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Today is the award show day and I will get to see him again, I know he doesn't like my presence but he doesn't have to prove it to me.

He is embarrassing me in front of alot of people for example Twice unnie's and Red Velvet. They were all weirded out when BTS came to us and Hoseok oppa complimented me about my performance but Jungkook said "Why bother compliment her hyung, don't act nice because she is your cousin she didn't even impress me" then he left

But I just have to hide it and cry on my own, at least he reads my letters he ate the cookie and the macaroons. Thats what Yoongi oppa said so, and I believe him.

"Lisa-yah!" I heard Chae called me "Neh?" I asked "I have been calling you for 3 minutes but I'll let it slide Hoseok oppa said that you should go to him he has something to give you" I just nodded and left since my make-up is done and I am wearing my outfit

I saw there door and knocked I opened it and saw a chaotic mess "Oppa?" I asked and all of them turned there heads "Lali! Great now you're here I want to give you this" he handed me a yellow velvet box

"Its not my birthday yet nor Christmas wait don't tell me today is our cousin's day?!" I asked but he just laughed "No its a Christmas gift since we will be busy these up coming months were going to America"

"Really!? I envy you guys! But its your hard work that brought you there I am sure you will do good fighting oppa's!" I said "I'll just give my gifts the day after tomorrow I will have to shop first"

"No need for gifts Lili!" Jimin oppa said "I insist oppa's and you know I am stubborn so yeah see you later guys love lots!" I gave them a hug and peck at the cheek but when it came to him I just greeted him hello and he rolled his eyes

"See you in two days or maybe later hehe annyeong!" I waved my hands and went out but I forgot to thank Hoseok oppa again so I went back and opened the door but before I can open I heard them arguing

"Seriously Kook what's your problem! Can't you see she is doing everything she can to make you accept her apology! Heck she even baked, wrote letters and poems but what did you do!? You did nothing! I am not talking because she is my cousin but because you make her  looks so desperate! She just needs you to accept her apology not to welcome her in her life again is it that hard?" I can hear faint sobs

"Hyung if she is sorry then why can't she tell me her reason why can't you guys!? Her cookie didn't even taste good" He snapped back "Did you know what happened to her that day and two days after that did you know what happened when she delivered her baked cookie's for you. You didn't see how pale she looked! She came from filming there mv yet she baked for you!"

I've had enough of it so I opened the door "Its ok oppa, I think I am wasting my time but just to let you know why I did it. Its because its for my unnie's and for you Jeon and just tell me when you don't want the letters nor the cookie's but just so you know I won't and I will never give up" I said and left

My tears were threatening to fall but I chose to stay in the restroom and lock myself then I heard noises from a cubicle so I fixed myself "Lisa unnie?" It sounded so familiar

"Tzuyu-ah!" I said and smiled "I heard someone crying did you cry?" She asked "Yeah I did" I said and gave her a sad smile

"Jungkook?" I only nodded "Again!?" She looked so furious "Its ok Tzu I made a promise to let go if its so hard" she just pulled me into a hug "I am one call away all of Twive unnie's and Red Velvet unnie's"


"Lisa! Why do you even have to give him a gift!?" Mina unnie said we went shopping it was supposed to be Tzuyu but she was sick

"Mina, its fine besides it won't hurt wouldn't it?" I said and raised an eyebrow "Fine you win again" she said and I laughed

So here is what I bought them

Jin oppa: Mario Stuff Toy
Yoongi oppa: A new speaker
Hoseok oppa: Perfume (which I made myself)
Namjoon oppa: Ryan dolls
Jimin oppa: Channel Necklace
Tae oppa: Gucci Shoes and Shirt
Jungkook: New Timbs and a duffel bag

"So how about your unnie's?" She asked "Oh right! I also have to buy Bam. By the way how are you guys?" She looked so flustered "Well were doing great still in the courting process"

So after hours of shopping we finished and we decided to eat in a Chinese restaurant "What's your order ma'am?" She asked "I'll get braised pork" Mina said

"Hotpot, Sichuan Pork, Dumplings and Chow Mein" I said "Ok ma'am we will serve it as soon as possible" then she left

"Wahh Lisa I never sas you eat this many!" She said and clasped her hands she looked so delighted "I just want to feed myself its like a gift"

"Anyway I just want to ask how did you get close Jungkook sunbae?"

"Apparently there was an old hag who wanted to rape me and coincindently there dorm was near so I knocked and he was the one who opened the door. But I fainted" I said

"You know there dorm!?"

"Yeah Hoseok oppa told me where and me and my unnie's have been visiting there since trainee days"


"How did you two get into a relationship?" Thats unexpected

"It was actually funny how because he heard me practicing my confession on Yoongi oppa so he got mad and we fixed it and got together for 3 months and we broke up the day it was announced we were debuting tragic right?" I chuckled

"How sad for you a bet YG knew it and forced you to break up" I just nodded and she looked at me in a sad way "How did you break up?"

"I told him that I didn't love him and only wanted his fame I'm so stupid I know"

"Lisa" she said and sat beside me "Aish Mina-yah I'm fine!" I said and gave her a two thumbs up

I know I am stupid for doing that and that was my biggest regret in life


"Oppa!" I said and knocked three times bringing my gifts "Oh Lili!" Namjoon oppa opened it and made me go inside "It quite cold these days be safe!" I said and took of my coat

"Here are you gifts it has names and oh! I also made some cupcakes hope you like it don't catch a cold ok?" He patted my head and nodded

"I'll just go to Hoseok oppa" I walked to the stairs but I heard some noises inappropriate noises rather

"H-ha-harder!" A girl said "You like that baby?" A guys said

"Lali!" I was brought out of my thoughts when Hoseok oppa called me "Oppa! The gifts are down stairs I also brought some of Jisoo unnie's chicken she said its there gift since they didn't know you guys are going"

"Thanks Lali and I hope didn't hear it all" oppa said "Its ok I know I've exaggerated my lie" I just laughed it off

"Anyways I have to go I still need to deliver this to Twice and Red Velvet unnie's also Bambam"

"You're going to him what a bummer but give this to its my gift to him" he handed me a box of shoes "Wow giving shoes now I see!" I wiggled my eyebrows

"Ok I have to go now! Bye!" I said and left his room I met all of them at the sofa "Thanks for this Merry Christmas Lili see you soon"

"No worries have to go now!"

"Do you need a lift?" Jin oppa asked

"No thanks oppa I'm good bye!" I said and when I was about to go a cold voice spoke "Don't ever come back here" it was Jungkook's

"Yah Kook!"

"Don't worry I came here for the gifts not for you anyaways Merry Christmas" then I left

"Don't ever come back here"

"Don't ever come back here"

"Don't ever come back here"

"Don't ever come back here"

How cruel

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