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"Yahh! Lisa is the sweetest!" Tae oppa said "I know I know" I said with a hint of boastfulness in my voice "I really can't believe you guys, you went against me but at least it had a good result" Jungkook said

"Just invite us in your wedding!" Eunha said at the other table we are currently celebrating his birthday at the restaurant of Jin oppa and his brother well after the surprise we all headed here and everything was settled our CEO's were here awhile ago they just congratulated us and Bang-PD-nim welcomed me to the family and the same to Papa YG 

Right now were just wasting ourselves out but of course Kook, Eunha, Tzuyu, Yeri, Yugyeom, Sehun and I will stay responsible maknae's so we would sober because we have great responsibility. The situation right now is kinda intense as I can say all of them were talking but we can't understand a thing and I hope Jisoo unnie or Jin oppa won't spill our secret or there secret relationship rather.

"Guys!" Jin oppa called our attention 

 "Wae?" Irene unnie asked 

"Did you know that" he stopped first and Jungkook and I both made eye contact both eye's widening "Go stop him!" I whisper-shouted and he just nodded he stood and and pulled JIn oppa but that old man won't even budge (sorry oppa)

"Yah! Where are you taking me?!" Jin oppa complained "Jeon Jungkook! Where are you taking my husband!" shit Jisoo unnie just spilled it and all maknae's were looking shocked as us and I can't even utter a word because I'm in the state of shock

"Um Lisa unnie what are they saying?" Yeri asked "Ahhh welll.... they can clarify it soon I also don't know it either so maybe they will just explain everything soon but please let's not jump into conclusions I mean we don't want a scandal right?" I explained and they all agreed 

Can you remind me to smack both of them when they are sober enough?

Next Day

"Did I really say that?!" Yup you're guessing it right I just told them what happened last night

"Yeah and we are lucky because the maknae's understood and believed me" I said and crossed my arms with my infamous smirk

"What did you say then? That made them believe" Chae asked

"I just said that you can explain when you guys are sober enough and not to jump in conclusions because we don't want a scandal" I stated and they smiled "I know you guys owe me something" I said and winked at them

"Oh gotta change Jungkook might arrive any time bye!" I rushed to my room and pick some clothes but I heard the door open so maybe he already arrived I changed into a white shirt and high-waist pants with my coat paired with rubber shoes

I went out to be see a tensed atmosphere, and Jungkook was sitting straight while his hands are on his lap.

"Hey!" I said and I can see in Jungkook's eye's that he was so excited to go "What's going on? Why is the atmosphere so tensed?" I asked while fixing my bag

"You know Li just getting to know our future brother-in-law" Jennie unnie said

"Ummm ok? But isn't he already your brother-in-law because Jisoo unnie and Jin oppa are married?" I air quoted the

"Fine getting to know you future hubby" Jisoo unnie grunted and I just giggled "As if you don't know him but we will get going now byee!" I dragged Jungkook out of the room and he sighed in relief

"What did they say?" I raised an eyebrow "Just this and that" he said without looking at me "Oh let's go doll do you want to argue about that?" He asked and dragged

We walked to his car and gave me pink roses "Thanks you still know my favorite" I said and kissed his cheek

"I'll never forget the favorite flower of my future I am not interested in knowing someone else's favorite cause I won't be giving them except for our mom's and noona's" he stated

"Thank you" I said and smiled at him "Its not the tine for drama but I love you too" he said and pecked my lips

He started the car and we passed through the busy streets of Seoul "Where are we going anyway?" I looked at him but he just smiled

"Oh come on, why are like that" I smacked his arm "Doll I'm driving" he said and we both laughed "We need to ride a train though just sleep first I'll wake you up when were at the station" I just nodded because I know if I ask he won't answer

"Doll, were here" he whispered and kissed my forehead "Oh really! I'm excited let's go!" I said and went off the car

We went in the train and walked through we didn't have masks but its already late so no one will notice because its just elders who are here.

"Here let's seat here" Jungkook pointed at a seat that is for two he let me sit at the window he was just holding my hand and playing with my fingers while I was battling with my sleepiness

"Just sleep I got this, I woke up an hour before I got at your dorm so just sleep I had enough of it you're probably tired you are busy" he said and I just nodded at him

I laid my head at his shoulder and slept but he whispered something that made my heart flutter "I love you and I will always will"

He kissed my forehead and there I drifted to dreamland

We were walking to a deserted place few houses were here Jungkook just held my hand

"Where are we? I think you took advantage of me being tired so I didn't see where we are" I glared at him "Nice catch you got me there!" He said and showed me his bunny smile

"Were here!" He said and knocked on a door "Hey why are you knocking you might wake them up" I scolded him but he just smiled "Well they waited for us" he said and the door opened

"Omo! Yah you didn't tell me we were meeting your parent's" I said and glared at him but I smiled at Mrs. Jeon who opened the door

"Hi dear welcome! Jungkook's been talking about you non-stop" Mrs. Jeon said "Thank you Mrs. Jeon" I said and bowed

"Oh just call me mom" she said and hugged me "And call me dad" Mr. Jeon came out "And you can call me oppa" Jungkook's older brother came to the frame

"Hyung no one is calling you oppa!" Jungkook pouted

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