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"Are you guys ready?" Sejin hyung said "I guess?" Lisa's hand was trembling I mean if you will announce your engagement who wouldn't

Today is her birthday and we are doing a birthday concert for her and we will announce the engagement as well but the fans know that its a Blackpink concert so we will just pop out of nowhere

I am sitting beside Lisa and I am holding her hand caressing the ring she was just holding my hand tightly and looking at the air. "Doll" I called her and she flinched upon hearing her name

"Y-yeah?" She asked and I just smiled at her "Don't worry love whatever happens I will still marry you and build a family with you" I kissed her cheek and she just smiled "I know Kook I am just nervous" she gave me a tight lip smile

"Don't be" she just nodded and leaned her head on my shoulder I hummed to my song euphoria

As I was at the chorus part I heard soft snores so I looked over my shoulder and she was really sleeping so I giggled and sat back at the sofa she adjusted her position and now she is hugging my chest

"I love you" I whispered but then someone came in its was Tae hyung he was about to speak but he saw Lisa sleeping

"Sorry" he said "The girls needs to go now Kook" he looked at Lisa with pity so I peppered her with kisses and she giggled "Why Kook?" She asked

"You need to go love" I said her eyes suddenly looked frightened so I hugged her "Love you will do good I promise I got your back were in this together" I said to her and somehow she looked ok

"Thank you Kook and I love you" she said and give me a peck and ran away

"Gosh she will be the death of me" I said to myself

The intro started and she didn't even looked nervous at all she was doing her basic thing 'Owning the stage'

So I went to the place where they control the ear piece "Can I say something through the ear piece?" I asked and the guy in charge just nodded so I got the mic and spoke

"Really doll? So much for being nervous you're actually doing great keep slaying the stage love" and when I looked at the screen she was shocked and manage to control her face but her flustered cheeks says it all and her unnie's looked at her teasingly

"Thank you sir" then I left

The girls are changed to the last clothes so it was also our cue we will show ourselves and announce our engagement though Lisa doesn't what am I gonna do

The girls went up and sang Hope not they are now sending there good bye's and the lift went up Hoseok hyung said "BTS in your area!" the crowd went wild

When they saw us we waved our hands then my performance starts

(Play the song)

Do you love the rain? Does it make you dance
When you're drunk with your friends at a party?
What's your favorite song, does it make you smile?
Do you think of me?

Lisa's eyes widen upon hearing our song because she always asks me to sing it for her I just threw her my bunny smile

When you close your eyes, tell me, what are you dreamin'?
Everything, I wanna know it all

I started to walk through the long stage so I can get to them hiding the pink rose I was holding at my back

I'd spend ten thousand hours and ten thousand more
Oh, if that's what it takes to learn that sweet heart of yours
And I might never get there, but I'm gonna try
If it's ten thousand hours or the rest of my life
I'm gonna love you (ooh, ooh ooh, ooh, ooh)

Do you miss the road that you grew up on?
Did you get your middle name from your grandma?
When you think about your forever now, do you think of me?

When you close your eyes, tell me, what are you dreamin'?
Everything, I wanna know it all

This time I reached in front of Lisa and smiled at her I gave her the pink rose and she gasped

I'd spend ten thousand hours and ten thousand more
Oh, if that's what it takes to learn that sweet heart of yours
And I might never get there, but I'm gonna try
If it's ten thousand hours or the rest of my life

I'm gonna love you (ooh, ooh ooh, ooh, ooh)
I'm gonna love you (ooh, ooh ooh, ooh, ooh)

Ooh, want the good and the bad and everything in between
Ooh, gotta cure my curiosity
Ooh, yeah

I'd spend ten thousand hours and ten thousand more
Oh, if that's what it takes to learn that sweet heart of yours (sweet heart of yours)
And I might never get there, but I'm gonna try
If it's ten thousand hours or the rest of my life

I'm gonna love you (ooh, ooh ooh, ooh, ooh)
I'm gonna love you (ooh, ooh ooh, ooh, ooh)
And I
Do you love the rain, does it make you dance?
I'm gonna love you (I'm gonna love you)
I'm gonna love you

As the song ended I held her waist near me and kissed her cheek "Were in this together" I whispered and she nodded

"Annyeong! Blinks and if there are Army's here" then I laughed

"As you can see and as you all know this pretty gal next to me is my beloved fiancè" I said and cheers were heard also gasps

"Yes you heard it right she is my fiancè doll show them the ring" she showed it and the camera zoomed "I hope you don't mind me marrying her, though I will still marry her even is you oppose" that made everyone laugh

"We both are inviting you guys to our wedding through live streams, were sorry we can't afford to let you all watch it" Lisa said "Let's sing our last song!" Jimin hyung said and the music started


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lalalalisa.m You are all invited 9/28/2020



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Jeon.JK Save the date 9/28/2020

Big day will be posted tomorrow and the ending is tomorrow

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