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"They said no, so just go" we all looked back to where a person spoke up

Once I saw who spoke a smile formed on my lips "Hobi oppa!" I walked over him and gave him a tight hug and Jennie unnie just smiled at him then the piece of shit approached us

"Oh J-hope I didn't know you were close to Blackpink" is he dumb didn't he see the news back then that I was the cousin of Hobi oppa

"Oh Hoseok! Where are you?" I heard someone looking for oppa then the footsteps got louder and stopped beside us "Lili!" We made a high-five and he did the same to Jen unnie "Joonie oppa!" I said

"Oh yeah were cousins" Hoseok oppa pointed at me and to his self and San E just looked surprised "I am surprised it was spread all over the news and every web page here in Korea and you didn't know subae" Hoseok oppa stayed polite

"My daughter!" Seems like my eomma is here "Eomma!" I hugged him real tight then he saw the presence of San E sunbae "Oh sunbae annyeong" he bowed

"I'll get going seems like you guys need to catch up Lisa-ssi remember our agreement" then he looked at me with a 'don't mess up' look

"Thanks oppa!" I said to them "Nah I was just basically finding Hoseok and Jin hyung found us here I just don't know about Hoseok" Joon oppa said "I was looking from afar and it looked like you're having a hard time" he is really my cousin

"Need to go guys!" Joon oppa said and we hugged one last time "Lis you really need to tell me what's happening" Jen unnie said

We had to go back at our room since we spent to much time talking to him "When we get home unnie" I said and she nodded


The show has started and Red Velvet and us arw sharing a table Twice is beside us, cool right? "Guys were 6th to perform after Twice after us is BTS so you know what to do" Jisoo unnie whispered to the three of us

Why is the world so cruel and I have to meet him, "Were next guys we will go now" Seulgi unnie said and Red Velvet stood up I gave them a fighting sign and gave them my sweet smile

I was dancing to Twice TT together with Chaeng "I'm like TT" we both sang and danced "Just like TT" then we laughed at ourselves

"Maknae's we have to go!" Jen unnie smacked our heads and we both rubbed it and stood we still danced while walking and laughed

After getting our mics and ear piece we just waited then a cameraman appeared and asked if we know the dance he said that we should dance to it. We danced to Cheer Up then we were called when they almost finished.

"Just get together and then baby cheer up!" We heard the crowd clapped and we saw Twice going down "Good luck guys!" Nayeon unnie said and Tzuyu patted my back "Good luck unnie fighting!" I smiled at her then San E spoke up *pukes just by hearing him speak*

"Let's all welcome our next performers BLACKPINK!" the lift moved and we did our job

Yeah I totally forgot to tell you we had a collaboration I danced with other idols for the show opening and Seulgi, Momo unnie and I became more close. I didn't mention Minari because were close already

"Let's go! Let's go!" We did our last posts and we headed down from the stage where fans can see us

"Lisa is so good, J-hope oppa and Lisa are really cousins!"

"duh of course it runs in there blood"

"Jennie you look so pretty!"

"Jisoo be my girlfriend!"

"Rosie I love your voice!"

"Lisa just go back to Thailand"

I knew that there will be fans who would say that but that's ok, fans started to say that I should just go back to Thailand

"Lis, hey hold your tears" Jisoo unnie came to me and I didn't notice tears were falling from my face "I'm ok unnie!" I said and smiled at her

I just looked down while we walked fans just bashed me while walking all of my unnie's were guarding me up so they won't see me in a crying state

Once we were walking back we bumped to Bangtan and Hobi oppa came to me and hugged "Its ok Lali you did a great job!" He said and just cried at his chest "You need to perform oppa" I said and he nodded

He didn't want to let me go in a crying state but he had too, once we were seated at our table Seulgi unnie hugged me on my side and rubbed my shoulders "You're a fighter Lis! You didn't go here to cry so show them the real Lisa!" I chuckled at her statement


"Finally its over my butt hurts like shit!" Nayeon unnie said and we all laughed we walked up on the stage for the program to close and to have pictures

I clung unto Chaeng's arm and we both sat in front beside us were Twice and Red Velvet I made a heart with Mina, Chaeng and the other Chaeng of Twice did the same. Jennie unnie clung unto Irene unnie and Jisoo and Nayeon unnie goofed with poses.

Once we were done we walked back and bowed to some artist I saw Bambam and I was about to greet him but Jungkook came so I had to pass them I bowed at him, I was alone because I lost my unnie's I was just walking until someone grabbed me.

I was about to scream but the person spoke "I dare you to speak and you dating Bangtan's maknae will be all over the internet" San E

"What do you want sunabe" I yanked his arm on my mouth and looked at him "Lisa I am making sure you're doing your job"

"What else do you want!? I broke him up already!"

"Then why were you heading to him earlier?" He is unbelievable can I just do an uppercut on him

"I was about to greet Bambam ok?!" I gritted my teeth and looked at him with full disgust "You can't go to any guy Lisa that's a new rule" he said and placed his hand on my lips

"What if I don't want to!?"

"Then you get this!" He punched me on the stmoch good thing it wasn't on the face or I am dead meat to my unnie's

He left me after that! What a asshole!

I walked to the hallway back to our room but my vision is becoming to blur I stopped and held the wall for support "You can't faint no Lis, not in your performance clothes" I whispered to myself

But the next thing I knew someone calling me and darkness invading me

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