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"I love him oppa I love him so bad but I can't seem to know how to get my man back if he finds someone its ok as long as he is happy I am too but I want my man back" -Lisa


Another year passed and Kook and I haven't, reconcileed I mean I wasn't also planning on getting back with him.

Its not like I don't want to, but I have to after that 'punch day' incident my unnie's never left me until I told them what happened. So basically they know it but Bangtan still doesn't know and today Bamabm will be having and idol party.

We will participate since we are free that day and our manager is kind enough to let us attend, were getting lucky. Yeah I know but sajangnim said our comeback this year we will have 4 songs not just one and the 2 songs there has dances so I am quite excited.

Also, sajangnim knows about San E sunabe about what he does but he can't do anything because San E sunbae holds the deepest secret of me and my members.

I didn't tell my unnie's about this because I don't want them to worry but all I can say is that we sure have secrets. I am ok that they didn't tell it because its quite more of a family problem and we don't want to medle with them right?

But I am feeling weird these days like someone is following me and something  bad is about to happen

"Guys are you ready?" I heard Jisoo unnie said from the living room "Neh!" We three said

This is what we wore



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Jennie unnie:

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Jennie unnie:

Jennie unnie:

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Jisoo unnie:

"Lisa-yah were looking sexy tonight aye!" Jennie unnie said

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"Lisa-yah were looking sexy tonight aye!" Jennie unnie said

We all talked about wearing black to look like badass bitches but Jisoo unnie and Chae stayed abit formal? I guess? But if they were the ones who wore our clothes they will be uncomfortable.

"Guys let's go oppa said that they are here" I said Hoseok oppa insisted on fetching us so we can look like gate crashes because we are late

We all walked down and not so long a van parked and opened the door it revealed the boys wearing elegant clothes but not like they wore suits. Like a black polo and sweatshorts then golden chain necklace and rubbershoes, something like that.

In my choker I changed the design and putted the letter 'JJK' that Kook and I both bought. When I entered I looked at his necklace and his has my initials 'LSM'

"My daughter and Kook are having couple necklace aye!" Jin oppa said and I just laughed along "Lili aren't you wearing something too revealing? Tae oppa asked

"Nah, besides its just us idols what can go wrong I mean we respect each other right?" And ge just nodded

We arrived at the club and we all went out but Hoseok oppa held my wrist "We need to talk" I just nodded and all of us went in the club everybody stopped and looked at us
"Blackpink and Bangtan everyone!" Bambam said on the mic and we just smiled

I approached him and did our handshake "Looking good Pokpak" he messed my hair and glared at him "Where's the Thai fam?" We walked to a couch and I saw there my friends

"Yow! Yow! Yow! Lisa in the house!" I said while finding a seat next to Sorn "We look hot tonight Lisa aye!" Ten said and we laughed "Who are you impressing Pokpak?" Bambam asked

"No one though just wanted to find flings" I joked "Is that Lisa? Where did you bring her? Its creeping me out!" Minnie said

"Shut up Mickey!" I exclaimed "I was just joking y'all know that right?" I added

"Still Jungkook? That man is something!" Bambam said "I heard my name" Jungkoom suddenly appeared and I eyed Bambam "Nothing just talking about your group man, you guys are getting big!"

"Thanks Bam!" He patted his back and he looked at me with the 'what do you think you are wearing?' I just shrugged my shoulders and he glared at me real hard

I stuck my tongue out and rolled my eyes "Jungkook this is my Thai Fam, Sorn" Sorn did a mini salute "Mickey" and she blew a kiss "Its Minnie though" she added "You already know Ten and this Pokpak" I winked at him "Its Lisa to you" I added

"Already know Lisa Bam" he said and they were all shocked "What!?" They all looked at me "Its like you don't know what happened you little peasants" I rolled my eyes

"Doll never knew you had a dirty mouth" I was stunned by how he called me and all of them had teasing looks "Oh I was here because Hoseok hyung is looking for you Lis" I just nodded and stood up he led me to the rooftop but before I can go he held my wrist

"What the hell?!" I said "Doll please just take me back" he pleaded "Jeon I already told you"

We kinda had a bad relationship now I guess he got to tired from waiting me I understood him and its all his decision I respect

Once I entered I saw oppa leaning against the railings "Oppa" I called him and he sat on the sofa

"What's happening Lali I know something's up" he said

"Oh just a minute Dawon noona messaged" he looked at his phone and typed

"Ok so yeah as I was saying, what's happening to you?"

"Its kinda complicated though but one things for sure San E sunabe is included in this" I pursed my lips to stop myself from crying

"He was the one who punched me and he would sometimes threat me that if I don't break up with Kook he is going to reveal our relationship he also knows some secrets of my members that only thet can tell though I know it. Its not my story to tell" I succeeded on not crying

"Just cry Lali I know you don't have anyone" he hugged me and I sobbed real hard "I just love him so much that I can do anything for him but he is already giving up"

"I love him oppa I love him so bad but I can't seem to know how to get my man back if he finds someone its ok as long as he is happy I am too but I want my man back"

"You always had us Lisa"

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