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After our concerts and everything the boys made there comeback while for me I am still doing the survival show and my hair is back to black

Jungkook had 2 accidents, first the cut on his foot then a car accident that guy literally needs some scolding but I can't because he looks so cute in his black long fluffy hair

Back to the car accident I had to go back here in Korea because I was spending my New Year at Thailand


Hoseok oppa was calling me so I excused myself and its just fucking January 1 why did he call


"Lali, umm I just want you to know and you don't need to comeback here I am just infor-"

"Oppa straight to the point you are just rambling your thoughts and is that sirens I here wait are you in jail!?"

"No Lali, no one is in jail"

"As I was saying Jungkook got into a accident car accident to be exact"

"What the heck!" I exclaimed

"Apparently he was speed driving and he kinda didn't follow the rules so he crashed to a taxi fortunately no one is badly hurt Jungkook had a few scratches but the driver of the taxi is ok they settled with paying the bills"

"What is he even thinking?! Speed driving!? Not following rules!? Is he out of his mind!?"

"I know don't put your anger on me do you want to talk to him?"

"Heck yeah!" I heard fiddling sounds and the phone was handed

"Hello?" he spoke

"Well hello to you too mister speed driver!"


"Don't you dare call me that I swear I won't let you touch me in a yea-"

"Baby that's tortu-"

"Stop I can see your pout from here in Thailand"

"Love, did you get the ring?" He asked

"Yeah I did"

"Thank god I thought I need to fly there" he sighed

"Is that why you got into a car crash?" I asked calmly

"Yeah you can say that" he said

"For fucks I am coming home tomorrow and no but's"

"Sweetie what about your family?"

"I can bring them with me but I can do it next time"

"Oh god I thought I had to face your dad with some bandage he won't be able to see my handsome face if you bring them"

"Oh my gosh! Were talking about you convincing me not to go home" I said non-chantly

"But you will go either way so what's the point?"

"I swear you little piece of shit I gonna strangle you to death!" I said

"I love you too *Kook the doctors are here give me the phone*" Hoseok oppa said and he hung up

That night I booked a flight back to Korea

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