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Finally I can step out from that prison, imagine staying in a hospital room for a day doing nothing it sucks so bad. Today we will learn a dance and upload it on YouTube it will be the first video in our channel.

Its like a teaser for us debuting I am so excited, and today were at YG practice room.

"Any idea guys?" Jisoo unnie asked "You know Kiel Tutin? Their Bitch better have my money dance?" Jen unnie asked "Let's check that" I said

"Hmmm its good but let's just cut some parts I'm sure you don't want to dance something long and tiring" I said and they just laughed at me

"Guys who knows whacking dance, we can't clearly see the steps" Chae said "I do!" I raised my hand "Ok dancing machine" she said sarcastically

I may have looked ok outside but it still haunts me how I lied to him, I thought he would visit me at the hospital but he didn't well if I was him too I wouldn't. I just want to hug him again and shower his face with my kisses but I can't  now.


July 6 today we will be doing a video for our dance practice I am wearing a black sports bra and black shorts that has a little handkerchief lastly Jungkook's gift to me. Actually we bought it together 'couple shoes' you can call it like that.

Jennie unnie wore a black sports bra and black pants and black shoes don't forget the cap. Jisoo unnie wore a black sleeveless shirt and black shorts, she also wore black stockings and black boots. Chae wore somthing like Jen unnie except she had her hair tied in a twin braid.

"Are you ready girls?" One staff asked "Neh!" We four said "Let's cheer first!" I said "Ok in the count of three let's say 'huh'"

"1,2,3 huh!" It was meant to give a low energy vibes you know 😁 (up there 👆)


"Good job girls! I am looking forward next week for our recording and filming of the MV!" Our new introduced manager said

"Kamsamnida!" We all said

We all went to the parking to ride our van, I can't believe we havr our own ride! It feels surreal

"Oh manager oppa, unnie's can we drop to a near convenience store I need to but something" I hesitantly asked "Ah sure Lisa" manager oppa said

I am planning to bake cookie's for Jungkook since I got out from the hospital I wrote letters for him and give it to Hoseok oppa some has quotes or stories. I hope he reads it I will give up when I really am hurt

Once we arrived I wore a mask and went in Chae insisted on coming with me just in case an old hag comes to me again.

"What are you making?" She asked "Cookie's" I shortly replied "You know Lis I think you have done enough for him, I know you're also hurting too" she said and hugged me

"I'm ok Chae I promised to myself if I get hurt I will give up" I said and she just nodded

After buying all what I need we went home and I started to bake "Lisa don't burn the house ok?" Jisoo unnie reminded "Neh!" I replied

All of us were tired, but of course I can't skip a day without persuading him I can't give up now can I?


I knocked at there door its 5 pm I just finished baking, of course I made a taste test with my unnie's they were surprised that it tasted good. It hurted my ego, but at least I didn't brought fire

"Lisa-yah!" Hoseok oppa was the one who opened the door "Oppa, can you give these to Jungkook and these one are for you guys it has names on it I made them" I said and handed the box

"You look pale do you want to rest for awhile or drink water" oppa suggested "No tha-" before I can finish my words I fainted

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