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We just got home from recording all our songs and all I can say is I am damn tired we are just using our phones while we are at the sofa.

The television is on but no one is listening until the reporter spoke

Jin of BTS and Irene of Red Velvet were seen together at a cafè fans said that they maybe dating. Maybe they-

I turn off the TV and Jisoo unnie was just looking at it like she is still watching the room fell to a quiet silence until Jisoo unnie spoke.

"I'm sure its not what it seems like. I am sure" her lips were quivering and I know she will breakdown anytime "I will just take a nap I am so tired"

Her last words felt like it had another meaning and I know she will just cry "What do we do I know she will just cry" Chae said

"I don't know too one things for sure its not our problem to get into let's wait until he explains if not I will get him by myse-"

The loud banging of our door made unnie stop and we all knew who it was "I guess I don't have to drag him here" Jennie unnie said and we all walked towards the door I did the honors on opening the door

"Oh god thank you I thought you wouldn't open it" Jin oppa and the others were there even Jungkook is here

"I think you should come in oppa, unnie is not here she's at her room and I know she is crying" Chae said I made a large gap so they can enter everybody was silent

Jin oppa immediately went to unnie's room and we can't hear a thing now because our rooms are sound proof, "Soooo" Joon oppa

"Do you want drinks guys? Food?" I asked and looked at them "Lili its not like its our first time here" Jimin oppa said

"Yeah right I will just go get change we haven't really changed since we arrived" I excused myself but Hobi oppa asked something "Since when did you arrive?"

"Maybe 10 minutes before you guys came we just got back from recording" I said and left them I chose to wear something comfy I wore a pink velvet satin dress of course with shorts

I came out and everyone was in chaos, Chae on Jimin oppa's lap, Jennie unnie, Yoongi and Tae oppa talking seriously, Joon and Hobi oppa Jungkook playing video games while being loud.

Once I walked to the kitchen to get chocolate milk everyone fell quiet so I looked at them and they were looking at me?

"What? Is it your first time to see me in a dress?" Then they went back to there business "I'll just heat warm milk don't feel like drinking chocolate" I talked to myself

I grabbed the glass and- "Who are you talking to?" I accidentally flinched and dropped the glass I was ready to be hit by shattered glasses but someone spoke "You can open your eyes doll"

Jungkook he is in front of me now talking to me

"T-thanks" I took the glass from his hands of course he caught the glass before it hit the floor I just warmed the milk and used my phone I can feel that he hasn't left yet

My phone rang and saw the caller was Hanbin oppa so I answered it and turn off the milk

"Oppa why did you call?"

"Are you busy? Can I come there?"

"Now is not the perfect time though"

"Why Lalisaaa"

"Aish here you are again annoying the hell out of me"

"Fine, fine someone is grumpy red flag?"

"Kinda, I am starting to crave sweets but I can't because our comeback is near"

"Hahaahahahah poor lalalalalalalisaaa!"

"At least were having a comeback bitch"

"Geez no need to remind me I am starting to get rotten here at our dorm"

"No one cares if you get rotten there bitch I have to go now"

"Ok byee lalalalalalalalala-"

I ended the call because I know that it will be long I also finished my milk so I putted it in the sink "Who was that?" Jungkook said but I was still surprised

"Geez stop surprising me I might get a heart attack anytime" I said and held on my chest "So who was that?"

"Hanbin oppa"

"Okay" then he walked away "Yikes what's his problem?"

"You are" he suddenly popped out of nowhere "I told you not to surprise me" I said

"Sorry red flag?" Ok what's with the asking if its red flag "Yeah I want sweets though but were having a comeback and I need to go boxing tomorrow" I sat at the chair in the table

"Can I come with you?"

"Yeah sure, but don't blame me when my mood changes"

"Nah I can handle you"

"Lisa! Why are getting all horny!" He said when we sat inside the car "I told you to be ready when I change moods" I crossed my arms

"Sorry I was just surprised you're getting all touchy and we aren't in good terms yet" he said and started the car "Fine" I sighed

"Sorry for being a bitch last time, I was just so brought up with the problems and shits you know" I added

"Ok now I know were good" he looked at me and smiled suddenly I felt his hand on mine he was holding the steering wheel while holding my hand

"Were here" he said and killed the engine "Thanks Kook" I kissed his cheeks and he got startled "You look cute and I like it"

Then I walked away


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