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Everything is fine now, I guess?

Hobi oppa had to accompany me at my house which I felt like I was a burden to him. We also got to buy stuffs for my apartment and it wasn't as hard as thought because I just brought a few things

Anyway its my first day and, my oppa's insisted that Jungkook and I should go to school together and when we get home. They said "Why don't you just go together our houses are just a block away and you'll eventually go at the same place" their words Namjoon oppa's to be exact

Jungkook wasn't against it but I was I didn't want to be a burden and what if a scandal happens I just became a trainee then I caused a trouble already!

But I have no choice anyways because I am still afarid to go alone, Jungkook and I agreed to meet at the park since its near, and I knew he was the one who caught.

It was kind of awkward how I found it out


"If it wasn't oppa who caught me then
who?  I am sure oppa has muscles at his arms" I talked to myself

"Morning, hope your good now and I'm sorry I didn't mean to see you yesterday, last night rather almost half naked" Jungkook spoke out of nowhere and surprised me

"So you were the one who caught me" I mumbled "Yeah I was" he answered  wow he also heard that

"I'll see you around I guess" he said and left


So here I am now walking towards the park with a bag in my back. I decided not to look extra today since its just school and I will be heading to YG after this so why waste time when I am just gonna dance after

"Lisa!" Someone called me so I shifted my head up just to see an excited Jungkook waving his hand I ran up to him

I think he waited long "Hey sorry to keep you waiting" I said "No its fine I just arrived as well"

"Thats what they say but it won't work on me" I said and glared at him "I swear that I just arrived look at my sweat" he pointed at his forhead "Yikes keep the distance Jeon you stink" I said and held unto my nose playfully

"Really Manoban?" His voice sounded so stern "Ughhh your so annoying ass fuck let's go Jeon" I walked away making heavy steps so he would know I am mad. He was catching up with me and kept on calling my name but I ignored him but he caught up with me

"Seriously Lisa you're going to be the death of me!" He held my wrist a bit tightly so I tried yanking off my arm "Jeon f-fuck it
h-hu-hurts!" He was panicking and his expression softened "Shit sorry Lis" he let go of my hand and look down

"Its fine let's go I don't want to be late" I said and he walked by my side there were only few people so he did not need a mask but once we got at the bus station he wore it.

I sat at the back and he sat beside me "What are you doing!?" I whisper-shouted "What can't I sit beside you who knows what if someone comes to you and harasses you! Do you think that I won't be scolded?" He answered

Ouch that hurts! I thought he was worried because he cared, he just thought of being scolded. I started to like him because he saved me but he did not care I guess he was just caught up the moment I fell and felt responsible.

Damn I never knew it would hurt this much!

"Fine!" I said and looked away I didn't bother talking because I might blurt out everything on my mind. I can't believe him seriously!

After a few minutes we left the bus and walked towards the school of course students were talking about me being with him. But I did not want to have business with him so I decided to part ways "I can handle myself Jungkook, you can leave me here" I said and looked at him, he looked at me like I said something ridiculous

"What?" I raised an eyebrow "Really Lis, don't you think were in the same homeroom class?" He had a smirk

Hah! He thought so I am in class A and his in C that makes him even more dumb "As far as I remember yes I am in class A and your in C so if you would excuse me Jeon I need to go I and I know my way" I was the one who had a smirk and his face looked so funny I just walked off and bump his shoulder

Students were gossiping and whispering but I don't give a damn fuck I can be better than him and one day these people would be talking to me and ask pictures

Geez Lalisa no need to think that far

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