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(Lisa's birthday in the car heading to her Thai Fam)

"Lis, stop crying please or I might turn this around and let him explain in front of you" Yoongi oppa said while driving

I tried to stop my tears but it just won't
"O-oppa it  w-won't s-st-stop" I said while I am struggling to stop my sobs

"Then you should fix it kiddo" he said and patted my head

Well let me tell you this aside from Hobi oppa, Yoongi oppa is always there for me also. When Hobi can't attend on me he sends Yoongi oppa he knows my problems I share most to him I can call him the 'brother I never had'. He always says something to me, corrects me when what I think is wrong.

I call him at late night when I cry, and he always listens to me I just love him so much.

"Oppa why don't we just date?" I said jokingly "Never in my life Lis and I already like someone so I am off limits" he said while dusting the invisible dirt in his shoulder

"Whatever oppa I am too"

"With who?"

"Jungkook" I said without thinking "I mean with Justin Bieber yeah! Justin Bieber" I said and he just laughed at me

"Lis I swear, I heard you say Jungkook" he said and the car stopped "Bye Lis enjoy this day I know what to do to Kook" he wiped away the tear stains I had

"Thank you so much" I said and hugged him he just patted my head and pushed me to go inside.


After the little celebration with my Thai fam, manager oppa fetched me and now I am getting ready for our movie night. Though I acted strange I keep on spacing out and thinking what I did wrong.

My unnie's teased me because they said that someone stole a kiss from that's why I keep on spacing out. I hope that's the case but it's not, it's way more complicated.

I just decided to wear oversized sweater that ends on my knee's, I wore shorts and let my hair down. Once I went out I saw that Bangtan was here already but they were quiet than usual and my unnie's were loking at me like 'what the hell is there problem?' Look

I just mouthed "I don't know too" though I know they are feeling guilty for what happened this morning. I wouldn't want to bother telling them I am sure Jungkook would get an earful and get hit with Jen unnie's baseball bat

"Guys why so quiet?" Chae said "I am starting to think if something happened when Lisa was at your place. Nothing happened right?" She added and I just eyed them

All of them got my signal and Namjoon oppa spoke "Of course not let's start on watching" he said but before he can get the remote Tae oppa spoke fastly but I understood it

theywenttotheclubandKookvomittedonhisclothessoSejeongtookitoff" I understood it and I know Jennie unnie also because she is a rapper

"What?" Jisoo unnie asked

"He said that when Lisa went to there dorm she found Jungkook and Sejeong both naked but they were not because Sejeong is wearing a tube when thet went to the club and Jungkook vomitted on his clothes so Sejeong tool it off"

I guess I concluded so early

"No you're just saying it because you want me to forgive him" I stood from the bean bag and walked to my door "Goodnight guys have a happy movie marathon night"

I slammed the door loud so they would know I am mad, I dropped on my floor and started to cry.

That was my routine everyday sleep, cry, sleep, cry my unnie's were verry worried of me they tried on checking on me but I never opened my door.

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