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We had been doing our own stuffs here at the house and Jungkook hasn't come out from his roon since we came but they assured us he was alive

I was just playing video games with Hoseok oppa, Jennie unnie and Tae oppa are chatting as well as Chae and Jimin oppa. Suga oppa and Namjoon oppa are busy with some song writing and Jin oppa and Jisoo unnie are cooking dinner.

"Lis you've been losing since we started" he said like he was disappointed "Jungkook has been sulking about you what did you do?" He asked

"I guess he is just too dence and naive?" It sounded like a question but I knew he was like that "Now I get it I was just waiting for confirmation"

"Guys dinner is ready!" Jisoo unnie called "Oh Lisa can you call Jungkook he is at his room" Suga oppa said and looked at me with teasing eyes and I just gave him a 'really dude?' Look but he just shrugged his shoulders

I was walking to his room every room had there names so I know where is his. I saw the last door that had Iron Man design and name 'Jungkookie🐰' I knocked but I just heard a "I am not eating" I decided to come in luckily his door was open

"I said I am no-" he stopped when he saw me "Come on let's eat I am sure they made delicious food I am starving" I said and pulled him but he made himself heavy "Just go Lis and talk to Yoongi hyung" he said in a cold tone

"What?" I said in full curiosity that I never saw I let go of him so he fell back on his bed "Oh sorry!" I said and sat on his side "What were you saying?"

"I said go to Yoongi hyung"

"Why would I?"

"Because you like him, oh let me rephrase it you love him so bad"

"Eh?" I was still clueless of what he was saying "Let's say I heard your little confession there" Oh he thought it was for oppa

"Nah it wasn't for him he said I should practice it was for someone else and I guess he is was too naive that I want to smack his head now" he nodded not realizing what I just said

"Who is he?"

"You" I said like it was nothing but my heart can't stop running so fast "Really?!" He asked I just nodded "Aww I thought it was one-sided-love"

"It can be if you want to" I stood up and was about to leave but he pulled my wrist that resulted me ending below him and him hovering above me. He leaned close to my ear and I can feel my breating hitch and my heart beat is so loud that I was afraid he would hear it.

"I don't take no as an answer doll" he whispered and I can feel the hairs on my skin raising. After saying that he sucked my neck and I was caught by surprise, I held unto the hem of his shirt. He moved to my lips and kissed me

"Jungkookie! Lisa-yah! Come down now do your business later the food can't wait but your business can!" I heard Yoongi oppa from the outside

"N-ne-neh!" I said and Jungkook laughed at me "You're so cute!" He said and held out his hand to help me up

We both went down and sat beside each other "What took you so long makane's?" Jennie unnie asked "Oh we just played, he made a bet if I win he goes to eat dinner. So yeah I had to win and play multiple games"

Nice Lisa! Good thing I didn't stutter "Yeah she was so persistent and she was surprised I won all of the games. She almost stormed off the room but good thing I said that she did the bet and she has to go back and I take no as an answer" Jungkook added I knew it had a double meaning that coconut head

"Yeah I had to call you guys to stop your BUSINESS" Yoongi oppa added he even emphasized the word 'Business'
"Ok let's eat you three are getting weird"


"We have to go now!" Chae said and I hugged all of them and Jungkook was the last "I'll go to your apartment we need to finish our business" he whispered and let go of me and winked before I go back to my unnies

"What was that?" Jisoo unnie asked me "Oh just reminded her to practice on playing Overwatch so we can finish our business soon" Jungkook butted in

"Ok bye guys see you, when we see you and oh Yoongi oppa, remember what I told you?" Jennie unnie asked "Yeah Saturday right?" Unnie just nodded and we immediately left

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