★ Epilogue ★

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Running can be heard everywhere, people ordering things, shouts heels clicking on the marbled floor

Who isn't in a hurry if the two power couple maknae's of the K-pop industry is getting married

A guy in white tux was pacing back and forth at the center aisle

A guy in white tux was pacing back and forth at the center aisle

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Yow man aren't you too early for this occasion?" A guy tapped his shoulder "Seriously Bam I am the groom I should greet the people arriving" Jungkook answered

"It doesn't seem like that dude you are just walking back and forth" Bambam answered "Man I'm just nervous" he answered honestly

"What for!? Its not like she is gonna run away" Bambam joked but Jungkook glared at him "I know that but you know its a different type of nervous this time I don't get this at the concert performance or what" he said

"Chill dude all of the girls are making sure not to let her run away" Jungkook glared at him "Joking dude!" Then he laughed spontaneously

A reporter came to them "Hi Jungkook-ssi can we get an interview?" The reporter asked

"Yeah sure" he answered while Bambam was still on his side

"Who chose the theme for the event?"

"Its Chae, I mean Rosè she thought of this theme being the Disney addict"

"Who was your wedding coordinator?"

"It was Jennie noona she suggested that she wants to be the one who organizes so we allowed her"

"When did you ask her to marry you?"

"It was during her birthday, you know during my birthday last last year she surprised me that we can date freely so I returned the favor and I invited both of our parents"

"Did you see her gown?"

"No Jennie noona brought her to Paris and I stayed here they said its part of tradition"

"That's all thank you so much for accepting the interview I hope you have a good day"

"Thank you for coming" Jungkook said and the reporter left them

"Kook!" Someone called him a very familiar voice "Jin hyung!" He called him too

"You guys look stunning" he complimented his hyungs "Well we have to after all we are you best man or can I say men?" Hoseok joked

True though Jungkook chose all of them so they won't fight though he thought of Bambam first or his brother but the two refused his brother saying "Dude there will be camera's I don't want attention right?"

"How are they hyung?" Jungkook asked "They are having there crying moment now with Twice and Red Velvet" Jimin said

"I will go visit them bro" Bambam bid his good bye and went to the room of Lisa

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