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"Guys! Walk quickly we will be late for the flight!" Jisoo unnie exclaimed while we were walking at the airport

"Do you really have to ride a plane guys, I mean won't you get uncomfortable?" Namjoon oppa said "Joon its fine seriously besides the media is waiting for us at the airport" Jisoo unnie said

"Guys, can we stop for a minute my head hurts" I said and held my head while massaging my temple "Li, you ok?" Yoongi oppa came to me

"Yeah kind of my head is spinning and I get this every time I lack sleep" I said "Come here" Jungkook let me sit down in his luggage "Let's get going guys" he added

"T-thanks" I said and he just hummed "Here drink this" he handed me a bottle of water "Thanks again" he just chuckled

"Guys just ride with us its not that bad we will just use the private exit and you go to the media, tell them you guys had an urgent thing that's why you missed it" Namjoon oppa said

"But-" Jisoo unnie was cut off by Jennie unnie "Hello manager unnie?, neh Lisa isn't feeling well. Can we just ride along with Bangtan? Kamsamnida!" Jennie unnie looked at us then smiled

"Let's go to the jet!" Then we turned around but I tried to stand up but I stumbled "Lisa!" Jungkook called me when I was about to fall

"Just ride on my back" he said "No its-"

"Just go doll" he said with a stern voice so I did as he said he was carrying me on his back while pulling or luggage "Just sleep if you feel like it" he whispered I did close my eyes

But I wasn't really sleeping, so I was basically hearing everything I feel that I was being sat down on a chair I was about to open my eyes but Tae oppa spoke so I decided to eavesdrop

"Kook, you're really into her" he said "Hyung of course I care for her its not like we weren't friends" Jungkook answered

"Keep telling that to yourself so you'll get convinced" then I heard footsteps going away I felt someone sit beside me and lay my head on his chest I am sure its Jungkook.

"I love you doll even if it means that I just have to look at you from afar, just please be safe and healthy" he kissed my forhead

Then I totally slept on his chest

"Lisa" someone shook my shoulder "hmmm" I said

"We need to go to the jet now" it was Jungkook's voice

"Ok" I opened my eyes and stood up I used support from my suitcase we walked to the jet and sat down I just sat anywhere because I was feeling super drowsy

I felt someone sitting down beside me so I opened my eyes and saw Hobi oppa "Oppa" I said and he just smiled

"You feeling better?" He asked I just shook my head

"Just rest I'll wake you up when we get there and his birthday is in a few days you need to tell us the plan" he added "I will tell you when we get home Bang-PD-nim and Papa YG knows this already" I answered and he was shocked

"Yeah, I know I'm great so good night sweet dreams" I said and drifted of to sleep

"Ok I guess this is where we part ways" Jisoo unnie said while clinging on Jin oppa's hand

"Well, Jisoo if you might want to let go of Jin hyung we can all go" Yoongi oppa sassed at unnie

"Well maybe if you get yourself a girl then you won't be a bitter bitch" Jisoo unnie fired back

"Enough guys we need to go now I'm hella tired I might faint any minute" I said then we all started to fix ourselves

We walked to the exit but before we did we hugged each other "Bye guys see you at the awards!" I said and we all walked

5 days before the surprise
"Congratulations guys for your concert!" Hobi oppa came in our lounge area at the concert obviously we all are starting to have our own tours and its our first

"Thanks oppa!" I came to hug him "So, Lali you need to tell us the plan" Namjoon oppa said "Where's Jungkook did he go here?" I asked just making sure

"He came home after the concert he rushed home because he was called" Yoongi oppa explained "Thats a relief by the way unnie's Momo unnie just texte-" then manager unnie came in

"Girls someone is outsides its Nayeon and Momo" manager said "Oh that's what I was about to say please let them in" I said and the door grew wider

"Momo unnie!" I rushed to hug her "Nadong-ah!" Jisoo unnie hugged Nayeon unnie "Congrats guys you rocked the stage we can't wait to join the touring game" Momo unnie said

"Oh, sunabe-nim" Nayeon unnie saw Bangtan "Annyeonghaseyo!" Hobi oppa said and I nudged Momo unnie she has always admired oppa and I can see it even she doesn't tell me

"What?" She asked me and I just teasingly smiled at her "I guess you already know us and we also know you too so need for introduction" Jimin oppa said

"Ahh yes, sunabe-nim" Momo unnie said "Yah, Momo-ssi why are so formal we have met before right please drop the honorifics" Jimin oppa added

"Yeah, you can call us oppa's or whatever you prefer" Tae oppa said "Yoongi hyung why don't you give seats for our guests?" Tae oppa said and oppa stood up immediately

"Nayeon-ssi you can sit here" Yoongi oppa said and I can see that he was blushing "Momo-ssi you can sit here" Jimin oppa stood up Momo unnie got to sit right next to Hobi oppa

"So yeah the plan?" Namjoom oppa said "Oh what plan Lili?" Momo unnie asked

"Well Papa YG allowed me to date Jungkook and I planning to surprise him on his birthday and here goes the plan

Wait for it 😘

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