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After the hugging event we started to eat and we kinda planned some things right now good thing we have great translators credits to Namjoon oppa and Jennie unnie

Namjoom oppa was in charge for translating Korean and Jennie unnie is for English

"So how would you like your dress dear?" Mrs. Jeon asked

"I would like something big and long an off shoulder can do" I explained

"Can you handle it sweetheart?" Dad asked "Yes I can dad" I gave him a reassuring smile

"How about the place?" Mom asked "I am not really sure with that I have no idea yet maybe you have something in mind Kook" I looked at him

"I have no idea but I don't want the tradition one" he answered

"A garden wedding" Jisoo unnie suggested "Unnie doesn't mean you had a garden wedding Lis will have it too" Jennie unnie fired away

"Excuse me!" She crossed her arms and pouted "Your tastes are a pity" she said in English which made us laugh

"A beach one?" Jimin oppa asked

"Guys! You guys have no experience leave it to me and Lis will love it" she grinned at me "A castle type that has Rome vibes" she said while she was dreaming

"And I just know the right place I can pay for the venue place" I smiled at her "Thank You Chae but we can han-"

"No can do Li its my gift" she said "Let's go with castle Rome vibe venue" Jungkook said

"Well will you guys want it intimate or like public" Jin oppa asked

"Maybe we can let reporters at the place but not inside" Jungkook said "How about  general date?" Tae oppa asked

"At the end of the year? November or October?" I looked at Jungkook

"November is too cold let's do it in October" I just nodded "Can I be the wedding planner?" Jennie unnie asked

"Its fine for me you have food tastes noona" Jungkook confirmed "Thats good! I have the right place for Lisa's gown our theme can be Rome in South Korea" she said

"OMG I am so excited for this! Just planning it is exciting me" Hoseok oppa said "You haven't change Hope" Mom said

"As if I would ever aunt!" He joked "Better find someone Hope your dad will be nagging you on getting married" dad said and oppa just whined

"I am talking to someone" he said and looked at his phone "Though she got in a accident" he mumbled but we all heard it

"Wendy unnie!" Chae and I both said and his face turned pink "OMG its really her!" Jennie unnie said

"Stop it you guys!" He said and covered his face

"Why are we flying to Paris again?" I asked "For the gown I already told Alberto about it" Jennie unnie said

"Who is Alberto?" I asked again "Quit asking questions Li, we still have a lot of things to choose and decide for but at least we have your gown and place checked" Jennie unnie stated

"What else do we need to work on Jungkook told me he can do the inviting but of course the invitation is going to be made by us he also said that he can choose his own tux and we already have a schedule for the press con for announcing our engagement" I looked over Jen unnie

"Thats good, we already have the invitation done, you just have to do the taste test for the food and cake you also need to choose the flower arrangement and your own one also the color design will be gold and yellow" Jennie unnie really looked like a wedding planner

She was holding a tablet and I might even think she is not an idol

"I am already thinking if you are really an idol unnie" I said and she just laughed "I am just organized Li and I have basic knowledge about wedding's so its a save of money for you guys" unnie explained

"Unnie I am just marrying a man who's net worth is 8 million and I am a woman who's net worth is also 8 million yeah save of money" I said sarcastically

"Oh look who's bragging you little shit" she squished cheeks and I whined in pain

"Hello ladies welcome, welcome" the Alberto guy said

"Ok is this the bride?" He asked unnie "Yes Al" unnie said in Englsih

"I got some gowns that fitted her description I hope you can pick one" he said and disappeared

"Go on Li I will be waiting" unnie gestured me so I picked some it all looked pretty but I will feel it if its the one

I chose one with a flower design at the top part, the other one I chose has a lacy design in the top and lastly the one that is back less and its sleeves ends up on my wrist the whole gown had flower designs

"Unnie I think I will get this one" I pointed at my last option "So fast? But do you feel it?" She asked

"Yeah, its exciting me" I said

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