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I fluttered my eyes open, and squinted it a bit to adjust my eyes from the brightness of the light. White ceiling was the first thing I saw, the scent of alcohol invaded my nose, I tried to scratch my eyes but a hand was placed on mine.

I looked over my side and saw Jungkook holding my hand and his head was resting at the bed. I tried to talk but I can't my throat was too dry, so I shook his hand to wake him up good thing he did.

"L-Lisa?!" He said I just smiled
"W-wa-water" he immediately rushed to get a cup of water and gave it to me I chugged it at once "Thanks" I whispered

"Guys! Guys! Wake up!" He shook all of them to wake up "I swear in Jeon Jung-" Jennie unnie stopped when she saw me smiling

"Holy cow! Of fuckers! Lisa is awake bitches!" Jen unnie exclaimed and all of them jumped on surprise and went on the bed

"Lis are you ok?"

"Do you want anything?"

"Does your legs hurt?"

"Guys! Calm down!" I said and they all stopped "How long have I been asleep?" I asked and all of them shut up

"Ummm 1 week?" Jisoo unnie said more like she asked "Seriously answer me!?"

"Jisoo is right Lis a week" Yoongi oppa said "Ok then what happened?" I asked again

"Apparently YG isn't mad and we just told him you got the wounds from some old hag and then we all camped here in your room but the boys just hide if manager visits or someone from YG" Chae explained

"I think we need to buy some dinner right?" Jimin oppa said and looked at them "Yeah I neex to go home tok I am getting clothes" Jisoo unnie said "I'll come!" Jen unnie and Chae said in unison

"Ok then we will just buy some dinner ok? Kook guard Lisa" Namjoon oppa said and they all left

"So?" We both said

"Let me explain doll I-"

"I know everything Kook and I am sorry for being not understanding" he smiled at me like he won a lottery

But I know I'd hurt him in my next words and I can't barely even look at him even now. I can't take that smile from him never

"But" here it goes

"But?" He frowned and I knew I will break him

"But we can't be and never will be Kook"

"Doll please if this is one of your lies just stop, it won't work" but I knew that too but I have too

"Kook please you need this, we need this" I cupped his cheeks and both of us are shedding waterfalls "Don't you love me anymore?" He looked so defeated

"Damn I love you so bad that I would catch a bullet for you I would rather be in danger than you but Kook you need to do this for me" I wanted him to leave because every minute he is staying I can't help but take everything I said back

"No, no, no you can't do this doll I love you! I love you! I love you!" He kissed my face a multiple times and its getting harder for me

I reached for my phone and speed dial Jen unnie she knows that something is happening if I do it. We were both just a crying we weren't saying a thing

The doors burst open and then I spoke "Please Kook don't make it hard for me just go" I pushed his hands off mine as Jen unnie helped me

But Jungkook was too strong so unnie had to call Yoongi oppa and all of them rushed towards us, they didn't understood why I am pushing him only I can know the reason.

Soon enough all his hyungs were holding him and I was just a crying mess "Wha-" Jimin oppa stopped talking when Hoseok oppa signalled him not to talk

"Jungkook please just leave already" I whispered but it was heard by everyone since the whole room fell into deep silence
Jungkook took off the hold of his hyungs and walked out Tae and Jimin oppa followed him

"If you're asking me why, just leave before I lose my shit here" I said with my stern all of them just sighed and I was left with my unnie's

"Lis you know you can trust right?" Jisoo unnie stated and I just nodded "What happened?" Chae asked

"I'll tell you when time comes just not now I promise I will tell you" I gave them a sad smile

"We trust you Lis and we are willing to wait but if something happens please let us know as soon as possible" Jen unnie


Award shows I am going to see him again not Jungkook but that piece of shit that threatened me. He is basically following me every award show that I go he does the emcee, he even disrespected Irene unnie and he disgusts me.

I just hope he doesn't do something stupid, the last time I saw him he talked to me and he was basically flirting and he wants to get my number. Good thing Bambam came and he snatched me from him, it wasn't really his intention to snatch me but I was thankful.

"Lis! Were here!" Chae said and I stood up and walked I clung my arm to Jen unnie she can protect me if he comes, its not like Jisoo unnie and Chae can't but Jen unnie is just born to be savage

"Oh Lis you're clingy today huh" Jen unnie said and I just gave her a playful smile

We got inside our dressing room with no harm and the make-up artist started to do their work I will be the last to have my make-up done together with Jen unnie.

I got a bit bored and Yeri texted at the right time


Unnie! We just arrived here
and I will be the last for our
make-up let's meet up or
you can come here?

I'll ask Jen unnie first

"Unnie Yeri wants me to go at there dressing room so we can catch up wanna come?" I said "Ok, manager oppa we will just go to Red Velvet" unnie gave him the puppy look that no one can resist

"Fine fine just don't get lost" he said and we both stood up to leave

As soon as we went out he was there

Damn! Can't he just go!?

"Lisa-ssi we met again" hah as if its coincidence you little brat

"Neh! San E sunbae-nim" its so hard not to roll my eyes in front of him

"Jennie-ssi can I borrow her for a minute?" As if you would give her a choice fucker

I gave a no look to unnie and she got it but "Sorry sunbae were in a hurry our manager just gave us a few minutes" he looked so defeated but before he can answer back someone spoke up

"They said no so just go"

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