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Today I have a schedule alone which is a fashion show for Celine here at Paris so I had to fly all the way here just for this and the girls are at Australia

I remember that within this week I will color my hair grey and cut it then I guess by next year I will go back to black, I am also shooting a survival show in China Youth with You and I am a dance mentor

I went to China last week I guess? Then our tour will be over by the end of the year and I will focus on the survival show, magazine shoots, and Celine shows or Prada

Jennie unnie and I are quite packed with schedule but its different for her she only works for Channel and I work for many brands but its ok at least I can bring pride in our group

Chaeng also models for YSL and Jisoo unnie for Dior and Cartier

"Lisa we need to go now" my manager said so I fixed myself and looked at the mirror one last time before going out

We arrived at the place and there were a lot of photographers waiting also some fans I stayed outside for the pictures for 5 minutes I mean I am generous enough to look at every camera

Once I went in some people talked to me and I am lucky enough I know to speak English some how

After some models going the show was over and a little chat here and there then I went back to the hotel

My manager wasn't speaking and he kept on glancing at me like he wants to say something I just let it slide because I was too tired and my heels are killing

Once we rode the elevator he still kept on looking at me and its bothering I would just confront him when I am ok I might burst anytime

We reached my door but before I enter I said "Oppa can you wait here outside?" He just nodded he looked super scared and its bothering me

After washing my face and changing my clothes to my mom jeans, black buttoned blouse I paired it with my Gucci belt and black shoes

Once I went out manager looked at me with trembling hands "What's the problem oppa? You kept on looking at me and its bothering me" I said and his eyes widen

"Did you see your phone?" He asked "Why is there a scandal?" I was looking for my phone but he held my hand "No its nothing its just uhmm a new post of BTS yeah new post" he looked like he was trying to convince the both of us but I ain't buying it

"Oppa" I said with my stern voice "Ok, fine Jungkook injured himself before the concert and he is not dancing he was just sitting" after he explained I dragged him to the parking

"Where are we going?" He asked while running "To there concert they are here right?" I said and went in the car

"Just drive oppa I can't just sit here while he suffers and we are breathing the same air" I said and dialed Sejin oppa because there concert is still on going

"Ok fine, fine just calm down and call Sejin hyung" manager oppa said  Sejin oppa picked up

"Oppa?! How is he!? What happened!? Please tell me he is fine!" I said while tears are threatening to fall

Did you ever get that feeling that you are scared to loose someone?

"Oppa!" I said while sobbing I was waiting for his answer "Lisa-yah he is fine he was a bit stubborn at first he wanted to dance and we used you we said that if he will dance we will report his doings to you" Sejin oppa said

"Thanks oppa we will be there in a few" I said and he just hummed and I hung up

"Go now I will park you know your way I am sure someone will fetch you" manager oppa said I just nodded and ran I didn't care if someone saw me all I know is Jungkook needs me

Once I was in front of the backstage guards stopped me "Miss you can't come in" the guard said in English

I called Sejin oppa and he picked up "Oppa, I can't come in" I handed the phone to the guard and his eyes widen

"Sorry miss, you can come in the rooms has signs so you won't get lost" the guard said and I went in when I found there dressing room I went in and it was empty I found Sejin oppa

"Lisa-yah!" He said and made me sit "Is he really ok? I mean I know he acts strong but he isn't really and he is stubborn and I can't help but worry for him because he such baby and please tell me what happened because I might explode he is very precious to me and-"

"Lisa, Lisa calm down you are rambling your thoughts" Sejin oppa gave me a bottle of water

"He had stitches before he went on stage he cut himself into something sharp while taking a bath I think its 3-5 inches" I gasped when I heard how long it was

"Is he really ok?" I said with tears eyes "Yes he is the show is about to end I guess they are going here-"

The door opened with Jin oppa pushing Jungkook in a wheelchair "-now" Sejin oppa continued his sentence

"Doll, you are here!" He said and smiled then I rushed to hug him I sat on his lap "How can you smile like that right now!?" I said and hugged even more tighter I felt his hands on my waist making little circle he always does this to calm me down

"Doll I'm ok, I am more fine because you are here" he said and kissed my cheek


"I'm fine totally fine" he said and hugged me tighter

"Jungkook?! Jungkook?!" I heard voices coming so I stood up from his lap but he pulled me closer to him I just looked at him "You can't go now" he said

"Jungkook!" His mom came and he looked at me "Oh! Ummm I will just come later" Mrs. Jeon said

I was way too embarrassed so I hid my face in his chest and I can feel the vibration in his lungs because he was laughing "Its ok mom I want her here" he said and his mom laughed

"Are you ok Kook?" His mom asked "Yes mom sorry I can't perform earlier I feel like I disappointed you" he said and I hugged him tighter

"Its ok I can always come and see you dance" his mom said

"Sorry Mrs. Jeo-" his mom glared at me and I forgot I call him eomma now "I mean eomma that we had to meet again like this"  I said

"Its fine dear" his mom said and Hobi oppa came

"You look comfortable Lali" and I just hid my face in his chest because my cheeks are read

Random chap

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