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1 day before the wedding

"Good morning hyungs!" I said when I entered the dinning room all of them went quiet and eyed me "What's the matter?" I asked

"N-nothing!" Tae hyung said "Come Kook, let's eat we need to check the girls" Hoseok hyung said

"Yeah, I need to check on my future wife they partied so hard last night that I can't barely sleep" Jin hyung added

"Ok, ok" I sat down and we started to eat

Namjoon hyung knocked on the door, but no one answered he tried again but nothing "I think Lisa said something about a key under the pot" Suga hyung said and pointed at a plant

I raised the pot and found a key I handed it to Namjoon hyung he twisted the key and the door opened revealing a mess house.

Jisoo noona was sleeping at the couch holding a bottle of Vodka that was finished

Jennie noona was sleeping at the floor she was wearing a cap and shades with a opened chips on her hands

Lisa was at the table wearing my favorite hoodie? Her phone was open and our picture was there. She was wearing a smile on her sleep and Rosè?

"Hi guys! I thought you won't come" she came out and she didn't look drunk "Aren't you drunk?" Jimin hyung asked and she shook her head

"Nah, I stayed sober for them I know they would get wasted especially Jisoo unnie and Lisa" she started to pick up the finished bottles of beer and vodka

I also helped her picking up some bag of chips then we started to clean up,

"Kook can you carry Lisa to her room? 2nd floor 1st door at the right" Rosè said I just nodded and carried Lisa

Jin hyung also did the same to Jisoo noona and Suga hyung to Jennie noona

I carried Lisa to her room but she started to blabber about things but one thing caught me before I close the door she said

"Wait? Mister!" She called me so I looked at her "Can you come here?" She signalled me to come close to her

"Yes?" I asked "Are you Jungkook? You look like him though, also you smell like him" she said sniffing my shirt

"No, I'm not him but I know him" I answered

"Hmmmm, if you sau so do you know him very well?" She asked again "Not really were just acquaintances" I answred

"Then I will tell you how he is, first! He is caring, he is loving and he gets cute when he is jealous. He is always there for me that's why I lov-" then she got knocked out

I chuckled and pinched her cheeks and whispered "I love you too doll, love you too" I kissed her nose and left the room

I walked out from her room but Rosè was at the door of Lisa and she said "I heard that Kook" she ruffled my hair and left me there while she was laughing

I followed her downstairs everyone was cleaning up already so I helped then Jimin hyung broke the silence "How much did you drink Chae?" He asked

"Them I think alot, I mean we bought 5 plastics of beer and vodka" she answered I am really happy how us Bangtan and Rosè became ok again

(Stay tuned for Rosè book)

"Hi guys!" Lisa came in the living room holding her head "Oh, you guys are here do you guys have medicine? My head hurts like its about to explode" her eyes were shut and she was holding her head

"Yeah we have some hangover soup and medicine at the table you can get some" Hoseok hyung said and she left

"Wait! Why don't we pamper ourselves to be ready tomorrow?" Jisoo noona said

"Thats ok! Since I look like a zombie!" Lisa said from the kitchen

"Ok, I'll just call home service" Rosè said and left us to calll

"Guys let's watch something its boring here" Jennie noona complained "Li! Can we use your account you watch interesting movies" Hoseok hyung asked and she said yes

We scrolled through her Netflix and we saw she watched Fifty Shades of Freed "Yah! Lisa! I didn't know you watch porn!" Jisoo noona said and she rushed to the living room still holding her head

She was massaging her temple and she didn't see that there was a bottle of beer on her way so my fast reflexes ran over her before she fell "T-thanks" she said and I let go of her

"What were you saying guy?" She asked and my hyungs gave me teasing looks but I just shrugged my shoulders

"Guys they saud there on the way!" Rosè came in again

Oh it gonna be a long day

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