12 (Jisoo!)

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Jan 1, 2017

pastaa__ added you and Jenjen to this groupchat

Jisoo unnie surprise🎉

Ok what the fuck is this?


You know Lisa is not here and
Jisoo unnie's birthday is coming
so we need to plan

Oh yeah!? What if we buy her
unlimited chicken? Or let's do
things we used to do when we
were trainees's?

Both of Lisa's idea can do
but I will be following you Lis
there in Thailand remember?

Yes yes I remember!

So what will we do that day?

I think let's go to an amusement
park or water park then for dinner
time let's eat at a restaurant and invite
Twice, Red Velvet, Got7, Ikon and BTS
after that us girls will have a sleep over
with Twice and Red Velvet but in the morning or 12 mid night rather we will wake her up and surprise her

That's seems to be the plan
I'll just buy some gifts here for her
let's order 10 boxes of chicken?

That's ok! Then we have
our plan let's just go to the
water park

I'll message sajangnim
so we can rent the whole
water park

Ok see you Lis

Jenjen logged off
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So I gues that's the plan! I decided to spend New Year here at Thailand, last Christmas I spent it with Jisoo unnie and her family and they invited me wholeheartedly

I'll call sajangnim now

Papa YG 😡


"Papa YG we had a plan on unnie's birthday this up coming January 3 we wanted to go to the water park"

"You want it to be rented?"

"If its ok to you Papa YG"

"Thats ok!"

"We will eat at a restaurant with Twice and Red Velvet sunabe's also we will do a sleepover"

"Thats good! I'll see you then!"


That was easy! Well I need to greet Jungkook a Happy New Year though I already did last midnight


Happy New Year! 🎉
Seen 12:00 am

Happy New Year Jungkook
send my regards to your family
I wish you have a good year this
year! May you choose your
happiness! 😘
Sorry I cant send anything I am at
Thailand 😅
Seen 10:30 am

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