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As Chae and I talked about earlier we will go eat outside so here we are preparing to go out

We both went to the living room to be greeted by our  crying unnie's that looked at the both of us and Jen unnie stopped the movie or drama they were watching

"Where are you guys going you know we have a flight tomorrow going to Osaka" Jisoo unnie said wiping her tears "Umm just going to have little snacks and do our" Chae said

"MISSION!" we both said and we giggled together "Just be fast and get home safely" Jisoo unnie dismissed us immediately and we were grinning like a kid

We were walking when someone messaged me

Kookie 💜🐰

Where you at? Go to
our apartment I want
to spend time with you
before you go

Oh Chae and I are off
to somewhere

Where? I can bring Jimin

We had a rule 'NO BOYS'


Our flight is in the
afternoon we can
spend the whole
morning together

Be sure with that!
I swear I need to have
a kiss before you go

I love you Jeon gotta
go see you!

I love you too doll!

"Who that?" Chae asked while getting a fish stick "Jeon" I said and she laughed

"Getting clingy hmm?" She asked "Yup, its getting worse everyday we almost had sex at the restroom earlier" I whispered to her

"You can't blame him, you guys have been through a lot of shits he obviously is scared until now that someone might separate you two" Chae reasoned

"Yeah and I understand him for that I'm pretty sure we won't have problems from now on maybe a little jealousy but it won't break us I love him so much and I know he does too" I said and smiled at the thought of being with him forever

"Ok enough with this talk do you still remember our Christmas dance?" Chae asked

"I recall some steps we will probably remember it when we practice tomorrow besides our choreographer is going with us so there's no problem" I said and continued to eat

"Rosie! Lisa!" Someone called us we both looked at each other "Ummm, are we busted?" I said and she just nodded when we looked at the girl who just sat in front of us we sighed in relief

"Mina I swear!" I said and held on my chest "Sorry to scare you guys I had to escape Bam just to get to you he wasn't believing me" she said

"Minari!" Someone called her and Mina waved her hands Bambam saw us and he was utterly shocked

"Hi Bam!" Chae said "Hello guys!" He waved

"See I told you I was right" Mina said "Why are you guys here? You have a flight right?" Bambam asked

"Its still in the afternoon" I said "How are you and Jungkook sunbae?" Mina said

"Were good he was whining how he wanted to spend time with me but yeah I'm with Chae" I face palmed "But were meeting tomorrow" I added

"Well we have to go Li the sun is almost up we haven't gotten any sleep and you have a date later" Chae said

We all bid our goodbyes and on our way back I was just sleeping at the taxi Chae had
to wake me up and here I am now at my bed about to sleep

"Lisa! Come out! Its breakfast time!" I heard Jennie unnie saying so I stood up and went out without minding my clothes I mean I was just wearing Jungkook's sweater with shorts on

"Good morning guys!" I said and when I got a full glimpse of the people in our dining area I ran back to my room and fixed myself

When I was done I casually sat down beside Jungkook and smiled at him "Sorry about earlier I thought it was just us four" I said and smiled

"Lis, we have seen you in your drunk state so this isn't new to us" Tae oppa said and we all laughed

We all had our dinner like a usual family Jin oppa and Jisoo unnie was told that they need to announce there wedding sooner and Jungkook said to me because Jin oppa was planning on marrying unnie in front of our fans

Of course I was delighted so I joined in persuading unnie knowing her she can't stand me being annoying so we agreed on announcing it after our Osaka concert

"Be fast doll I will wait here at you bed" Jungkook said were going to have our date now

I took a bath and wore something like this

"Let's go?" I said and his jaw was about to drop at the floor so I playfully held his chin "Careful there we don't want to hit you chin at the floor don't we?"

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"Let's go?" I said and his jaw was about to drop at the floor so I playfully held his chin "Careful there we don't want to hit you chin at the floor don't we?"

"Cocky" he said and I just laughed

"Bye guys get home at four pm ok? Lalisa!" Jisoo unnie said and I nodded "Byee!" We both headed out and spent our time like normal couples

He brought some guards with us so if ever that we get on some fans cornering us we got some help

We bought some clothes we also ate his favorite food which I enjoyed also

"Hey isn't that Lisa?" I heard a someone saying "Jeon someone noticed me" I whispered

He gestured a guard and they talked after that talked we headed out of there but we drew a lot of attention so some people saw us

But I think some had pictures but only a few since we got in the car very fast

When we got home Jisoo unnie greeted us "Congrats on getting at the headlines" she said that made us laugh


BLACKPINK_IS_THE_REVOLUTION Look who I saw at the mall 😏



Pinkss_ Woahhh I never knew seeing them in one place can make me crazy

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