please bring her out" she look at me and I nodded

"Uhhh noona I have to go to the restroom where is it?" I looked over Rosè and Jisoo noona they both got what was my meaning "I'll accompany you JK" we both stood up and the talk between the older ones started

"Here please bring her out I'm so worried about her" she said and patted my back and left

I took multiple breathes before knocking "You got this JK you got this" I assured myself and knocked

"Go away unnie I told you I don't want to go out" she said then I knocked again "Unnie NO!"

"Baby please open the door its me JK" a clear silence was heard before she spoke "Please leave"

"No I won't if I have to break this door I would step out from the door you might get hurt" I said I guess they all heard me because I said it out loud

"Yah! Yah! Pull him Jungkook!" I heard Jin hyung and my hands were locked into Tae hyung and Jimin hyungs hands "Hyung what are you doing I need to see her please let md go I will break that door" I tried pushing them away but I was too weak because I am crying

"Jungkook-ah please your hand is still not better from your injury" Namjoon hyung said "No hyung doll is more important than this stupid injury!"

Yes I had an injury its not that bad but I had a cast on my foot "Doll move away from the door" I said and got of from my hyungs but before I can open it

A crying mess Lisa opened it "Stop! Please! Leave him alone!"

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