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MMA 2018

So I think this would be our last award show before continuing the tour, though we don't have much award shows to attend to begin with.

And yeah that's totally it "Be ready for your explanation Kim Jisoo" Jennie unnie teased Jisoo unnie I mean yeah all of the groups present probably needs a good explanation especially the maknae's

"Shut up Kim Jennie you're just excited because you will see your beloved boyfie!" Jisoo unnie fired back

I noticed that Chae was extra quiet today, I mean she would sometimes whine she wants food on the way but now she is just completely quiet and she is just looking at the window. I tapped her hand and she looked at me

"Everything ok?" I asked and she just smiled at me the one she uses when she is happy "Yeah, just nervous" she said and looked away maybe embarrassed

I just giggled at her "Guys were here just leave the things you don't need like your favorite bunny plushie Jisoo, your other Channel bag Jennie, your avocado plushie Chae and your ukulele Lisa" manager unnie said and we all whined

"No buts young ladies you have to go now we don't have much time" manager unnie said and we had no choice but to obey

Our hands were all crossed and our foots were stomping our lips pouted we didn't talk to manager unnie "Come one girls its like you won't see it later" manager unnie said

"Thats the point! I want to play my ukulele while waiting!" I said

"What's the problem?" A voice spoke and turned around to see Bangtan Jungkook was looking at me

"Manager unnie said I should leave my ukulele and I had no choice!" I said Jungkook snaked his arms on my waist "Doll did I tell you you look cute?" He whispered "But my ukulele!" I whined

"Its ok love you can play it later ok?" He tuck the strands of my hair "Come on that's enough Jungkook" manager unnie pulled me and I just pouted but Jungkook mouthed 'We'll talk later' I just nodded and smiled

When we saw our door a guy was standing there holding Hyacinth flowers and we all knew who it was we all looked at Jennie unnie "I'll just talk to him" manager unnie nodded

To be honest only us, Bangtan, EXO and our managers knew that were dating it wasn't approved by our CEO's doesn't know a thing.

When we entered we saw our outfits hanged on the side I looked at mine it was ok, but the shorts is kinda short but I can't say the same to Chae.

We made eye contact and I can see that she doesn't want to wear it "Unnie, why is my clothes so revealing?" She said and she was at the verge of crying

"Rosie, it was the stylist who decided" manager unnie said "Who? That maniac? I swear I'll literally kill him!" She looked hella angry and we know how to cure an angry Chae

"Guys who wants food?!" Jimin oppa came in holding three boxes of chicken and Chae immediately ran to him and ate oppa looked so confused then I approached him

"She was hella angry before you arrived thanks for the save" I patted his shoulder I went out since the make-up artist will fix Chae and Jisoo unnie first

Jimin oppa accompanied me to there room because Jungkook said we will meet "Were here" he said and opened the door

All of then were eating chicken too "Lali!" Hobi oppa hugged me and I returned it "Hey guys!" I greeted them

Jungkook sat beside me and I looked around I saw Tae oppa he looked grumpy

"Hey Kook what's the matter with Tae oppa?" I asked and he just chuckled "He saw Kai hyung going to your door holding noona's favorite flowers" Jungkook explained

"Does he like unnie?" I asked and he just nodded "Nah, Kai oppa is way more better he buys chocolate milk every time he visits" I said a little loud so Tae oppa would here. My plan worked because he looked

"Really he goes at you dorm?" Jimin oppa asked "Yeah, he always compliments me that I am beautiful" I said and Tae oppa rolled his eyes

"Oh hyungs Lisa and I will just roam around" he dragged me outside and we walked when we shut the door I heard Namjoon oppa saying "Use protection!"

"Where are we going anyway?" I looked at him "We can go to the stage area so you can see it" I just nodded and we walked

Well after meeting the Jeon's we just went home, his mom even told Jungkook to buy an apartment for us. They said they would love to meet mom and dad.

"Look at the seats there might be a 0.00009 chance we can sit together" he said and pointed at some sits

"That would never happen Kook" I said and laughed

"But why!?" He whined "Doesn't mean Papa YG approved us means we can do PDA dummy" I remarked

"Oh I need to use the restroom" I said and we walked to the restroom "Wait for me ok?" I said and he nodded

After I went in, the door opened Jungkook cane in "What are you doing here?" I looked at the cubicles luckily no one is here

"Umm waiting?" He said "Fine, fine just stay here ok?" He just nodded

After I did my business he was still there using his phone I washed my hands I adjusted my shorts because it went up a little.

"Don't do that I'm getting a boner" he said "Who you talking too?" I looked at him and when he turned to look at me his eyes were dark

"I'm talking to you doll" he walked towards me and trapped me between his arms in the sink

"I think we should go" I said and I tried to go but he was strong enough I mean he was always strong

"I love you" he said and crashed his lips on me I kissed him back and he found his way inside my shorts he was stroking my wet pussy

"F-fuck Jeon" I gripped on his shoulders but my phone suddenly rang so I answered it and it was Jennife unnie I stopped him but his hands were still inside my shorts

"Hello unnie?" I said

"Where the hell are you were going to get our make up done" she said in a stern voice

"Yes unnie I-" I stopped because Jungkook entered his three fingers "You what?" Unnie asked "I-I wi-will he-hea-head there fuck!" I can't hold it anymore

"Oh you guys are disgusting do it later" then she hung up and I didn't see that I came already

"Tastes good let's go" he said like nothing happened

"I swear you will be the death of me" I said and gave him my hand

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